“It’s a crazy Christmas fight!” Barkley couldn’t help but applaud, he should have gone to watch the game today.

On the field, Tang Ziwen and Popovich also came to hug.

Popovich did not praise how powerful he was and how his physical talent exploded like others, but showed a slight smile, “Don, you are a very amazing player. ”

His tactics were aimed at the Knicks, and he only began to target Tang Ziwen in the second half…

Didn’t expect that.

Still lost!

The Spurs lost badly on the road.

“Fantastic player?”

Tang Ziwen didn’t quite understand what the old man’s praise meant, so he could only speak: “Thank you, this is a ~ wonderful Christmas battle!” ”

“Come on, the Future Alliance has a place for you-!”

The words that came out of Popovich’s mouth were much higher than those that came out of Duncan’s mouth.

Duncan was purely dry humor.

Full game.

The TS brothers seemed to be back on the NCAA court, scoring 69 points together to dominate the game.

The Spurs’ three brothers scored a total of 76 points, and the elder Duncan alone scored 28 points.

Stephen Curry scored 3 points to score a career-high score in a single game in his rookie season.

This is the effect of Tang Ziwen with Curry as the core once he plays an assist.

It’s equivalent to the Warriors suddenly appearing an O’Neal, helping Curry grab rebounds and play assists.

“Ku Ritian” is now a pure shooter, and once the three-point shot is big and the heart soars, it is really terrible!

“Tang, I know that today is because of the rhythm fight, and it was you who gave me an assist, and everyone gave me an assist, to get such a high score.”

The elementary school student scored 37 points, and his pretty face was full of excitement.

This game.

He proved himself!

Tang Ziwen averaged 40+ points per game, while Curry only scored 37 points, just as happy as a child.

“Then don’t open two bottles of champagne to celebrate!” Tang Ziwen teased.

“Then no need, haha!”

After the game, the Knicks and the group all attended the Knicks’ press conference.

“Coach Mike, your disciple has set an amazing record, the only quasi-5-double record in NBA history!”

Comrade Lao De’s face was full of red light.

He naturally knows this.

Throughout the history of the NBA, there has been a senior coach Chamberlain who has won a quasi-5-double, but there is no clear data and it is not officially recognized.

But his disciple, Tang Ziwen, is really quasi-5 pairs!

On the stage of the NBA game

Triple doubles are not that difficult, and the star of each season can often play triple-doubles.

So, what about quadruple doubles?

Although the triple double is difficult, it can still be done with hard work, while the fourth pair is even more difficult, not to the extent that you can work hard.

In the 70-year history of the NBA, only 4 such miracles have occurred.

Nate Thurmond: 2214 rebounds, 13 assists, 12 blocks!

Erwin Robertson 20 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals!

Big Dream Olajuwon: 1 point, 16 rebounds, 10 assists, 11 blocks!

Admiral Robinson: 3410 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 blocks!

Right now.

Tang Ziwen’s quasi-5-double: 32 points, 12 rebounds, 8 blocks and 13 assists, completely broke the record and created a record that is difficult for posterity to surpass.

Now many media have begun to watch this game, replay it, and study how Tang Ziwen’s magical “5 pairs” came about!

“Don, he is an all-round warrior, he is willing to sacrifice himself.”

“He has a lot of offensive ability, even so, he willingly passes the ball to his teammates, he is the core boss of the Knicks, he is the biggest contributor to the games the Knicks won, without him, the Knicks would not have won!”

He has the heart to let Tang Ziwen practice three-pointers………….

Although this training, it is unlikely.

But he felt that Tang Ziwen was an all-powerful warrior.

He can control his score and the pace of the game as he pleases.

No matter what the opponent takes, they can lead their teammates to victory.

Exquisite Crossover’s overbearing dunks, excellent rebounding ability, and even 7 steals.

Can play as a core scorer, can be a coolie blocker rebounder, can be a magical assist.

In addition to three-pointers.

What else is there that Tang Ziwen can’t do?

The development trend of the NBA is to fuzzy positioning players, centers play outside work, forwards play center’s skin, and quarterbacks play point guards.

Tang Ziwen can also wear the skin of a center forward and do what the guard does.

“Mr. Stephen, how do you feel about your personal high of 37 points in a game in your rookie season?”

Curry replied very seriously: “I am very grateful to Tang Universe for helping me block and assist, and thank every player for their trust in me, and even more grateful to Coach Mike for his support to me, so that I can score so many points.” ”

“Tang Universe, I know him very well, his future can definitely become an NBA person, but such a player with explosive physical talent and explosive data in all aspects, can play coolies, can support me so much, I am really moved…”

As he spoke, a line of tears flowed from the corners of Curry’s eyes.


So impressed!

He never thought he could score such a high score in a single game.

“Stephen!” Tang Ziwen was quite helpless in his heart, and hurriedly put his arm around his shoulders and posed to the media!

Feel relieved.

Ku Ri Tian, your subsequent record is a single game high of 54.

“Thank you!”

Now in the NBA, how hard it is to get 37 points.

It’s true!

For Curry, a player who wants to be tall and not tall, and is a rookie who has just joined the league, he can score 37 points and it is a match with the Spurs.

········· Ask for flowers…

It’s so hard!

“We TS brothers definitely win the playoffs, not some East Final!”

In front of all the media, Tang Ziwen set up a Fiag again.

D’Antoni said: “I am very grateful to Coach Donnellson for being able to trade Stephen Curry to us in the Knicks, when the original trade, countless media were underestimating Stephen, and even some media people shouted out that we Knicks executives committed mass suicide.” ”

“Now, Stephen Curry has proven himself, and the Knicks can prove himself too!”

Now Curry’s performance can be said to be directly slapped in the face of some reporters and media.

Moreover, it is still a series of “snap! “.

A group of ESPN, AP, and Internet journalists blushed.

They all seemed to have said that the Knicks traded Curry as a very stupid decision.

……….. 0

Immediately afterwards, there was another brother, an interview with several people from Al Harington.

Walk out of the press conference room.

“Wow.Your performance is amazing, my evaluation of you now is too low!” The big shark O’Neill stepped forward and gave Tang Ziwen a hug heavily.

Tang Ziwen smiled and said, “Shaq, do you specifically stay and wait for me?” ”

“You guessed it!” O’Neill grinned and showed a mouthful of white teeth, “Call your brother Stephen and treat you to a late-night snack.” ”


Stephen in the corridor kept talking to Ayesha and sharing his inner joy.

“I’m looking forward to your All-Star Game, the Slam Dunk Contest, the current NBA box, if you dunk one, it’s hard to imagine that it’s the picture.”

After the press conference, Tang Ziwen called Curry and had a dinner with the shark.

It has to be said.

This guy can really eat.


The Knicks Christmas battle, the big victory over the Spurs, the record set by Tang Ziwen once again shocked the United States.

“The TS brothers teamed up to defeat the Spurs, reminding people of the wonderful performance of New York elementary school students in the NCAA period.” – ESPN Network.

“Knicks rookie Tang Ziwen set a quasi-5-double record in NBA history, creating his legendary single-game record.” —Global Daily, New York.

“Christmas War, New York Great Devil set a record against the sky, worthy of God’s favorite!” — Associated Press News.

Of course.

This storm record, which set a quasi-five-double, soon spread throughout the country.

“Shandong NBA member Ziwen, creating an NBA history record.” – Basketball Vanguard.

This record soon spread throughout Tieba , forums, news, sports weekly, and “Tang Mi” was really completely crazy, and there was a fierce discussion and discussion!

It is simply the pinnacle of the life of “Tang Mi”!

Hold your horses.

Just the beginning of the mountain! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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