Before Noado had time to think, the Knicks had launched a wave of crazy offense.

Instead of steadying, Kidd accelerated across the halfway line, and the entire Bulls began chasing the players they were targeting.


When Tang Ziwen ran to the low position, Noah just came back to defend and immediately spread his arms.

However, he did not pause after receiving the ball, and the very smooth Crossover, lightning acceleration broke through Noah.

We all know that Ross’s first step is fast.

Tang Ziwen is not inferior in the slightest, and faster!

Seeing this, Salmons immediately assisted in defense, and Tang Ziwen turned around very flexibly to open the distance, jumped lightly, and sent the ball to the basket.


“Don’s style of play is becoming more and more energy-saving and very efficient, Hakim, which is all due to your individual training.” D’Antoni praised.

He could clearly see Tang Ziwen’s growth.

Since becoming a draft pick, the Knicks have been in the preseason until the first few games of the regular season.

Tang Ziwen’s scoring method is a brave back single, and a strong dunk under the basket, which is more physically demanding.

Right now.

The style of play can be brutal, but it becomes lighter, more dashing, and much more efficient.

Big dream Olajuwang smiled slightly: “He can be said to be half of my disciple, but all by his own talent, Ewing also taught Howard, Howard’s technique is not nervous, with a physical talent far beyond ordinary people, the technical style of play is the mainstream, more suitable for the current alliance.” ”

Hand-to-hand combat.

It has long been unsuitable for the current alliance!

On the court, the Knicks used a defensive tactic.

However, Rose’s style of play is very fierce, he has a quick crossover, and then a step of acceleration to break through Curry.

Curry’s eyes trembled, “It’s really fast, this guy….”

Rose burst into the air and cut inside with lightning speed, and a large disguised dribble evaded Iguodala’s defense.

Then, he jumped high on the left side of the rim.

Tang Ziwen’s eyes trembled.


Ross in this state is really a well-deserved killer.

Just when Tang Ziwen was about to prepare to block, Ross dodged Tang Ziwen’s block with a large folding lever, and then the whole person seemed to float in the air, landing on the ground, and quickly threw the ball to the basket.

It’s just playing with your body!

Bulls fans screamed.

Ross’s signature aerial megalever has a high finish rate.

Although Tang Ziwen had a long enough arm span, he still didn’t reach the basketball, when he landed ready to grab the rebound.

Noah has already grabbed the ball, and he jumped to meet Tang Ziwen’s head, his eyes were fierce, his expression was very fierce, and he grabbed the ball with his right hand and wanted to block the button.

“This kid is very fierce!”

Tang Ziwen’s eyes trembled, and then his eyes jumped sharply, and the muscles of his right arm rattled crisply, and he catalyzed a terrifying force, and his right hand slapped the basketball fiercely.

He underestimated the speed of Tang Ziwen’s second jump.

Hand of God!

This way it is closed.


With a slap down, Noa’s whole person directly flipped on his back, the ball flew out, and the whole person fell heavily to the ground on all fours.

The sudden scene made the stadium a lot quieter in an instant.

The players on both sides on the court were confused.

Noaa, was directly covered to the ground?

“Wow. It’s a big blood cap, Jokinoa was directly covered and fell to the ground, God, it’s unbelievable!”

Noah is 211 points tall and looks very strong!

Oh, my God.

How is this possible?

Home Bulls fans were in disbelief.

The Great Demon King is also too ferocious!

“Oh, the iron and blood big cap, one slap will turn Norgai’s people on their backs, Tang Ziwen’s strength is really too strong.” Zhang Reasonable exclaimed excitedly, this block is definitely selected as the top ten balls again…..

Yu Jia stood up directly.

“This cap, in our idiom, really has the momentum of giving up others.”

Giorginoa is known for his passionate style of play, and he fights for every ball on the court.

He will always try to bring his opponents to his knees with trash talk and physical confrontation, and is the typical “teammate loves him and opponent hates him” player.

No doubt.

Noah is a little madman.

This little madman, but the covered man turned on his back.

On the court, Ross, Hinrich and several people did not have time to help Noah, and the Knicks had launched a stormy attack.

Tang Ziwen got Kidd’s pass and hit the Bulls’ basket with a bang, and the iconic Tomahawk-style split button slammed into the frame.

He jumped up, and no one on the Bulls dared to jump up and block.

This is the deterrent power of the “Great Devil” ………. Ahem!


There were heavy screams of pain from the rim.

The Knicks quickly returned to defense.

“Don, so scared…. Who is in place with you is really his nightmare. ”

Stephen Curry chewed his braces and was also startled.

He felt.

Tang Ziwen is really a killing god!

Knoer had already gotten up from the ground, immediately chased Tang Ziwen, gasped slightly, gritted his teeth and provocatively said: “Dude, you kid this cover is very powerful, it’s really my shame, joining the NBA once was covered on the ground, Apple City big devil, have the ability to do it again.” ”

Suddenly, Tang Ziwen was a little confused.

Provoke him?

It was also the first time he had been provoked.

The fiery temperament of Wolf King Garnett did not dare to provoke him.

Tang Ziwen shrugged his shoulders and said with a flirtatious smile: “Your dunk power is too small, can you use the strength of your two-year-old milk, oh!” It’s so soft, I’ll order you a burger at halftime. ”

Listen to this.

Noa’s face immediately turned very livid, and he dared to say that his strength was soft…

The king of the Great Devil (money) is also too arrogant.

“You have strength, and you are nothing more than a brute force boar!”

Tang Ziwen smiled slightly.

He wants to tell Noah with practical actions, who is the wild boar?

Rose’s crazy layup, like a desperate saborg, the extreme lever threw the ball into the basket.

Tang Ziwen was severely stuck by Noah, and this guy didn’t want to defend closely, not letting Tang Ziwen interfere with Ross’s score.

“Want to interfere with Derek’s layup? I won’t let you do it! ”

4:2 The Bulls finally scored 2 points.

Kidd also heard Noah and Tang Ziwen spraying trash talk, and under Iguodala’s block, he flicked his wrist and threw the ball high into Tang Ziwen’s hand.

“Good show, it’s about to start….!”

Kidd was clear and straight.

Dare to spray Tang Ziwen on the field, it is undoubtedly looking for abuse.

This kid is going to be miserable!

This is what all the Knicks players really think. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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