“Bang bang!”

Just when Tang Ziwen stood outside the three-point line of the basket, everyone in the audience held their breath and stared at Tang Ziwen without blinking.

Footage from the scene, and four people on the pitch carrying cameras.

They want to shoot Tang Ziwen’s wonderful dunk in all directions without dead ends.

“Here it comes!” Bryant exclaimed.

He was looking forward to Tang Ziwen’s performance too much.

Tang Ziwen quickly crossed the three-point line while possessing the ball, and when his left foot just reached the free throw line, he slapped the basketball heavily on the ground.

Only heard the sound of “bang”, the basketball bounced straight in the sky, and the figure had risen like a cannonball, holding the ball firmly in his hands with his arms stretched out and raised high, as if the whole person had become a demon king-like imposing momentum, which made people feel suffocated.

His body rotated 369 degrees from left to right, as if a whirlwind was blowing all around. “Eight Five Seven”

“Iron hammer of destruction!”


The basketball in his hand turned into a sharp hammer and slammed heavily into the basket frame.

Maybe it’s because it’s so crisp!

After the basket frame made a “boom” sound, it was directly dunked by him.

The reinforced safety glass on the basket frame instantly clicked and shattered into pieces.

The basket rack was comfortingly placed there.

The arena is newly built, and the basket rack is also newly formulated, so naturally it needs to be a little stronger.

Rao is so.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded?

What’s the situation?

The glass shattered.


Just when everyone was in a daze, Tang Ziwen excitedly threw the basket frame into the sky!

The stadium of Noda has exploded again!

The big shark O’Neill rushed into the court and slammed the “oral liquid” in his hand to the ground.


Kobe Bryant looked excited, “God, do you have innate divine power?” The current basket is not the nineties, and two shaks can’t do it! ”

Fried it, fried it!

The fans are crazy, the media is crazy, the reporters are crazy, and the “Tang Mi” in front of the TV is also crazy.

Tang Ziwen dunked the basket frame again.

Oh, God.

Is he really human?



The tide of the “Tang Universe” has not been able to subside for a long time, and the stadium of Norda has been blown up three times, and finally it is blown up again…

Taylor Swift couldn’t help but run off the court, quickly ran to Tang Ziwen’s side, and hugged him happily.

Tang Ziwen held Mei Mei for three turns before stopping.

Elizabeth Olsen, her pretty face flushed, “Don, your dunk is so beautiful and handsome.” She was very bold and snorted on Tang Ziwen’s face.

Taylor Swift didn’t respond, as if he didn’t care in the slightest.

Tang Ziwen was also confused, was this little girl excited?

And then.

O’Neill hugged him fiercely.

How could Tang Ziwen withstand such a tonnage and be directly crushed to the ground.

Then, the sausage mouth of the big shark kissed Tang Ziwen’s face fiercely.

“Big shark, I %#%#XXX个大星星!”

He was kissed on the face by Elizabeth was a pleasure, but this big shark’s sausage mouth.


Taylor Swift couldn’t help but cover his mouth and snicker.

On the Scarlett Johansson aisle court, the “widow sister” hugged Tang Ziwen very closely, and then stood on tiptoe, “Don, I’m your fan now, let’s have a meeting with the fans.” ”

She had just experienced a failed marriage, and her heart had been conquered by Tang Ziwen’s handsomeness…

Such a man, how good it should be her!

Why is it Taylor Little Niko’s.

“Meet and greet?” Tang Ziwen immediately reacted, it turned out to be a “veneer gift”

He and the “widow” touched face to face.

This is American friendship.

There is a slight hug between men, and between men and women, there is this veneer gift!

Taylor is also not jealous, which is a normal thing in her opinion, and she is even happy for actresses like Scarlett to become fans of Tang Ziwen.

After about 15 minutes of cheering, Tang Ziwen got about 100,000 votes, there were a few Raptors fans, and DeRozan felt that DeRozan was pitiful, casting thousands of votes…

His total number of votes is 99.7%!

DeRozan is pathetic, only 0.3%!

The champion of the Slam Dunk Contest is no longer in suspense!

“Don, what do you think, what do you want to say to the fans?”

As he lifted the Slam Dunk Contest trophy, reporters from the Cowboys’ home court couldn’t help but ask 0….

“I’m sorry for breaking the basket on the court, I still have to pay for how much this basket should be fined, but I decided to buy this rim!”

David Stern looked embarrassed.

This kid is also too polite.

A basket frame for you.

As for the fine?

The atmosphere of continuous explosions this evening can not be compared with this fine.

“Next year’s dunk contest, I will come again~!”

What Tang Ziwen said made the fans cheer wildly in an instant, which made the stars of the two teams in the east and west look helpless.

Wade and several people saw Tang Ziwen dunked so enthusiastically, they couldn’t help but want to sign up for next year’s dunk contest.

As a result, he also had to participate.

Do you want them to live?

Next year’s Slam Dunk Contest winner is Blake Griffin.

Silly Fen overwhelmed the whole field and achieved a good result as the champion.

Of course, Tang Ziwen wanted to destroy a kick.

“Don, you’re really cool.” Austin couldn’t help but praise, his cash cow is also too terrible, if it continues like this, he feels that he can become a little rich man by earning the money of Tang Ziwen’s endorsement…

At the press conference after the game, Tang Ziwen did not have any sleepiness at all.

He has been helplessly coping with the reporter’s interview, if it were not for the CCTV reporter’s interview, he would have directly pushed the press conference.

It’s past one o’clock in the morning!

Tang Ziwen met Yu Jia, Su Qun, and Zhang Reason, three commentators of CCTV.

“Ziwen, your 0.0 four buckles in a game, it is absolutely difficult for people to surpass later, it’s really great, we yellow people can also fly.” Zhang Li said excitedly.

He shook hands with the three big guys.

Tang Ziwen said: “The fans and the NBA layer have great expectations for me, how can I disappoint everyone.” ”

Su Qun said: “Ziwen, the champion of the dunk contest is very meaningful, you are the first Chinese to win the dunk contest, yellow people, your news will definitely flood the domestic network tomorrow.” ”

“Yes, your dunk champion, but it’s very weighty.”

“Haha!” Tang Ziwen touched his head, and was praised so much by these three heavyweight CCTV commentators, it was inevitable that he was a little embarrassed.


PS: Don’t dunk the basket frame anymore, just buckle the basket frame down….. Originally, Tang Ziwen’s dunk was very sci-fi.

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