Phoenix, also known as Phoenix.

Today, the Suns’ home stadium, the “American West” arena, has a 100% attendance!

The ticket price was once doubled, making the league’s top brass happy!

David Stern said: “Tang Ziwen has many nicknames, but my favorite is his “God of Dunks”, more domineering than the hand of God, he is simply the league’s traffic star, wherever he goes, the stadium ticket price will skyrocket! ~”

Today, CCTV is responsible for commenting – Su Qun and Yang Yi.

Old man Zhang Reasonable is 60 years old this year, and he always has to reasonably adjust the time of the explanation work.

“Today’s game is another national broadcast, and many people are watching to see if Ziwen can create another miracle and tie Chamberlain’s record of nine consecutive doubles.” Qun said.

The league is not missing a chance to hype, as long as the media and journalists hype the heat, a regular season ticket is much more expensive than the playoffs.

The point is that fans still don’t think there are enough seats and buy it.

Yang Yi said with a smile: “Ziwen is now a veritable first person in China, there are very few players who can enter the NBA, and the person who can create such a myth in a single season is probably the only one in the next few decades!” ”

Su Qun smiled and said nothing.

Decades to come?

Even if it is a hundred years, even if someone can surpass Yao Ming, I am afraid that he will not be able to surpass Tang Ziwen.

Even American stars cannot surpass Tang Ziwen.

The Suns were overcrowded, and D’Antonis’ heart was quite complicated….

He used to coach the Suns and put in too much effort.

Suns fans still miss D’Antoni very much….. There is no doubt that when D’Antoni was in charge of the Suns, the run-and-bomb tactics at that time took the Suns to a height.

Comrade Lao De has worked for the team since 2003 and won the honor of the best coach in the NBA in the 2004-05 season.

He led the team to a 62-20 regular season record and was eliminated in the Western Conference finals for the second year in a row.

“Don, how are you doing today?”

“OK, no problem at all.”

Tang Ziwen’s state is indeed very low at times, but as soon as he stood on the morning court, his inner desire to win immediately made him extremely sober.

He is more eager to win than defeat~!

“Today’s initiative is Don, no matter what tactics the other party uses, you have to pass the ball to Tang, understand?” D’Antoni asked seriously.


The group shouted in unison.

If the Knicks do well, he D’Antoni will also be the best coach in the East.

The fame that Tang Ziwen brought him was too beneficial.

Comrade Lao De didn’t care about the victory of this game, anyway, the Knicks won so many games, how about losing one.

As long as Tang Ziwen’s data reaches three doubles.

That’s what he’s for.

The value of a person’s “nine consecutive three-doubles” equals Chamberlain, what is the concept?

Therefore, in this game, Comrade Lao De did not formulate any battles, and he could pass the ball to Tang Ziwen to play.

Curry, Kidd, and a few brothers have their hearts.

The coach has the intention to help Tang Ziwen brush the data of the triple-double.

“Coach Mike must miss the Suns.”

“Of course I miss it.”

A smile lit up at the corner of D’Antonis’s mouth.

He prefers the Suns’ Nash, who is better suited to run-and-bomb tactics than Kidd, a traditional playmaker point guard, and even though he has now adapted to the Knicks’ rhythm, he still wants to poach Nash next season…….

But the Suns’ general manager, Kerr, can’t let Nash go.

Nash is the core of the sun~!

Back to normal.

Both sides warmed up.

After the warm-up, the home camera turned to the starters on the pitch.

The Suns fielded the strongest starting lineup.

Steve Nash, Stoudemire, Grant Hill, Channing Fry, Jason Richardson.

This lineup is quite luxurious.

The Suns used this lineup to sweep the Spurs 4-0 in the second round of the playoffs!

The Knicks start unchanged, Tang Ziwen, Kidd, Jason Smith, Iguodala.

Comrade Lao De did not send Curry to play, but simply played the first half with Tang Ziwen as the core.

“Even if you lose the game, let Don get a triple-double.” D’Antoni sighed inwardly, he was a little worried about Tang Ziwen, often the desire to win was particularly strong, and sometimes he would sacrifice himself for the victory of the game.

Such a player who has the same ability to sacrifice himself as Duncan in exchange for the victory of the team is simply a piece of jade!

0······· Ask for flowers…

On the field.

Tang Ziwen easily took the first opportunity from Stoudemire’s head.

For Stoudemire, he still appreciates it, the two have been undefended in the All-Star Game, and they have been fighting wildly until the final quarter.

In the first quarter, what made D’Antoni feel relaxed was that the current head coach of the Suns, Gentry, did not target Tang Ziwen.

Honestly competing for offense and being ruthless in offense is the right choice.

The Thunder team were exhausted to target the whole game, constantly fouled, let Tang Ziwen free 40 balls, there are no restrictions too much….

Therefore, the “chopping the tang” tactic is not valid!

“Perfect hand shape ah~, close to Chamberlain, won ten consecutive triple-doubles.”

……. 0

Kidgo threw it to the high-ranking Tang Ziwen.

After Tang Ziwen took the ball, he just pulled up and jumped.

He unscrupulously pulled the basket.


Two points into the net.

The Knicks opened fire first.

Tang Ziwen’s idea is very simple, shooting at close range, can’t shoot, desperately grabbing rebounds to get the rebounding data.

A player who can’t brush data is not a good player, as long as the strength matches, even if it becomes a big brush, all the fans will support you.

Your strength is not good, and you still want to brush the data on the field, then don’t blame people and scold~!

The Suns’ offense is simple, Nash organizes a particularly smooth tandem, plays well with the teammates’ offense, and Stoudemire’s blocking and dismantling defense is also top-notch.

At the same time, it is also a showdown between the two organizations’ point guards.

Nash and Kidd are both the league’s top assist kings, and both have each won 5 assist king honors.

But to Tang Ziwen, the feeling is that the old rogue Kidd is better and more stable.

But now Kidd, far less than Nash can run!

But either way, both are arguably the best passing masters of the 21st century.

After the first quarter, Tang Ziwen scored 16 points, 7 rebounds and 1 assist, and his statistics were very luxurious.

Triple-double progression.


Very satisfied.

“Coach Mike, I have a suggestion.”

D’Antoni pricked up his ears, “What suggestion?” ”

“Big four small advice beggar.” _

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