The Heat team composed of the Big Three, Tang Ziwen is still a little jealous, but now the Heat, it is Wade who carries the offensive end.

Beasley was almost unable to run by Iguodala, and could only help his teammates cover, and could not block the attack of Ichigo at his peak.

“Bang!” As soon as Tang Ziwen dribbled, he was fouled and sent to the free throw line.

“The Heat really can’t help, as long as Tang Ziwen gets the ball, he will be sent to the free throw line!” Zhang said reasonably.

Yu Jia nodded, “Ziwen can’t get it by fouling, his free throw percentage is as high as 90 or more, and he rarely misses. ”

“Uh, uh, ——!”

Both free throws hit them all.

“Don, I feel like you alone can burst a team with four substitutes!”

When he returned to defense, Stephen Curry chuckled and spoke.

He is not joking, he feels that Tang Ziwen can dominate the inside strongly, and now he has learned to shoot backwards to the basket, and he feels invincible~

It’s true.

The score is too strong.

It is difficult for others to score, but Tang Ziwen is strong and relaxed, like a horror scoring machine without emotion.

“Huh? What stupid thing are you talking about. Tang Ziwen glanced at Curry, this stupid child must be “five eight seven” frightened by his scoring ability.

“We are the tsunami brothers, let’s fight for victory~, until we win the championship.”

He has a good relationship with Curry, and even if he doesn’t play together in a few years, he will send Curry to play under “Steve Kerr”, and such a system player must build a team around him to play a more important role.


Curry nodded heavily, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he chewed the braces in his mouth hard.

Spoelstra frowned slightly and looked at the stadium with concern.

He really couldn’t help it, and he couldn’t think of how to defend against Tang Ziwen’s tactics.

He believes that the “chopping Tang” tactic still has a certain effect.

On the one hand, Tang Ziwen’s free throw shooting rate is not 100%, which can reduce the number of points.

On the other hand, foul Tang Ziwen can transfer defensive intensity to others, and can disrupt the Knicks’ fast-paced scoring, reducing the tempo of the game at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends.

They don’t run as well as the Heat.

Kill two birds with one stone.

This tactic is beautiful.

But once it was implemented, it still made his head bitter.

The sound of free throws going into the net sounded as if they were giving points to the Knicks.

On the field.

“Whew~!” Wade took a deep breath, steadied his pace and slowly advanced beyond the three-point line.

Zhang Reasonable began to bombard the explanation again: “Wade passed the ball to Beasley, and it was Iguodala who defended Beasley, and Beasley still shot bravely~!” ”


Beasley strikes iron.

The rebound bounced near the free throw line.

As soon as Wade took the ball, he roundhouse and hugged the ball to avoid Curry’s defense, a lightning-fast stride, the left side floated to the right, and the ball in both hands slammed heavily towards the rim.


A boom sounded.

Wade patted his chest and tapped his head hard.

Such a dunk, in the duel between him and the Knicks, has not been taken out for a long time.

The Heat’s bench players flicked their jerseys.

Little O’Neill and Haslem gritted their teeth desperately, restricting Tang Ziwen in hand-to-hand combat, and preventing Tang Ziwen’s defensive ability from playing too much effect, it was too difficult!


The defenses of both sides escalated, almost frantically desperate.

Stuck by two desperate players, dead defense, Tang Ziwen can only smile bitterly.

“Don, sorry~, I’m defensive too

“Bang!” Tang Ziwen knocked heavily on Curry’s head

“What do you think stupid, the other party’s promising Flash Wade, the first player of the 03 platinum generation to win a championship, you are just a rookie, we are not defending and attacking.”

Curry’s self-blame made Tang Ziwen a little angry.

One word, dry!

Just do it and you’re done!

“Don! I understand! ”

“Stephen, be arrogant!”


“That’s right, we’re going to sweep the heat arrogantly!”

Another stormy offense, the Knicks won’t be as slow and steady as the Heat.

Kidd dribbled the ball around the sideline to the right with his right hand and flicked his right wrist hard.


The basketball quickly arrived in Curry’s hand.

Curry’s fast Crossover, under Tang Ziwen’s cooperative block, quickly broke through the inside line in a big stride, and also has superb breakthrough ability.

He is neither a point guard nor a shooting guard, but an all-around dual-guard.

After Curry cut into the inside, Yu Guang swept Tang Ziwen behind, and a pull rod high throw threw the ball above the basket frame to avoid colliding with people, and the whole person also glided and fell to the ground.

Tang Ziwen rushed into the inside line with great momentum, grabbed the ball with his right hand and paused in the air for .5 seconds, and smashed the ball into the basket with great force.


“Wow. The air relay connection from the tsunami brother is so cool, what are we?”

DJ Wilson roared and asked the fans very frantically.

“The City of Empty Connections!”

Nearly 20,000 fans shouted in unison.

The fans were very cooperative, and D’Antoni looked at the old face flushed with excitement.

He is also worried that Tang Ziwen will not be able to play the regular season level in the playoffs.

Now that he thinks about it, he really should have slapped himself hard.

Tang Ziwen’s style of ball, wide open and close, like a sharp sword blade, the whole person is sharp, more fierce than the regular season!

Danny Green, Jason Smith, Eddie Curry, the ten men on the bench frantically flicked their towels, jumping in place, with excited looks on their faces.

It’s so cool~!


Stephen Curry jumped up and hit Tang Ziwen’s side, and the two slapped another high-five.

The celebratory actions of the two of them are almost the same, there is no Lebulang’s overlord step, and there is no “salt on the wound” of Haji stone

Almost one hand of Qi brushing beat his chest, and the other pointed to the sky!

“That’s it, Stephen, arrogant~!”

Curry grinned, “Arrogant! ”

Wade was very tired, he had just staged a two-handed slam, and Tang Ziwen was a presumptuous and arrogant air relay in a blink of an eye…….

The first quarter played 7 minutes, Tang Ziwen and Kidd took a break.

The Heat’s scoring efficiency is completely incomparable to that of the Knicks.

Tang Ziwen slashed 18 points in seven minutes, Kidd’s second pass and Curry’s second pass, he can unscrupulously relay in the air, and because of the sneakers under his feet, he jumps higher, easier, and the air relay is more relaxed.

After he got off the field.

Iguodala carried the attack on the inside!

The current brother is very fierce, with interior athleticism and scoring ability under the basket.

Averaged 17 points, 6.5 rebounds, 5.8 assists per game, and his ability to score inside in a single round was second in the Knicks, and the aging Kidd averaged only 12.6 points per game!

But there’s no denying that Kidd’s assists are the highest in every game!

As long as Kidd passes to Tang Ziwen, he can get an assist, and if it weren’t for Curry sharing Tang Ziwen’s scoring assists, Kidd would definitely be able to overwhelm Nash and win the assist king this season.

At the end of the first quarter, the Knicks scored more than 30 points in total.


The Knicks lead by 14.

Wade is not an iron man either, and he also has to rest.

Spoelstra had to arrange for Wade to take a break, and once he encountered a strong enemy, Wade was the fulcrum of the team’s firepower and had to rest well.

“Iguodala’s inside scoring ability is okay, when Don is on the field, he can be arranged to take turns and replace Don on the field!”

D’Antoni folded his hands in front of his chest and pondered inside.

Tang Ziwen’s interior dominance is too strong, and Iguodala’s interior ability is very strong, and he can only help defend his teammates.

The two played together, Iguodala was much less useful, not to mention his own waste of physical strength, and his efficiency was much reduced.

The second quarter is the first to play.

Wade came up and slashed alone and hit the shot.

Turning around, Tang Ziwen ran to the low post, and as soon as he got the ball.

The Heat panicked not only by the coaching staff, but even Wade on the court.

Tang Ziwen is really a terrifying beast, an unlimited scoring machine.

Only fouls can stop him!

Little O’Neill took a deep breath and immediately resisted it.

“Phew!” Tang Ziwen grabbed the ball with his right hand and threw it in the direction of Curry, and the fake immediately attracted the attention of others, and a hit passed 1.9 steadily into the line of Harrington’s hand.

Harrington took the ball and slammed the basket with both hands.

Tang Ziwen attracted the attention of Haslem’s assistant defense, and the focus was on not paying attention to Harrington.

“Pretty~!” Tangzi praised.

“Don! You passed well. ”

The black big brother showed white teeth and an excited smile on the corners of his mouth.

Elementary school student Curry was deceived, and thought that Tang Ziwen really wanted to pass it on to him…….

“It’s a little messy, it’s a little messy~!” Spoelstra wrinkled his brows, with a bad premonition in his heart.

Even if Tang Ziwen is targeted, a gorgeous feint pass can bring rhythm to his teammates, which is simply terrifying.

Zhang Reasonable sighed: “Hey, this hand fake action pass, really the same as the magician, extremely gorgeous~, many domestic fans are discussing which position Ziwen is more suitable for, and the guard ability is also very good!” ”

“Why didn’t Ziwen shoot three-pointers? His mid-range shooting is really accurate, and the three-point shot should be right~! Yu Jia asked.

“This needs to ask him, maybe share the work of three-pointers with his partner Stephen Curry!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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