Soon, a wooden table was placed on the stage.

Tang Ziwen and O’Neill want to wrench their wrists, and it is indeed quite interesting to compete for muscle strength.

However, it seems that in terms of tonnage, O’Neill is better.

“Don, I’m ready for a thousand dollars~!”

“I’m okay with that!”

He doesn’t despise the Sharks just because he’s older, and O’Neal’s bad dunks are indeed the muscular strength he once had.

At that time, O’Neal played with the Magic and was nowhere near as fat as he is now.

For the two of them, a thousand dollars is nothing at all, and it is not enough to cover the price of the clothes they are wearing now.

“Wow. from the competition of two men!” Eren walked up to the two people, with a smile on his lips, and put their palms together.

“Man, it’s about to start~!” O’Neill grinned softly.

“Come on!”

Suddenly, Tang Ziwen felt a terrifying force coming from his left arm, and then his face remained steady.

On the other hand, O’Neill’s muscle arm in his right hand pressed down with all his strength, and even a flesh face bulged.

“So nervous~!” The widowed sister Scarlett covered her small mouth and looked at Tang Ziwen in surprise, “He is really bursting with power.” ”

Ten seconds later, O’Neill suddenly opened his mouth to reveal a mouthful of white teeth, and deliberately grimaced.

“I’m @@@#%…”

Tang Ziwen cursed in his heart!

It’s so mean, this fat man.

He couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and as soon as he let go, his arm was suddenly pressed down by O’Neill.

O’Nelton got up and shouted wildly, patting his strong chest like a gorilla, and then posing for a Poce.

Scarlett was speechless, and silently complained in her heart: “Obviously, Tang’s face does not change color, it is as stable as a rock, and your face is red, so I came up with this trick to let the opponent lose his strength.” ”

Tang Ziwen deliberately let a big shark, how could he be discharged with his psychological quality, anyway, the effect of the show, he didn’t seriously wrench the wrist with O’Neill.

The show continues.

The two sat down on the sofa again.

“Don! Do you think your future achievements will surpass Shaq? Eren asked teasingly.

Tang Ziwen smiled and slowly spoke: “Probably at the age of 25/6 will be my peak, now I am only 21 years old, of course I have the confidence to surpass Shaq~”

O’Neill: “Beyond my historical status, but I need to speak by the number of championship rings!” ”

“Give me time, anything is possible.” Tang Ziwen smiled lightly: “And I will play the position of small forward like Lebraang in the future, but the most likely is a big forward like Tim Duncan~!” ”

“Don, what are you most afraid of in life?” Eren asked.

Tang Ziwen thought for a while and replied, “The thing that scares me the most is really nothing. ”

It’s not that he doesn’t want to answer, in this life, he is too afraid of things.

Allen then interviewed O’Neill about several questions.

With his rich experience and extreme brain, the big shark answered Allen’s question with great humor.

“Don, many female fans have good muscle lines, do you think your abs and body can rank first in the league?”

“Huh? Muscles? Tang Ziwen was stunned for a few seconds, and then chuckled: “I don’t know how beautiful my muscles are, but at least compared to Shaq, it’s absolutely fine!” ”

The big shark O’Neill pouted, and then directly tore off his top, and then put out a few bodybuilders’ exclusive Poce, which made the audience scream uncontrollably.

Because, the big shark O’Neill really has a few abs.

“Did this guy draw it?” Tang Ziwen couldn’t help but look at him, and then laughed maniacally.

This dog goods!

I don’t know which artist drew it, but I really drew a few abdominal lines for O’Neill, this silly big fat man emotional intelligence is really high and ruthless, making the audience laugh is simply first-class!

Indeed, O’Neill amused the audience.

“I think Lebraun’s muscle line should be recognized as the first, but limited to the current players, the retired Karl Malone has more beautiful muscles.”

Tang Ziwen smiled slightly.

“Don, can you take a look at your abs?” Allen silently complained in his heart, “Can you be as positive as Shaq and quickly take off your top~!” ”

Tang Ziwen is certainly very open, but it is not yet to that point.

He quickly took off the $30 Nike short sleeves, and he was really reluctant to tear his clothes directly like O’Neill.

“wow.this is also too Ma~!”


A burst of crazy screams came, and the girls in the audience were as crazy as a pack of wolves.

Scarlett felt the breath of the man up close, and the almost perfect body was displayed in the eyes of everyone, and the distinct abdominal muscle lines seemed to be portrayed as perfectly, full of a certain sense of beauty.

His stature matches his height, and he does not weigh much, somewhat similar to Lebron James, except that he thinks he is ten thousand times more handsome than Lebraun.

“That’s the perfect muscle line!” The old woman Allen stepped forward and touched her hand, and Tang Ziwen suddenly felt a stirring in his heart.

This old woman was married to a woman, a famous homosexual.

NBA players usually don’t particularly deliberately exercise the abdominal muscle line, and the surface fat is not deliberately exercised.

Their muscles are real muscles, and the inconspicuous abs line does not mean that NBA players are not demanding of themselves, but in order to better play the game and prevent their injuries caused by fierce body collisions.

Tang Ziwen has been exercising since college, and then he trained the devil to make his muscle line go to a higher level.

“Hey! Tang, I feel that you can go part-time as a male model, you can definitely make a lot of money, and participating in the male model competition, you can definitely easily win the championship. ”

In the audience, there was another burst of laughter.

Tang Ziwen put on his shirt and sat next to Scarlett again.

The program recording is very tired, Tang Ziwen is really a little nervous, after all, it is the first time to participate in a variety show type of show as a guest.

Allen asked Scarlett and Emma Roberts a few more questions one after another.

Allen knew that these two girls were coming for Tang Ziwen…

“Don, many Knicks fans may be watching this live show, is there anything you want to say to your fans?”

Tang Ziwen paused, “Thank you for your support of me, I have prepared for the next playoffs, and I am ready to look forward to my performance in the next game.” (Okay) Oh.”

“Thank you for participating in “The Ellen Show”, this live broadcast broke the ratings ever, many Knicks fans heard your words, let’s congratulate Don and congratulate him on his NBA career all the way.”

The recording of this “The Ellen Show” is also over.

A few people returned to the backstage, the big shark said hello, and left Rhône Film and Television City, there was a game of knights and magic in the afternoon, but there can be no more waves…….

“Don, will we have a meal together?” I know there is a good restaurant in Los Angeles~! ”

Emma Roberts just wanted to open her mouth to invite Tang Ziwen, but she didn’t expect to be spoken first by Scarlett.

“Huh? Dine….. This look, I’m afraid you will eat me. ”

Even if he was stupid, he could see that the widowed sister was interesting to him….

Scarlett’s face suddenly turned red, and she frowned lightly, “That’s not good.” ”

“xxxxx!” Tangzi silently complained in her heart that Scarlett was against monogamy and was indeed a different woman. _

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