After the Eastern Conference finals, Tang Ziwen has no plans to use the “urine” shield to get rid of the press conference!

Facing a group of microphones to his mouth, D’Antoni slowly spoke with a red face.

“Everything is like a dream, last season the Knicks were the bottom team in the East, and this season it took off and reached the Finals.”

His tone was full of excitement.

“I think~, the Knicks have formed countless lineups in the past ten years of drafts, and the luckiest thing is to sign Don in the draft!”

The ESPN reporter continued to ask with a smile.

“Coach Mike, the Knicks will build a team with Don in the future, I have to say that he is a player who transcends human limits, is there anything you want to say to him?”

Mike D’Anthony struggled to squeeze a tear back.

“Madam Reporter, Don is the best player I’ve ever coached, and I’m thankful for coming to the Knicks.”

“Without him, the Knicks can hardly get to this 17 steps, he is the savior of the Knicks, the hero of New York fans, in the future, he will have the same extreme personal heroism as Michael and Kobe!”

D’Antoni routinely praised Tang Ziwen, seizing the opportunity to ignore “three seven twenty-eight”, which was a burst of chaos.

Of course, he also blew very reasonably.

Tang Ziwen is really a little tired~!

It’s not just physical exhaustion, it’s inner exhaustion.

Single-core combat is too tiring, and he can slightly understand why James huddles~!

He can always understand why the “Little Emperor” fans can say that…

“Wait and step down, my emperor is tired!”

“A group of Tie Hanhan teammates, Zhan Huang really can’t take it~!”

“My emperor’s personal ability is invincible, and the others are really too bad.”


Huddle for a while, but the reputation is a crematorium!


The Knicks emerged.

The exhaustion in his heart also completely disappeared.

Everything is worth it.

Next season, the Knicks will strengthen their roster, and he may play a little easier.

To be honest, for Tang Ziwen in the new era, he will not be as dead as Kobe, and he can go it alone and never pass to his teammates!

He’s the complete opposite, and as long as his teammates are sure to score, he doesn’t want to take a break.

But joining the Knicks’ rookie season is not allowed~!

Unless he gives up his rookie season to win the championship.

He decided that during the offseason, he absolutely wanted to travel, take a vacation, relax and release himself.

“Don, you’re now the number one mate selection standard for female Knicks fans.” The female reporter teased with a smile.

“Is that so? What about you? ”

The female reporter covered her mouth and smiled, “It’s a pity that I’m already married~, if you don’t mind, I divorced my husband.” ”

Tang Ziwen: “…”

“I heard that you like girlfriends with supermodel bodies, and many female fans of the Knicks are working hard to exercise, lose weight, plasticize, and build a model body.”

“Ahem, let’s get down to business.”

He was rather embarrassed.

“What do you want to say to Knicks fans? Whether or not they are confident of winning this year’s championship, many New Yorkers have already played a loud slogan, which is “Knicks championship”, and New Yorkers have not been so much looking forward to the Finals in more than a decade. ”

Tang Ziwen thought for a while and replied: “I want to tell them that I love them, and I will do my best in the finals, even if I lose, I will not leave any regrets!” ”

“How do you feel about being able to reach the Finals of the highest competition as a core player in your rookie season?” The reporter asked again.


Tang Ziwen paused, but his tone was very flat.

“I’m very proud because it’s really something that is difficult for ordinary people to do, and I’m very happy, very excited, very emotional, because at the previous All-Star Game, my idol Kobe Bryant did not participate, and I was a little disappointed.”

“I’m looking forward to playing against idols in the Finals for a hearty showdown, Kobe, are you ready?”

Facing the camera recorded by the reporter, he asked questions from the heart with a smile on his lips.

Presumably, Kobe will see this simple video interview later.


“Coach Van Gundy, why do you think the Magic were able to beat the powerful Cavaliers and be swept away by the Knicks?”

ESPN reporters also interviewed Magic coach Van Gundy and star Howard the Monster.

“Although the Knicks are considered by the media to be a rookie and older team, everyone has been deceived, they have the highest efficiency in the league, and the team that has averaged few turnovers per game since the regular season, and has the fewest mistakes in the league.”


“He’s a defender and a striker in the guise of a center, and he should compare it to LeBron James.”

Little Emperor James: “??? , I XXX you gorilla ~! ”

He already had a hunch that Howard was going to be attacked by the media!

Eastern Conference Finals Match.

Howard played four consecutive duels, and was pressed to the ground by Tang Ziwen and rubbed, almost completely hammered~!

Therefore, he had to do a good job for his disciple Howard 097 in advance.

Sure enough, the reporters laughed.

Van Gundy really threw the pot and actually threw the pot to LeBron James.

“The Knicks are too strong a team, Don’s role is critical, his individual ability opened up for the team in the first half, they shot well from the mid-range and Stephen Curry was very good.”

“Stephen, one of the tsunami brothers, can’t open the outside situation, so he will give it to Don Lai to single, so the Knicks have a small number of irons, and the offensive success rate will be greatly improved, which is the key to their victory,”

Van Gundy continued: “Don’s appearance, I believe he will change the pattern of the league, give him three to four years, maybe reach the peak moment, become a real superstar in the league, don’t forget, he is just a rookie. ”

A rookie.

It’s already at the peak of the alliance.

The future NBA generation.

It will be called “Don”!

Tonight, doomed to sleeplessness.

The city of New York has completely boiled.

The streets, bars, karaoke, nightclubs, and Knicks fans are drinking and cheering!

The Knicks, which they support, have once again stepped into the NBA finals, which is something worth putting down their work, putting down the work at hand, and celebrating wildly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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