“Don, thank you for your guidance, I feel that my technique has changed dramatically.”

In the open-air basketball court in the courtyard of the villa, Howard’s expression was quite excited, he felt that he had received the true transmission of Tang Ziwen, and found the trick of singles under the basket and high-post offense.

This is so cool in it!

Tang Ziwen couldn’t help but be a little stunned.


This is also an exaggeration!

“Ahem, you came all the way from Orlando to New York, how can you be disappointed.” Tang Ziwen chuckled.

The key to the high-ranking offense he taught Howard was obscenity!

The core point of Dream Footsteps is to put it nicely: flexible, illusory, and ethereal.

But to put it mildly, it is obscene.

Howard’s dream footsteps are simply not like four, after all, the brain is there, and the dream footsteps need to coordinate between the brain and the body, but it is true that the technology that can help grow a little bit……..

“Thank you Don, I wish you the championship, I will go to see it on the day of the final.”

“Let’s finish lunch before leaving.”

“Man, I have to rush home, bye-bye, this trip to New York is the happiest day.” Howard walked happily to the electronic gate of the villa.

It’s eleven o’clock in the morning~!

As soon as Howard left, Scarlett walked down the second floor and looked at Tang Ziwen with an extremely strange look, in that very interesting, suitable room for couples, Taylor actually told her that 633 fainted several times…

Oh, God.

This guy in front of her is also too cruel~!

No wonder Taylor was able to accept her “idea” so quickly!

“What’s wrong?” Tang Ziwen wondered, Scarlett’s eyes were very strange.

The corners of her mouth raised a slight curve, “It’s okay, Taylor is happy.” ”

“I’m going to change my swimsuit~ Aren’t you going to change?”

“Do men still need swimsuits?”

Scarlett: “…….”

“Bell bell bell bell bell bell bell

A doorbell rang, and Scarlett wondered, “Who is visiting you this time?” ”

“It should be Stephen~.”

Activating the electronic door switch button, I saw a black brine egg walking into the villa with a happy smile on his face, and shouted: “Tang! I came to play with you~! ”

“I’m xxx, this dead fat!” Tang Ziwen showed a helpless smile at Scarlett and said, “Sorry, I have to entertain my friend now, if you swim, swim in the afternoon when the weather is hot, you won’t have to leave later.” ”

“Do you want me to stay?”


Before he could answer, O’Neill had already rushed into the guest quickly, smiling treacherously, “Oh! God, I just came to see you, Don, you’re cool. ”

This old fat man had bad intentions, and he definitely wanted to discover some of Tang Ziwen’s private affairs.

“So you’re talking to Scarlett, sorry to disturb your good things.” O’Neill spread his hands, hurriedly put down the two bottles of wine in his hand and wanted to leave.

“Shaq, we’re not dating, don’t talk nonsense~!” Tang Ziwen shook his head, “Do you want to send me wine?” ”

Nor did he ask O’Neill why he brought wine.

Since you bought them all, then simply don’t ask, presumably there must be something to ask him for help.

People in this country rarely give gifts, and a well-connected person might give a bottle of red wine, a bag of fruit, or a bouquet of flowers.

“I’ll come to you for lunch~!”

“OK, very welcome, don’t be too polite to buy red wine next time!”

Tang Ziwen smiled slightly, invited O’Neill to the sofa, and directly took the big water cup and beat a bottle of juice, this old fat man drinks water like drinking oral liquid, too lively.

“There are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, I’ll cook some Chinese food and eat it together.”

“I’m a chef, and we work together.”

Scarlett then went to the second-floor room and decided to get a good night’s sleep.

“Don, cook lunch and call me and Taylor.”


O’Neill gave a thumbs up with a bad smile, “Dude, you’re really powerful, don’t worry, I won’t talk nonsense.” ”

“What do you think, we really haven’t had a relationship!” Tang Ziwen knocked on his black brine egghead.

The two embark on a luxurious culinary lunch tour.

He wouldn’t be awkward or comfortable chatting with O’Neill.

The key is that the personalities and temperaments of the two are compatible and smell similar.

Tang Ziwen was shocked that the big shark’s knife skill was very good, it was simply a skill!

“For the two of us to eat, we have to cook two pots of rice.”

“Ahem, I’m not here to mix, the main thing to find you today is one thing.”

O’Neill’s hand cutting shredded potatoes also stopped.

“Shaq, just say no on the phone!” Tang Ziwen was very surprised, what was Ao Fat looking for him?

“I’m planning to announce my retirement next summer.”

Tang Ziwen was not surprised at all, he also knew that O’Neill would indeed retire in the summer of 2011, “Next summer? That would have been a big thing that would shock the alliance. ”

O’Neill smiled and said, “So I think that a year before retiring, you can add another championship ring, fill the fingers of your right hand, and then retire perfectly.” ”

He is now 37 years old, the time he can play with the Cavaliers is limited, and he doesn’t feel like he really can’t run…

The league’s current small-ball tactics can really consume him to death, and the times are different.

But he can still play 23 minutes, averaging 12 points, 6.7 rebounds and 12 blocks per game!

“So… If you want to get a championship ring, it must be hard. ”

“It’s not hard to join the Knicks, you have super potential for a championship, my contract is about to expire in a month, and now I can be called a free agent, the Cavaliers have only signed a one-year contract with me, and I feel like LeBron is leaving Cleveland as well, this team is completely dead.”

“Huh? Want to join the Knicks? ”

Tang Ziwen was stunned for a few seconds.

He remembers that Fatty at the end of his career joined the Celtics.

“That’s right.” O’Neal nodded and said, “Dude, I can give you a backup, the Knicks have enough salary to sign me, and I don’t need too high a salary.” ”

“I need to discuss this with the team, and I really want you to come to the Knicks, Shaq.”

O’Neal is a little unsuitable for the Knicks’ offensive system, after all, their rotation offense is super fast and needs players who can run crazy, and at this time, O’Neal can no longer run.

However, whether on the offensive or defensive end, O’Neill still has a certain dominance.

O’Neill grinned, “Man, that’s what you’re waiting for.” ”

He is well aware of Tang Ziwen’s weight in the Knicks, and as long as he agrees, even if the coach opposes, he may sign him into the Knicks.


PS: Burst liver sixth more, ask for flower evaluation vote support! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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