The night is like water, and the city of New York has fallen into madness.

Tomorrow night, we will enter the finals at Madison Square Garden, which is the most anticipated event for fans in New York.

Because, most of the fans who saw the Knicks reach the Finals with their own eyes have already stepped into the grave with one foot.

After 37 years, the Knicks have once again stepped into the Finals.

Madison Square Garden, Conference Room.

The group held a meeting for the finals.

“Don, how are you going to play this game? Outside or inside? D’Antoni asked.

“I’d better go play inside.”

Bynum and Gasol, the two fierce players, will undoubtedly burst the Knicks’ interior, and he must go inside to carry the banner and fight madly and desperately for every rebound.

It is also necessary to “607” to defend with full firepower, to block opponents, and as long as you want to dunk and score close inside, all opponents.

“But you have to watch out for fouls.”

Once Tang Ziwen is brought down, the finals will undoubtedly lose.

“I understand!” Tang Ziwen nodded lightly.

“Everyone!” D’Antoni advised: “Don’t be nervous, we have home advantage for two games, if we win two games in a row and then lose even two more away games, we will all go back to Madison Square Garden Arena. ”

Everyone nodded.

In the finals, the home advantage will be even greater.

The atmosphere is completely incomparable to the away game.

As long as they win two consecutive games with the Lakers, they can occupy an absolute advantage, and the pressure in their hearts will not be too great.

As long as the Lakers lose the game on the road, returning to Staples will also be under great pressure, from the outside, media, fans, internal, players’ psychological pressure, team pressure!

“Coach, I will always be on the court, as long as I don’t lead by 10 points, I will never go to the break.”

You can lose in the regular season.

Playoffs, especially the Finals.

Tang Ziwen didn’t want to lose, he hated defeat, and hated the pain that defeat brought to his heart.

He will bet on everything!

D’Antoni could also feel the disciples’ amazing fighting intent.

He said seriously: “OK, I will arrange the lineup reasonably, remember, reduce the error rate, and leave all the unsure balls to Don to handle.” ”

“Stephen, you can shoot three-pointers, but when you don’t feel good, remember to pass the ball to Don.”

Curry nodded firmly.

He didn’t play in the finals.

What the coach says, he does.

He won’t be willful, and he doesn’t want to drag his feet.

“I’ll start attacking from a high post, as long as I get the score, Stephen, and everyone’s three-pointers, I can shoot, don’t panic, attack and defend a little faster.” Verbal advice.

D’Antoni continued: “Everyone has to be each other, and within the first few minutes of the game, Don will open the situation. ”

“But there is one point, and that is that Don can attract firepower, attention, you have to pay attention to catch the ball at any time, Andrew, your interior attack is excellent, the open cutting ability is excellent, you have to pay more attention to Don’s passing.”

“Understood!” Iguodala’s heart was also surging.

Until this moment, he felt like he was in a dream.

The 76ers were a complete mess, and after joining the Knicks, they also followed Tang Ziwen to the finals, which is so exciting!

“Stephen, don’t worry, I can shoot with confidence after opening the advantage, you will be responsible for the two-point shot or three-pointer, don’t go to the basket.” Tang Ziwen said towards Curry.

In the finals, who could have imagined what would happen, both sides were desperately fighting for themselves.

The elementary school student’s ankle has already suffered an injury, but he must not be injured in the finals, without Curry’s Knicks, Tang Ziwen’s physical strength is even strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to support and lead the Knicks to win the championship from the hands of “nagging”.

Stephen Curry smiled and said, “Don, I listen to you, I know you’re afraid that I’ll get hurt~!” ”

The group spent an hour preparing for the finals.

D’Antoni told the players everything he could think of and what he could tell.

Except for Kidd, who has reached the Finals twice, the rest of the Knicks team has not touched the floor of the Finals.



“I will witness the beginning of an era, a dynasty.”

D’Antoni lost sleep all night, and he was finally able to touch the floor of the Eastern Conference Finals………….

When he repeatedly led the Suns to run and bombard, it was difficult to cross the hurdle of the Spurs, and his coaching career was really too difficult, and he was cut off by Popovich leading the Spurs.

He has never reached the finals in his life, but this year’s wish has finally come true, and he has once again proved his coaching ability.

Knicks fans also fell into a frenzy, and after 37 years, the Knicks once again reached the Finals.

Everything is like a dream.

But dreams are very real!

As for the team that has not been optimistic about the Knicks, I think it is a pure upstart team, the elderly bungee team and the “tsunami brothers”, the rookie bungee team composed of Danny Green and several people, actually reached the finals.

Los Angeles, naturally, was also a boiling night, and their faith once again reached the finals.

The Lakers dynasty is still not over~!

Kobe Bryant also saw Tang Ziwen’s video interview, and the desire to fight he felt was also provoked, he felt that he was going to be desperate and exert all his strength, regardless of tearing the broken finger that had not been fully raised, to come to a real knife and gun duel with the Knicks and Tang Ziwen~!

“Still not sleeping?” Vanessa asked.

Kobe Bryant shook his head expressionlessly: “I don’t know, I can’t sleep, I want to win the championship, I want to take my historical status to the next level, the Knicks are undoubtedly the strongest 1.2 winning block, I don’t want to leave any regrets.” ”

He has already successfully avenged the Celtics last year and won the championship.

This year, don’t want to lose!

“Sleep, Kobe.”

“Vanessa, you can’t imagine my feelings~!”

“I understand you!”

Bryant’s idea is the same as O’Neal’s, and now he has 4 championship rings.

He wanted to try to fill one hand with the championship ring, and his tear and fracture of his finger and knee injury this year left him feeling weak, feeling like he couldn’t play as fully as he used to, and he missed games this year’s regular season.

He can’t imagine what the Lakers will achieve in the next few seasons.

“Nagging” is so hard!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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