Phil Jackson, the always calm “Zen Master”, couldn’t help but frown.

“I really suspect that this guy is deliberately trying to dunk the basket and then get enough rest.”

As everyone knows, he really blames Tang Ziwen, super frame violent dunk frame, can not control his strength at all, he wants to dunk the basket frame, directly use the “destruction” hammer, confident to directly overturn the basket frame ~!

He now jumps higher, and has the golden right hand bracer to enhance the “Iron Hammer of Destruction” trick, which can transform into a superman and exert more powerful “monster power”!

The Knicks’ bench players were all standing on the sidelines, wondering how the basket could be repaired.

I saw Tang Ziwen jogging to the basket, jumping on the spot to grab the basket frame, and forcefully wrenched it up.

“Wow, we see that we are repairing the basket by ourselves, and we are really simple children, and we don’t take the opportunity to rest.” Barkley grinned, surprised.

He also thought that Tang Ziwen wanted to dunk the basket and fight for his own rest.

It seems that he thought wrong.

Phil Jackson’s eyes widened, “Man, I really misunderstood you.” ”

In the stadium, there was a hysterical cheer in an instant.

This is what MVPs should be.

Of course, if the game reaches the limit, Tang Ziwen will definitely take some means to buy time for the whole team to rest and recover.

“Tang, it’s still a little close, just pull it up again!” Stephen Curry shouted.


The second jump, the balance of the rim has been restored as before.

The timeout came back and the game continued.

Knicks fans let out a happy exclamation, Stephen Curry, unexpectedly fast-eyed, constantly harassing defense caused Vújasic to make a mistake, after a sharp steal, quickly rushed towards the half.

Another stormy attack.

Curry steadied himself and shot his first three-pointer after coming on the court~!


Three points into the net.

This three-point shot directly made Zen Master even more uncalm.

As far as he knows, this elementary school student named Stephen Curry, once the three-point shot soars, but it is quite terrifying.

When Curry feels hot, but he can really shoot a team, he doesn’t need much, he only needs to hit four or five three-pointers in a short time, and the Lakers’ G1 battle will completely collapse.

“Tsunami brothers, make this tsunami storm in the finals more violent!”

Old man Zhang Cheng’s face was flushed, and if this performance continues, Tang Ziwen definitely has hope to lead the Knicks to the championship.

On the bright red digital version, red 42:28.

In the finals, it was a terrible score.

“I’ll guard against him!” Kobe Bryant said to Wu, his expression was very serious, and even a little depressed.

Looking at Koru’s expression, Wu Jiaxi nodded.

The elementary school student obviously has good technique and three forces, but after Kobe Bryant personally defended, psychological pressure arose, and after he missed a three-pointer, he didn’t dare to continue shooting~!

The Lakers began to fight back desperately, trying to close the gap to single digits before the end of the first half.

In that case, there are still fights.

The Knicks’ outside defense is very brittle, the Lakers can shoot three-pointers casually, but whether they can grab the rebound depends on the will of God, as long as the basketball smashes the ball on the side of Tang Ziwen’s body, he will not let go.

It has been from the opening iron to the current Kobe.


In the last two minutes of the first half, he made three consecutive three-pointers to recover a wave of scores for the Lakers.

However, they still failed to master the rhythm and save the advantage, and Tang Ziwen continuously used the “super long lag” during the period, deliberately attracting the bag to defend, and played two waves of 2+1.

The Knicks’ offense was very efficient, and the gap was narrowed to 11 points.

Tang Ziwen had to sigh with emotion.

“The desperate black mamba is really terrifying!”

At half-time, the score froze at 62:51!

At halftime, players from both sides dragged their tired bodies back to the dressing room.

Tang Ziwen lay on the chair and enjoyed the masseur’s whole body muscle relaxation.

The rest of the people should drink water, wipe sweat, eat fruit, and none of them play with their phones like the regular season, playing 2K!

D’Antoni folded his arms over his chest and looked at the tired group.

“Everyone has worked hard, gritted their teeth and persevered, persevered to the end, this G1 battle, we can win, think about the joy of holding the O’Brien Cup, think about our regular season efforts, and think about our relatives and loved ones in the audience!”

At the critical moment, a wave of crazy chicken soup for the soul was injected into everyone’s heart.

At this time, the tactical arrangement has already been arranged, and it only needs to be injected with chicken soup for the soul.


Waves of chicken soup for the soul are frantically injected.

The three teaching assistants began to speak, and Big Dream Olajuwon began to speak.

Tang Ziwen’s heart does not want others, and the pain of his defeat can never be experienced by others, even Scarlett and Taylor Swift.

He just thinks about himself.

He can disappoint others, but he must not disappoint himself.

“Stephen, the playing time with Kobe Bryant is staggered, and the three-point shot must soar~!” Tang Ziwen got up and soothed his body, and then instructed Curry.

He can shoot three-pointers, but once he runs to the outside, rebounds are difficult for others to grab, and the two powerful pillars of Bynum and Gasol are too desperate.

Curry’s technique and three-point shooting percentage are there, but the single defense of the department (good money) puts the pressure on elementary school students to bear.

On the one hand, there is the pressure to reach the finals for the first time.

On the one hand, there is the pressure of superstar Kobe.

As early as before the final, Tang Ziwen did not think of this, regardless of three seven twenty-one, just do it directly!

He still thinks too simply, everyone’s ability to withstand pressure is different, but the old demon Kidd is as stable as an old dog, and he can still play very beautiful assists in the finals.

“Come at Don’s request, Stephen.” D’Antoni spoke.

Stephen Curry nodded slightly, squeezing out a hint of a smile, “Don, I will.” ”

He just didn’t play well, because Kobe’s tough defense made him feel a lot of pressure in his heart, and he didn’t dare to think about scoring, and he only wanted to find a way to pass the ball to Tang Ziwen.

Today’s primary school students are far from superstars, and their psychological quality is far less stable than the later “riding brave” battle! _

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