“Michael, what do you think about Game 4 between the Knicks and the Lakers, where the Lakers were shot by the Knicks with a three-pointer?”

The old rogue Jordan spread his hands, “Wow, I watched that duel from the sidelines, this is an amazing game, the Knicks’ three-point shot is too accurate, I think this style of play is also a fluke success, after all, once they play crazy iron, it will definitely not work, even some of the top superstar shooters I have seen, there is no guarantee that every game will feel good.” ”

Jordan also believes that the Knicks’ style of play is a fluke success!

ESPN reporters conducted some interviews with some legendary stars.

The matchup between the Lakers and the Knicks really shocked the league.

The Knicks won in such a different way that “Zen Master” Phil Jackson’s targeting tactics and iron-blooded defensive tactics simply did not come in handy.

Christopher, a well-known reporter and media person on ESPN, said: “The Knicks’ small-ball tactics have ushered in a new era, which can win for the team without relying on inside scoring. ”

Forcing Wang Big Bird Bird: “I think this style of play is feasible, the team has a clear division of labor, and the run-and-bomb tactic is played to the extreme, and Don’s three-point shot is too shocking!” ”

Lord of the Rings Russell: “God, I can’t imagine how they succeeded, it was too bold to play like this in the finals, D’Antoni is a great runner master. ”

Popovich: “D’Antoni’s coaching tactics are growing, he’s lucky to coach the Tsunami Brothers, small-ball tactics, which can work in this era of scarcity of top centre-forwards! ”

The old man Popovich still recognizes D’Antoni’s tactics, dares to play, dare to implement, and the Knicks’ players also played unimaginable surprise effects.

On June 5, the Finals 5 kicked off at Madison Square Garden.

Facing the passion of the home fans, Tang Ziwen and his party stepped into the stadium.

This matchup is very crucial for the Knicks, and after winning, they can win the championship and hold the O’Brien Trophy.

The city of the Knicks also began its final boil, and the excitement of fans reached its peak.

The slogan “Knicks Championship” continued to echo at Madison Square Garden Arena.

The moment Kobe stepped onto the court, he took a deep breath.

Could it be that this year’s finals will be folded in the hands of the Knicks and lost in the hands of Tang Ziwen?

This is the most promising year to fill another championship ring, and the frequency of injuries has long since lost his ambitions.

How hard is it to win the championship?

“After countless away trips, I have a stable mind, take a deep breath and adjust my form!”

Even though the Madison Square Garden Arena has turned into a white ocean, the huge waves are fierce and the momentum is endless, it cannot affect the heart of a champion who “nags”.

No doubt.

At the beginning of the game, Tang Ziwen and Kobe Bryant entered the “Yellow Mamba” and “Black Mamba” modes.

On the field, Tang Ziwen took the ball low, a large crossover, an arrow step broke through Atai’s iron-blooded defense, and then floated very much in the air to stage a large pull, attracting Gasol’s assistant defense, he easily threw the ball into Lancome.


Two points into the net.

Gasol’s heart was very shocked, it was Tang Ziwen who jumped up first, why didn’t he land?

The moment he just sealed in the air, he had the feeling that the air was still and he almost landed at the same time after Tang Ziwen pulled the rod.

Yu Jia exclaimed: “Another top ten ball in the finals, Ziwen’s waist and abdominal strength and stagnant space are definitely not weaker than Kobe’s.” ”

“Of course, the air lever is about physical coordination and waist strength, and Ross is a good example of this, the body is very flexible and can make some incredible movements.”

Zhang Cheng smiled like a flower, and his old face was full of excitement: “Top ten balls? Every goal scored by Ziwen can be selected as one of the top ten. ”


This is a little bit of “Tang Blowing” suspicion huh?

On the court, Gasol felt depressed in his heart: “Such a tall man, such a big weight, there is such a long time of stagnant, is he a monster?” Or Superman~! ”

As if seeing what Gasol was thinking, Kobe said solemnly: “No matter how shocking he does and how amazing his scoring method is, he can’t have a second of distraction.” ”

“OK!” Gasol shook his head vigorously, trying hard to shake off the impetuosity and tension in his heart~!

In this matchup, Kobe Bryant carries a lot of things, as the star of the Lakers, the belief in the “black mamba” in the eyes of fans, the man closest to God, when necessary, he stood up with a sharp look.


The basketball was beautifully shot by Kobe, with a very elegant arc, sharply brushing through the nets.

Score 2:2!

Turning around, Ji Buxian threw a hit pass to Tang Ziwen in a high position.

“Back singles~!” Jia exclaimed, “How will Ziwen attack this ball?” Feint to pass the ball, then finish scoring under the basket, or pass to Curry. ”

Although Curry is only a rookie, he is constantly running on the outside, and Kobe Bryant keeps staring at Curry like a ghost.

Curry’s threat on the outside, Kobe Bryant’s heart is very clear, absolutely not let the “schoolboy” three-point sense shoot, otherwise the Lakers will fall into passivity.

Once passive, it is too difficult to reverse the situation from the hands of the Knicks.

First there was Tang Ziwen, who had invincible individual combat capabilities.

Then there is the overall situation of the point guard organization, and Kidki, who is as stable as an old dog, does not pass on.

“Swoosh!” Tang Ziwen squeezed Atai’s body strongly, and then grabbed the ball and passed it to Curry.

The Lakers are unaffected by the whole team, and they are still firmly on one-on-one defense.

Since this is the case, Tang Ziwen You began a dramatic scene, he squeezed Ah Tai into the restricted area and began to crush Ah Tai’s IQ…

Hey, he walked back and forth, back and forth.

I’m back again!

Hey, I turned back again~!

Hey, I’m back again!

“Swoosh!” He leaned forward and hit two points with a high throw, taking his dream footwork skill to the extreme. (Zhao Zhao)

“Can’t prevent it, it’s really unpreventable!” Phil Jackson frowned, his heart was full of emotion, Nima, you have just been so iron-blooded, and in a blink of an eye, it is a flexible and gentle dream step.

Who can stop this?



PS: I drove for nine hours the day before yesterday, and yesterday I helped for another day during the day, my uncle’s son got married, my brother got married, and the whole person was about to get tired ~ And then tomorrow arranged a blind date for me, really squeezing time codewords, too sleepy to write, for fear of affecting the quality of Wo.

The day after tomorrow can restore five changes, these two days three more guaranteed, can write more, I am too tired ~, yesterday on the recommendation, I should have exploded crazy, sorry, how many chapters I owe will make up!

The last scene of the finals series, to write a little, just like that, it is too unexciting, after all, the protagonist still has a “three-point shot of fate”, I believe readers know greatly what skill it is……_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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