“Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the Finals FMVP trophy and winning the NBA championship.”

“Reward: “The legendary jersey”! ”

I saw a 34 jersey suddenly floating in his hand, fortunately, Scarlett and Taylor were cooking breakfast in the kitchen, while still whispering, and did not see such a magical scene.

Legendary jersey: can reduce physical exertion by 10%, light, comfortable, automatic ~ clear sweat.


Tang Ziwen couldn’t help but widen his eyes, and his face was shocked.

He set the system a do not disturb mode, as long as he does not turn on the system in his mind, the system’s rewards are issued, and the tasks are distributed he will not know, and the province is at home and Taylor when he runs errands, there is a clanging in his mind.

This sudden situation is indeed quite scary, even if the system is a machine without human consciousness, but it always feels like being spied on.

Therefore, he shut down the system.

Turn it on when you need it!

No, as soon as I opened it, the system’s prompt sound sounded in my mind.

Tang Ziwen studied for three minutes and thoroughly understood the role of the “legendary jersey”, which can automatically remove and release sweat, and after a game, basically the jersey is all soaked with sweat, and the body is all sweat, which is very uncomfortable…

With the legendary jersey, he can play in the NBA more comfortable, experienced, and reduce physical exertion by 10%.

Coupled with the 30% physical consumption of “god-level sports sneakers”, superimposed, it can reduce 40% of physical exertion, and it can easily play the whole game, unlike before, even if you can reduce 30% of consumption, you will become a dog after a game.

After all, his weight is there, and he does the job of a guard in the coat of a center, and the Knicks still rely on him all the time, and the physical energy consumed by the two Curry elementary school students is not comparable………

The point is that there is an extremely important point, no restrictions.

“God-level sneakers” can only be used in official NBA games, with restrictions on the use of the venue, while the “legendary jersey” has no restrictions.

He can also wear the “legendary jersey” off the field, such as when performing physical strength training, he can do long devil training.

He can also use it when doing business with Taylor, reducing physical exertion…. Well, think about it, it is indeed a cool doll, beautiful and nourishing, but his physique, do not need it at all.

But according to Scarlett’s enthusiasm for him and the continued crazy brainwashing of Taylor every day, it is really possible to get this jersey at home.

“Jingle bells!”

A phone rang.

“Don, Thunder doesn’t want to send me away, and I can’t help it, God….. I was looking forward to it at first, and after waiting for so long, the Thunder refused to trade me. ”

On the phone, James Harden’s very sad and desperate voice was heard.

“Huh?” Tang Ziwen comforted: Don’t be in a hurry, as long as you train hard and memorize the rules of the league arena, sooner or later the NBA will have a place for you. ”

“Well, but I really want to play with you, now I can only do it for three years, I hope to play well this year and next year, and then I can’t find a job.”



Time flickered to June 25th.

The 2010 draft started normally at Madison Square Garden.

Many team owners, managers, and senior management in the league are lamenting that if they were lucky enough to draw the champion last year and sign Tang Ziwen, they would definitely help the team win the championship.

The Knicks put a mess to a certain point, the management was chaotic, the team was scattered, most of them were point temporary players, there were no substitutes, and the strongest main force was only David Lee.

David Lee was traded away, Tang Ziwen can also lead the Knicks to win the championship, so that many people are sighing, not to mention that D’Antoni is very good at leading the team, a tactical master, he has not even entered the finals…

Only led the Suns to the Western Conference final, and then no spurs snipering.

Many team owners, managers, and managers in the league know one thing very well.

The reason why the Knicks can win the championship is to usher in the “savior of the Knicks, Tang Ziwen”!

This is the moment.

David Stern routinely talked about Balabala before the draft officially began.

Tang Ziwen lay on the sofa, Taylor left for a week, participated in several concerts, and his career also entered the formal, just returned to the villa to take a bath, and began to lie on the sofa and eat her delicious lollipop…

“Taylor, let’s finish the draft first.” Tang Ziwen is full of excitement, Taylor is really a greedy little naughty ghost, is his lollipop so delicious?

“I’m not interested in the draft.” Taylor rolled his eyes.

On television, David Stern began to read the ranking of this year’s draft.

··· Ask for flowers…

The first pick, the draft pick, was John Wall from the University of Kentucky.

The whole team of the Wizards is thinking that if John Wall can be the same as Tang Ziwen, he can save the heroes of the Wizards… However, always a fantasy!

The Philadelphia 76ers, the second-worst in the East, drafted Evan Turner, a beautiful dry-pull basket that many thought Turner’s template was Maddie.

So the 76ers chose Evan Turner without hesitation.

I have to say that their vision is really poor, and they don’t choose Tie Han Kaoxing behind them.

The Kings, who had the third overall pick, selected Derek Favors, and the fourth pick came to the Nets, and they selected Wesley Johnson, who was very physical.


Nets head coach Blakes was bullish on Wesley Johnson, and the Kings drafted Demar Kukous.

“Cousin” Cousin’s sad face, Knicks holding the No. 7 draft pick…

The Pistons selected Greg Monroe.

“The seventh pick, selected by the New York Knicks, is Gordon Haywall from Butler University!”

At the scene of the draft, Paul George, Aldridge, James Anderson and others were disappointed… They are all special to join the Knicks and follow Tang Ziwen.

The Knicks didn’t even pick them.

The Knicks are desperately short of a forwards who can run and shoot to rotate the roster, and Paul George is excellent and has scoring ability, but next year he will definitely bring together the Splash Brothers and let Klay join the Knicks.

The Knicks also have Curry now and don’t need Paul George.

In addition, the Knicks have now successfully dealt with Livingston, one of the future Warriors’ “two elders”, as well as Tyson Chandler, the “boxing king” with certain defensive ability, and O’Neal, the big shark.

The three will officially sign with the Knicks in July.

Coupled with rookie Gordon, the Knicks’ roster is definitely quite luxurious.

The key is.

Even so, the Knicks have extra salary to sign a superstar.

Their star Tang Ziwen and Curry are only rookie contracts, and the amount is pitiful compared to the current Wade, Kobe, LeBron and others~!

“Taylor~, phew!” Ziwen couldn’t help it anymore, immediately turned over and pressed down, actually loved to eat lollipops, what kind of sweet taste is this ~ and! _

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