He had just hung up Curry’s phone when the bell rang again.

“Don, Battier has already done it~!”

“Really?” Tang Ziwen’s tone was full of surprise, the general manager of the Knicks is really powerful, and he can easily handle any player he needs.

Donnie Walsh: “Don, Nuggets star Cameron Anthony’s contract has expired, and his team told me that he is interested in playing for the Knicks and joining you to win a championship. We Newkes have enough salary to sign Anthony, and he’s willing to be the second boss. ”

“Melon” has always wanted to go to the Knicks before, but as the second in charge, to hug his thighs, his heart has been hesitating.

Since the LeBron incident fermented in the morning, the incident of the three superstars huddling made Anthony figure it out.

He is also willing to play in the Eastern Knicks and join forces with Tang Ziwen to play in the NBA

Although the Knicks made up for a wave of strength in the summer, they all signed a two-year contract, and there are no high-paid players, enough to eat “Melon” Cameron Anthony, making the championship-winning team go to the next level!

Tang Ziwen remembers that Anthony was indeed signed by the Knicks this year.

He refused: “General manager~, Anthony is not suitable for the Knicks’ offensive tactics, Coach Mike’s tactics are not suitable for him, I want to continue to attack the MVP this season, and need more ball.” ”

When he said this, Donny Walsh immediately realized what he meant.

Tang Ziwen is not worried about Cameron Anthony grabbing his ball.

It’s no joke!

No matter how the Knicks’ future roster is reorganized, he will be the big boss, and Curry is definitely the second master.

At the very least, the days he played with Curry will not make Curry a three-in-command…….

Make Cameron Anthony the third old? There is no need to think at all, the “melon” definitely does not want to.

Early the next morning, at a press conference with the Knicks, another trade was made.

The Knicks sent Jonathan Bender and Eddie Curry in exchange for Sean Battier from the Rockets.

Eddie Curry played bench for Tang Ziwen last season, averaging very little time per game, but he was very efficient, with tonnage and height, and under Tang Ziwen’s guidance, his technique and rebounding under the basket were very good.

The Rockets valued that.

Jonathan Bender played at a higher level than the average person.

The Rockets agreed to the deal.

Since then, the Knicks have formed a roster for the 201/2011 season.

Point guards: Jason Kidd, Douglas, Livingston.

Quarterbacks: Stephen Curry, Danny Green, Gordon Hayward.

Center: Tyson Chandler, O’Neal, Milicic.

Small forwards: Iguodala, Sean Battier, Jeffreys.

Power forwards: Tang Ziwen, Jason Smith, Bill Walker.

Gordon Hayward has a certain breakthrough ability, and his physical fitness is also the best among whites, but he has a solid mid-range shot and three-pointer, and the position of quarterback is definitely not inferior.

The rotation between Shaun Battier and Iguodala was absolutely perfect, although Battier himself was not very capable of scoring.

Last season, Battier averaged just eight points, 4.7 rebounds and 2.4 assists per game.

But Tang Ziwen, as a former Rockets fan, admires this player.

Battier famously said, “Basketball is a game of brains, not bodies.” People with high IQs win basketball games, and people with good physical fitness win athletics competitions. ”

It has always been said to the outside world that the core of the Rockets is Yao Ming and Maddie, but he has never relaxed his demands on himself on the court.

On the court, he spares no effort to defend, run, block and grab rebounds, contributing his strength to the team’s offensive and defensive ends.

In Yao’s away game against the Nets after Yao’s injury, Maddie stepped up with poor hands, shooting a career-high 7-pointer, rack-high 23 points and nine rebounds.

He helped the rocket achieve the “Wuyao period”

Battier this player, quite has the “spirit of sportsmanship”~!

This is the main reason why Tang Ziwen values him.

D’Antoni told the Knicks that in their tactical rotation, only Tang Ziwen is a true starter.

Anyone can be a starter, depending on the skills formulated in this game and the opponent’s lineup to decide the lineup.

This was a matter after discussion between Tang Ziwen and Comrade Lao De.

In this way, no one complained.

Even if it is Curry, the second-in-command elementary school student, the starters and substitutes are all five or five, and most of them are rotated, but for a little longer.

After all, both Kidd and Curry are top-notch in ball handling.

The Knicks generally start by relying on Kidd’s playmaking skills to go online.

Comrade Lao De gave some players who had just joined the Knicks a reassurance in advance!

Kidd and other “Splash Brothers” will naturally leave after going online, Curry will also play the point guard position next year, and Hayward will also return to his original forward position.


Knicks new players: Livingston, O’Neal, Tyson Chandler, Sean Battier, Gordon Hayward.

Even so, the Knicks still have the salary to attract foreign aid~!


Night sleep.

Madison Square Training Arena.

“Wow.The people have all gathered~!”

The 34 jersey has been dominated by Tang Ziwen, and the big shark O’Neill rarely wears the No. 5 jersey~!

“Tang, it’s really nice to be a teammate with you, Dayao is not bad for me, and he took good care of me during the rocket period.” Battier smiled happily.

He was really excited in his heart, Yao Ming’s thigh at the peak could not be held, and then he came to hug the peak Tang Ziwen’s thigh, and two yellow people became teammates successively, and his heart was very happy.

Tang Wen smiled: “Batil, I appreciate your sportsmanship, the spirit of daring to fight hard.” ”

“Ah~, haha….

First there are superhuman defensive players like Tang Ziwen, and then there are interior gates like Tyson Chandler, iron-blooded defensive players, plus Bartil, who dares to fight, and O’Neal, the big fat shark on the inside.

This season.

Who dares to say that the Knicks are weak defensively?

Who dares to say that when the basket leaves Tang Ziwen, it becomes a piece of waste paper?

“Don, you’re amazing, it’s a pleasure to play in the Knicks, and it’s a pleasure to play with you.” Tyson Chandler said.

Tang Ziwen patted the veteran’s shoulder and smiled kindly.

“Tyson, your strength and defense are definitely underestimated by the league, and the Knicks value your defensive ability.”

Tyson Chandler looked happy.

Can get Tang Ziwen’s praise, beauty and nourishment~!

After all, Tang Ziwen is about to be “mythicalized”.

Livingston, Gordon Wald and several people stepped forward to greet Tang Ziwen.

“Shaq, I’m a fan of yours and I’m excited to play with you.” Bearded scumbag Tyson Chandler looked at O’Neill with excitement.

O’Neill smiled happily, “It’s a pleasure to play with everyone, everyone, hug my thighs, I feel really motivated this year.” ”


A group of people laughed, O’Neill really dared to say it~!

Although everyone knows that he is joking, the big guy next to him is the first in the history of the finals.

The Knicks have a big shark, at least they don’t need Tang Ziwen to mobilize the entertainment atmosphere, this big fat man has his own “laughter” attribute.

Although Tang Ziwen will go on vacation in the summer league and will not participate in the summer league, he still has to visit his teammates, wait until the preseason starts to play two games, and grind his teammates a little…….

Comrade Lao De did not dare to consume Tang Ziwen, and it was the Nix management who offered to let Tang Ziwen go on vacation…….

The treatment of a star, beauty.

“Everyone, in order to increase each other’s feelings, today I am going to invite you to a party in my house, and you are allowed to (good each person can only bring two female companions, of course, three is also called, guests and wine parties.”

“Prty” Oni’s eyes widened like brass bells, and he grinned, “Party, I like it!” ”

Tang Ziwen called Taylor, and the party was arranged at the beginning of the night, asking her to prepare and buy anything she needed.

Curry seemed to say a lot less, after all, there was a new set of faces, looked up and said: “Don, I asked Ayesha to go to your villa and ask her to help.” ”


The Knicks dynasty roster has just been established, and it will be next year’s Klay Thompson!

Next year, the Knicks will adjust another wave of rosters, just need to add a little rotation every year!

As for Dream Green, he is indeed a qualified teammate and is willing to die for Curry, just like Tang Ziwen doesn’t like a player like Artai, but you absolutely can’t deny that he is a good teammate.

The establishment of each dynasty requires a “special player” to do some dirty work.

Of course, with the increase of strength and rich experience in the game, Tang Ziwen is confident that he will lead the team to the finals single-core like LeBron in the Cavaliers, but he is too tired~!

Is Brother Basketball unhappy?

It’s not good to take it easy! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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