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"The god of the league in January, just like his jersey number, 11 has become Yao's iconic number!"

"What drives the development of the league is definitely the league's competitiveness, and what provides competitiveness is the league's fresh blood. The current league is ushering in a major change, and another heyday of the NBA has arrived!"

"The record of Chinese players in the league has always been difficult to describe, but after Yao Ming's performance, I believe no one will ignore the ability of Chinese players. On the contrary, Chinese players have begun to dominate the league!"

After Yao Ming won many honors, many media also reported in the most authoritative way.

The New York Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Global Times and other newspapers and magazines have highly praised Yao Ming's performance.

In this league dominated by strength, Yao Ming finally used his own performance to have his own influence in the entire league.

Moreover, I believe this is just the beginning. With the subsequent development of the league and Yao Ming's continuous performance, the name Yao Ming will become an existence that cannot be ignored by everyone!

After gaining many honors, the New York Knicks finally ushered in the December competition.

Just as Yao Ming said, before winning the championship, everything is just a false name, and this month, the most eye-catching game is definitely the century showdown between the Knicks and the Lakers.

Unfortunately, this long-awaited showdown will have to wait for some time. However

, for fans, the feeling of expectation is also precious.

They believe that when the game really comes, both sides will not disappoint. The fans' long wait! On

December 1, US time, the NBA ushered in a focus battle.

The reason why this game has attracted so much attention is not only because it is called the focus battle, but also because it has an extremely loud name, a grudge match!

This is the first regular season matchup between the New York Knicks and the Toronto Raptors after the trade was completed!

Now even if everyone knows that the Raptors' decision to trade Yao Ming is the worst deal of this century.

But the Raptors are still stubborn and think that Bosh's performance is not bad, and they have always been firm in one choice, Yao Ming is not the player they need!

And in this grudge match, the Raptors are also full of confidence.

Although they know that the team's inside strength is definitely not comparable to the Knicks.

But their outside line has Vince Carter, one of the four major shooting guards!

With his presence, the Raptors think they have unlimited possibilities!

Moreover, the Raptors' goal in this game is very firm, which is to win!

Now, the pressure they are under is too great. Only by proving with actions that their decision is correct can they shut everyone up.

"I spend every day in various doubts. They always compare me with Yao. I admit that Yao is indeed very capable, but I am also one of the victims in this deal, and I am also the passive choice, so please stop spraying me!"

Chris Bosh looked at the media helplessly in the pre-match interview.

Almost every day in Toronto, he can hear fans talking about him and the media comparing him with Yao Ming!

Although he knows that this is a normal phenomenon and any player will be compared.

But this feeling of being questioned continuously really makes him very uncomfortable.

After waiting for so many days, he finally ushered in a head-on confrontation with Yao Ming.

Maybe he can't be compared with Yao Ming in terms of dominance.

But he believes that as long as he can go all out, his performance will definitely not lose to Yao Ming!

"16 wins and 0 losses, this is a great record. This year's Knicks are really surprising."

"But, it's just a surprise. I will end their winning streak in the way I am most familiar with!"

Vince Carter's expression seemed particularly arrogant.

As a hot top star in the league, Carter's personal ability is definitely beyond doubt.

Although before this, McGrady and Iverson failed to stop the Knicks' progress.

But Carter is still full of confidence at this time, believing that he can win the final game!

"We will keep winning, unless we take the initiative to let the game go, otherwise, no one can limit our performance!"

Uncle Mu is extremely confident. Now, he is also welcoming the second spring of his career!

Yao Ming's outbreak has made him less busy in the interior and even more relaxed on the defensive end than before.

He believes that as long as the team members are healthy, the Knicks will continue to win until they want to lose!

"This is another grudge match. I think the management of both sides are watching this game closely."

"Which side's deal is more reasonable, or is it just a win-win situation? Maybe after this game, the answer will be revealed!"

Two commentators from TNT also expressed their views and opinions in a timely manner when the players were warming up.

This game seems to be just an ordinary regular season matchup.

But if you analyze it carefully, it is more like a game between the management of both sides.

Although Yao Ming's performance is much better than Bosh's now, the Knicks have taken the lead in the deal.

But as long as Bosh can play the game that the Raptors want, then this deal can have another explanation, a win-win situation!

This is definitely the most ideal result they can think of.

After a short pre-match warm-up, the players from both sides all stood on the court, and the battle that started in Madison Square Garden began!




When Yao Ming walked onto the court, the crowd shouted"MVP" at the same time.

Judging from his performance in the first month, Yao Ming is definitely the league's MVP!

Now, on the first day of December, fans hope that Yao Ming can continue to maintain this state until he really wins the MVP!

Yao Ming's eyes are also full of expectations. Since he has this chance to start over, he must do something!

The starting lineup of the Raptors is:

Alvin Williams + S. Carter + Len Ross + Donyell Marshall + Reese Bosh!

The lineup of the Knicks is:

Chris Paul + A. Houston + S. Van Horncumbe Mutombo + Yao!

Bosh and Yao Ming walked to the jump ball area. The competition between the two officially began from the moment of the jump ball.

The referee threw the ball high up, and Yao Ming, who bounced faster, was the first to touch the basketball. With a light flick, the ball came into Paul's hands.

The Knicks took control of the first attack of the game!

Paul also took this game very seriously. When he got the ball, he changed his usual steady style and suddenly accelerated, catching the Raptors off guard. He easily made a layup and the Knicks took the lead!


As Yao Ming's most loyal brother, Paul hopes to win more glory for the team with his own actions and help Yao Ming share some of the pressure!

"Well done, Paul, that's how you should do it!"

Yao Ming was also very excited about Paul's proactive attack.

If the team wants to go further, every position must be played.

There must not be too obvious weaknesses.

Now Paul's proactive attack is a big improvement for his confidence and skills, which is obviously something to be happy about.

Paul excitedly clapped hands with Yao Ming.

Getting Yao Ming's affirmation is undoubtedly the happiest thing he can think of!

After the offense and defense switched, the Raptors launched their first attack.

Alvin Williams advanced with the ball, and after passing half court, he took the initiative to pass the ball to Vince Carter.

Facing Alan Stone's defense, Card signaled everyone to move away and prepare for singles.

As the saying goes, a young man is better than a strong one. At this moment, Alan has obviously become the most vulnerable point for the Knicks.


Carter, who started with the frontal three-threat attack, saw the right moment, accelerated, and directly passed Alan's defense.


The audience couldn't help but exclaimed, this really was a forced overtaking by speed!


Carter passed Alan and rushed to the basket with all his strength.


The powerful one-arm dunk made the best dunker in the league especially famous at this moment!


Ka used the most direct method to respond to Paul's goal.

Yao Ming clapped his hands excitedly. He felt it!

The ball was transferred again, and Paul passed the ball to Yao Ming.

Facing Bosh's defense, Yao Ming started with the same three-threat move.


Using the same offensive tactics as Carter, Yao Ming also chose to overtake head-on. With a familiar one-step pass, Yao Ming's speed was no less than���Carter


The sound of the body cutting through the void was clearly audible to the ears of the audience!


Yao completely copied Carter's attack by swinging his arm and dunking with more force.

"Oh my God, is this definitely a move Yao would make? Is this definitely a move a center should make?"

"Not only did Yao completely copy Carter's offensive style, but he was also not inferior to him in speed, and was even faster!"

"I heard the Raptors wanted a more flexible player, now it seems like a joke……"

The commentator on the scene expressed his true thoughts without reservation, and did not hide his shock at the moment.

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