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"The biggest problem facing the Knicks right now is that the team is not well-coordinated enough. Although they have achieved an amazing record of 18 consecutive wins, their tacit understanding on the defensive end still needs to be improved!"

"That's right, basketball games are not just about offense, defense is equally important. Now it's just the regular season, maybe everything is understandable, but once we enter the playoffs, this problem will be infinitely magnified."

United States, Memphis, FedExCenter.

The commentator in the stands, accompanied by the Grizzlies' first goal, gave the hidden dangers of the Knicks team.

Offense wins games, defense wins championships.

This is definitely a commonplace topic.

You know, the Bulls, led by Jordan, were invincible.

But when competing with the Celtics, who excelled in defense, they never won a series.

In many playoff matches with the Celtics, the Bulls returned empty-handed.

This shows that defense still has a great impact on a team!

At this moment, the New York Knicks have the slowly growing Chris Paul.

They have the old and strong Alan Houston.

They have very State University Shan Mumbo!

With Yao Ming, who is unstoppable in offense and defense.

But unfortunately, the team's defense does not have any tacit understanding at all, and it all depends on the personal abilities of the players.

In terms of team defense, the Knicks still have a long way to go.

Coach Don Cheney, I'm afraid he will have a headache...

So, don't think that the Knicks, who have won 18 consecutive games, are really stable.

They still have a long way to go. After all, they have just entered the reconstruction this year!

The camera switched back to the game, and the Knicks attacked.

Paul also showed off a wave of dribbling before slowly passing the half court.

After half time, Paul took the initiative to pass the ball to Yao Ming.

Yao Ming, who got the ball, faced the defense of Pau Gasol.


Leaning towards Gasol, Yao Ming chose to play a post-up singles.

Gasol fought very hard.

Although it was very hard, he managed to stop Yao Ming's attack.

However, this is only a visual effect. What really happened is another explanation.

Yao Ming seemed to be playing a post-up singles, but his eyes were always looking for the position of his teammates.

He had always heard about White Chocolate's magical performance.

Now he finally had a chance to fight against him. If he didn't show his passing skills, it would be a bit unreasonable.


Yao Ming, who was fully engaged in the attack, suddenly shook his wrist and the basketball flew out, brushing against Gasol's hair.

Gasol was startled by the sudden pass and subconsciously made a defensive response.

But as expected, he made a lonely save.

The basketball fell steadily into the hands of Alan Houston who was cutting into the empty space.


Alan used inertia to soar into the air and completed a two-handed rim-breaker!


Under the huge impact, Alan performed his own waltz!

"The wonderful pass came from Yao, who completed an incredible pass without looking at anyone. It turns out that having eyes behind the head is not just talk!"

"Yao's shot reminded me of Magic Johnson. The vision advantage of this tall man was fully utilized at this moment!"

The two commentators gave enough recognition to Yao Ming's vision, believing that it was the key to this wonderful basketball pass.

But unlike the commentators, White Chocolate

Yao Ming seemed to be relying on Gasol in vain, but he was actually using his body to determine Gasol's position.

His eyes were always on the direction of the spectators' movement.

The cooperation on the basketball court is mostly a subconscious temporary reaction, and it is rare to predict the direction of the game in advance.

But this time when Yao Ming passed the ball, he had already made all preparations and thought of the strategy for this attack before he was ready to attack.

Although there was only one attack, Jason knew very well that Yao Ming was definitely a veteran in passing the ball!

Slowly advancing with the ball.

Jason Williams once again mobilized his teammates' running positions and organized the next attack.

Facing Chris Paul's close defense, Jason dribbled between his legs and passed Paul in one step.

He went to the inside line guarded by Mutombo and Yao Ming.

But everyone knew very well that he was The possibility of him attacking is not great, and everyone is looking forward to seeing how he will handle the current offensive situation.

Mutombo and Yao Ming stared at him intently. Whether it was a pass or a layup, they were sure to make a judgment at the first time. But what was unexpected was that Jason held the ball with one hand, and made an unusually spiritual pass from behind, accurately finding Mike Miller who was ambushing in the bottom corner!

The latter took the ball and shot decisively, drawing his bow and arrow, and his hands were full of energy!

A three-pointer was scored!

Although Yao Ming is a skilled passer, he has never been defeated by anyone when it comes to passing!

The offense and defense switched, and the Knicks attacked.

Paul also kept calling on everyone to run, hoping that other teammates would stand up.

But the Grizzlies' defense was so fierce. After running for a long time, the Knicks did not find a more reasonable opportunity, and the ball could only be transferred to Yao Ming again.


After getting the basketball, Yao Ming rushed in with Gasol on his shoulder. At the moment when Lorenzen White came to defend, Yao Ming threw the ball into the air at an incredible angle.

Mutombo, who was not guarded, raised his mouth slightly and slammed the ball into the basket!


Another powerful dunk!

"What an elegant pass! Yao is using his body to show us his talent in passing!"

"To be honest, it is really hard for me to imagine that a top scorer also has top scoring ability. Apart from Yao, I really don’t know who else can do it!"

Maybe Duncan is one, but his scoring and passing abilities seem to be somewhat different from Dayao's.

You have to know that the league's truly excellent scorers don't like to pass the ball.

Because in their eyes, their offense is much more stable than passing!

Some people may mention the buzzer-beater that Jordan passed to Kerr, but that was just an accidental phenomenon after all.

Most of the time, Jordan was the one who ended the game.

Therefore, it is extremely rare for Dayao to be able to deliver such a wonderful assist while maintaining efficient scoring.

Just as the commentator said, Dayao's passing ability is no less than his scoring performance.

Facing Pau Gasol's defense, Dayao made all kinds of incredible and unimaginative passes.

The entire Knicks became particularly active at this time because of Dayao's drive.

Chris Paul tried hard for 18 games but failed to mobilize the enthusiasm of the players, but Dayao achieved it in just a few rounds.

Dayao's gradually demonstrated passing ability made Jason Williams more and more surprised.

This all-around giant from the Celestial Empire once again expressed the true meaning of this title in detail.

Different from other inside players Players, Yao Ming's assists are all based on personal offense.

It is to find opportunities while moving, and constantly rely on his own pulling force to create opportunities for teammates.

This is much stronger than those players who only know how to stand still and stop the ball to find opportunities.

Moreover, Yao Ming's purpose for each attack is very clear.

Never do any useless work, seemingly brainless, but very effective.

It can be said that Yao Ming's current passing level has reached the master level!

Even in Jason Williams' heart, Yao Ming's passing level is on par with him!

The Knicks advance again Attack.

The ball is still in Dayao's hands. At this moment, he has become the starting point of the team's offense.

Facing Pau Gasol again, Dayao first made a fake shot.

But Gasol, who had already suffered a loss, obviously couldn't be fooled again.

Then, Dayao suddenly called a pick-and-roll.

But what's funny is that the one who screened for Yao Ming at this moment was Paul, the shortest player on the Knicks team.

This scene seemed a bit funny at this time.

However, the players on the court paid special attention to this.

Both the offensive and defensive sides were fully focused and did not dare to relax even a little.


Although Gasol and Jason Williams were very careful and tried their best to defend the pick-and-roll,

Yao Ming still found an open space.

At the moment he made contact with Paul, he made a covert one-handed turn pass.

Jason and Gasol thought they had been watching the trajectory of the ball to ensure that the ball was not lost.

Their eyes were fixed on Yao Ming.

But the next second, Chris Paul had completed a one-handed layup.


The sound of the ball going into the net woke Gasol and Jason up from their dreams, staring at Paul in disbelief.

They had no idea when Yao Ming passed the ball!

Jason Williams' expression was a little unnatural.

He, who prided himself on his unrivaled imagination in passing, actually couldn't understand Yao Ming's operation.

Perhaps, Yao Ming's passing ability had surpassed his and was at the top of the league!

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