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The NBA schedule is being carried out one after another as planned before the game.

Among them, there are surprising new forces, such as the New York Knicks.

There are also stable forces, such as the San Antonio Spurs!

Of course, there are also disappointing teams, such as the Atlanta Hawks.

This season, the Hawks, with Jason Terry and Stephen Jackson, have performed particularly poorly.

So far this season, they have only won nine games, competing with the Magic and Wizards for the last place in the Eastern Conference.

However, it is such a team that seems to have no strength, but in the game, it defeated the F4 Los Angeles Lakers.

It was the biggest upset of the season.

Moreover, this is not all. In the next game, the Hawks once again continued the upset and defeated the defending champion Spurs!

This shocked everyone. It seems that the glory of the Hawks is about to come...

But what was unexpected was that after this, the Hawks lost to the Magic by a large margin and returned to the appearance of a weak team.

In such a game where they defeated strong teams and lost to weak teams, the Hawks also ushered in a resounding title - the Hawks who rob the rich and help the poor!

In the past few days when the Hawks were upset, the Knicks were unstoppable and regained three consecutive victories.

They defeated the Clippers, the Suns and the Supersonics respectively!

Although these three opponents are not strong, judging from the state of the Knicks, they have ushered in a new improvement and truly stepped into the ranks of top teams!

At this moment, the game between the Knicks and the Hawks was also jokingly called by fans: the peak battle!

After all, the Knicks are very strong now!

And facing the super strong team, the Hawks are even stronger!

Before this focus battle began, a major event also happened in the basketball world of China.

The"Basketball Pioneer", which focuses on domestic and foreign basketball reports, was officially released!

And the cover of this magazine is the representative figure of China in the NBA - Dayao.

The launch of the Basketball Pioneer caused a great sensation in the entire China.

To be honest, the entire China is now vigorously developing sports.

As the three major sports with the largest mass base and the widest audience, they are also the objects of people's attention.

Among them, basketball and football are the projects that everyone contacts every day.

The achievements of the Chinese men's football team in the 2002 World Cup also gave people new hope for Chinese football.

For a while, the whole of China was caught in a football craze.

But as time went on, people realized that it was the last glory of the Chinese men's football team.

After that, the Chinese men's football team was in a slump, and it was completely different from what a strong team should be.

People who were frustrated could only turn their attention to basketball.

Especially this year, after Yao Ming joined the NBA and achieved excellent results, people had new prospects for the development of basketball in China.

Under this situation, everyone was eager to fill the gap in basketball through more channels.

At this time, the publication of the Basketball Pioneer is like sending charcoal in the snow, allowing them to find a ray of light in the dark night!

This is likely to be an important hub for promoting the development of basketball in China!

After all, if a sport in a country wants to rise, it must be popularized among the whole people and started from a young age.

Cultivating Chinese children's interest in basketball from an early age is an important sign of the maturity of Chinese basketball in the future.

Moreover, judging from the publication of the first issue, the market test is very ideal, and this will also be a profitable business!

Such good news is just the beginning.

Yao's team, which brings together talents from all walks of life, has also ushered in new breakthroughs in negotiations with various Chinese companies.

In particular, the negotiations with Alibaba Group were very pleasant.

The sales record of Yao's basketball shoes on the Taobao platform made them see the infinite possibilities of online shopping.

You know, people's demand for this kind of online shopping is not very large now, but they can already create a miracle of earning 5 million in 1 second!

If everyone can use online shopping, I believe the benefits generated by it will be unimaginable.

At this moment, what Alibaba needs is investment and support. Now

Yao has this strength, and the two sides can be regarded as a perfect match, with a sense of perfect match!

However, this rapid investment also made Yao feel the importance of money.

It seems that he needs to take advantage of this wave of popularity of sneakers and take on a few more endorsements.

When you feel sleepy, someone will send you a pillow.

Dayao was just thinking about where to find a brand to cooperate with, and Bill Duffy brought him good news.

BMW, a very famous car brand in the world, found Dayao!

Nowadays, cars have gradually become a necessity for people.

Moreover, this is also a trend. In the future, cars will become the most basic product of every family's life.

Faced with this situation, BMW is no longer satisfied with only selling their cars in Europe.

They have their eyes on the whole world.

Although they have tried China many times before, to be honest, the effect is not very good.

On the one hand, it is because China has strict control over import trade.

On the other hand, the brand itself is not very popular, and many people don’t even know that this brand exists.

Therefore, BMW decided to find several influential spokespersons worldwide.

They must be the kind with a relatively high national popularity.

After careful consideration, they believe that only Dayao has this strength.

The BMW brand is fashionable and high-end.

Therefore, after they decided to choose Dayao as their spokesperson, the price they gave was also particularly generous.

5 years and 10 million yuan in gold!

You have to know that in today's society, such an endorsement is definitely a treatment that only the biggest stars can have.

In an era without inflation, this is equivalent to 200 million RMB!

Yao Ming had almost no hesitation about this contract and signed it without hesitation.

With the acquisition of this endorsement, Yao Ming's commercial value has also risen. His commercial status in the league is close to that of Michael Jordan who is about to retire!

Maybe in terms of basketball achievements, he cannot be compared with Michael Jordan, who has six championship rings.

But in terms of commercial value, the two are already on the same track.

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