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"Yao's performance in the first quarter was so brilliant. He alone completely surpassed the ability of the Lakers' F4. Even God couldn't have predicted the direction of the plot!"

"That's right, Yao Ming's performance in the first quarter was absolutely impeccable. He made the always proud Los Angeles people feel the taste of being crushed. More importantly, his performance has just begun!"

Two American commentators excitedly told their most intuitive feelings about the first quarter.

They thought that Yao Ming would have an explosion in this game.

But they never thought that this explosion would be so unstoppable.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the first quarter, the entire Lakers team was completely blown away by Yao Ming alone!

""Shaquille, it looks like you're going to be completely beaten today!"

Karl Malone, who was sitting on the bench, said solemnly while wiping the sweat off his body with a towel.

Shaquille O'Neal made a helpless expression.

But soon his eyes���He was full of confidence again,"The game has just begun, it's too early to say anything!"

After saying that, the Big Shark picked up a glass of water and gulped it down.

He had been looking forward to this confrontation with Yao Ming for a long time, and even in his dreams, he had dreamed of a head-on confrontation between the two.

But no matter how he thought about it, he believed that this would be a matchup of equal strength. Even if he couldn't completely suppress Yao Ming, he would definitely not lose!

But now……

"Yao is very strong, so strong that none of us can defeat him unilaterally, but the Knicks are only strong because he is strong. He doesn't have teammates as reliable as us!"

Gary Payton, who performed best in the first quarter, suddenly spoke up.

Although from the data point of view, he only scored 2 points, which is incomparable to Kobe's 8 points and O'Neal's 6 points.

But the role of some people cannot be measured simply by data. The Lakers with him on the court are truly balanced in offense and defense!

Payton's words were to the point! He directly pointed out the current problems of the team and also pointed out the biggest hidden danger of the Knicks.

Everyone felt as if they had suddenly realized something.

Yes, Yao Ming is indeed very strong, even the kind of strong that makes people despair!

But the entire Knicks seems to have only one Yao Ming. The helpers around him may be of good level, but in front of the Lakers F4, there seems to be some gap.

"We need more cooperation to find the most comfortable shooting point, instead of fighting alone!"

Kobe Bu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up, breaking the originally quiet atmosphere.

Regarding Kobe's sudden speech, the first thing that all Lakers players thought was that Kobe was crazy?

There was no way. Those who were really familiar with Kobe's way never had the word"surrender" in his dictionary.

Even in the first quarter of the game, his singles against Yao Ming were not effective, and Yao Ming even ate several balls.

But he was naturally strong, so what he would do was definitely a more paranoid personal attack until he broke through Yao Ming's defense.

But at this moment, Kobe was uncharacteristically emphasizing team attack. Isn't this crazy?

"I agree with Kobe's point of view. The core of my next offense is to put it in the team offense. Everyone should move and play your ability to pass the ball. I have only one request, don't shoot in front of Yao. I don't care about the rest!"

Zen Master affirmed Kobe's proposal.

As Kobe's head coach, Phil Jackson knows Kobe's temper very well.

The reason why he made this decision was not because he had surrendered, but on the contrary, it was the beginning of another round of counterattack.

Now, he just changed a way and turned personal grudges into team confrontation!

After all, at the end of the game, personal data determines only the height of a person, but what people value in the end is the overall development of the team and the final victory or defeat!

With Phil Jackson's approval, this matter has been completely stabilized.

The competition between the two sides in the second quarter also came as expected.

The performance of the substitute lineups of both sides was particularly conspicuous today.

Kirilenko, who has proved himself, once again played the role of the best sixth man and successfully led the Knicks substitute lineup to complete the team's transition period.

Give the substitute lineup enough rest time.

At 5:45 in the game, the coaches of both sides replaced all the main players in an unusually tacit understanding, and a new round of decisive battles kicked off!

The Lakers, who readjusted their tactics, played very methodically in the next matchup.

Kobe's strong shots were gone, and O'Neal's brainless offense was gone. Instead, the Lakers had never shown an overall offense.

All kinds of dazzling passes and unrestrained cooperation were performed vividly by the Lakers' main players.

Although the Knicks' offense was also trying to maintain a threat under the leadership of Dayao, there were still certain problems under the Lakers' rapid offensive.

At the end of the second quarter, the Knicks had gone from leading to lagging behind.

Although the team was almost behind by only 5 points, the Lakers' sudden change in offensive method seemed to hit the team's vital point.

If the Lakers' team-based offensive method cannot be solved, this game will be difficult!

"The Lakers adjusted their tactics. They no longer relied solely on individual efforts, but began to rely on the overall performance of the team, and achieved very good results!"

"Yes, I have to say, this move by the Lakers is awesome!"

"The overall strength of the Knicks is definitely inferior to that of the Lakers. Although the Lakers have not yet solved the problem of Yao Ming, it seems that the New Yorkers only have Yao Ming as a strong scoring point."

"The Lakers grasped this idea, chose to avoid the important and start targeting other Knicks players, which is the key to their current lead!"

The two commentators made a certain analysis of the game at the right time, indicating the key to the Lakers' lead.

At the same time, they also pointed out the biggest hidden danger of the Knicks at present, that is, the team does not have a trustworthy second scoring point.

The Lakers' Sharks have Kobe, Malone, and Payton around them!

But what about Yao Ming? Alan might be reliable when he was young, but now, he can only be considered a shooter.

Paul has a lot of room for growth, but now, he is not yet able to stand on his own.

As for Mutombo, he may be able to block shots, but as for scoring, he is not even as good as Alan!

Under this circumstance, the situation of the Knicks in this game is not optimistic...

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