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"An NBA MVP star from China was born!"

"An NBA center basketball contest champion is born!"

"The most beautiful match among international players in the NBA, Yao Ming expressed the glory of China with his unparalleled performance!"

"This is the NBA. Nothing is impossible. As long as you dare to think, everything is possible!"

The afterglow of the All-Stars has just faded, but reports about Yao Ming are still high.

It has been constantly influencing every basketball fan and fans who are paying attention to the development of the NBA!

In this professional league that should have been a native of the United States, Yao Ming's performance shocked the world.

The biggest impact of this All-Star Game is the brand endorsed by Yao Ming. Sales have skyrocketed overnight.

Reebok sneakers sales stagnated overnight. Crazy fans made the sneakers that were originally in very abundant stock instantly reach the point of being in short supply!

Even the car brands endorsed by him have instantly received more favor, and sales around the world have continued to rise.

And Yao Ming himself... Yao Ming finally released his own brand with the advertising space he had fought for, but it was just an energy drink, and his name was not yet on it.

Yao Ming’s idea this time was very clear. If he was going to do it, he had to do it as big as possible and do it the best.

At this stage, he hoped that he could become a behind-the-scenes boss and quietly control everything. As for the real expansion of territory, it would be better to leave it to his Yao team!

In addition to returning with a full load during this trip to Los Angeles, the team’s general manager Isaiah Thomas was also not idle.

After in-depth communication with Yao Ming, Isaiah finally listened to his advice and found Jamal Crawford, the bench bandit he believed was the most important for the team’s improvement!

"Yao, are you sure Jamal will be the go-to guy off the bench?"

"He is only a third-year rookie player, and the Bulls' offer is not low. I had to work with the Cavaliers and make a three-way trade to get him!"

On the way to the stadium, Isaiah walked side by side with Yao Ming.

This time, in order to get Jamal Crawford, he really spared no expense.

He used all the relationships he could, and even gave away the two future draft picks.

Under the current situation, the Knicks are more focused on the current configuration, and the New Yorkers have the hope of rising.

Moreover, Jamal is the player Yao Ming specifically asked for, and there is no reason for Isaiah not to satisfy him!

"We conducted a comprehensive physical test on Jamal Crowder, but the data does not seem to be ideal. I still say that, are you sure he will make achievements in the substitute lineup?"

Dayao smiled confidently.

"I'm sure!"

In the current league, Jamal's technical moves are very outstanding, but his physique and defense are also desperately poor.

For such a player with very obvious advantages and disadvantages, most managements are still unwilling to take the risk.

Maybe in some bottom-ranked teams, Crawford's style of play can become a marketing tool for the team to expand the market, using his technical moves to attract more audiences.

But if the goal is to win the championship, Jamal is more like a double-edged sword. He may become the team's X factor, or he may ruin the game.

Offense wins games, defense wins championships!

At this stage, the reason why the Knicks can achieve such results is that the team's defense accounts for a large part of the reason!

Whether it is Paul or Battier, Kirilenko or Dayao, these rookie players who have just joined are all real offensive and defensive players, and their defense and offense are very balanced!

But now, the addition of Jamal has broken this balance, causing some uncertainties in the team. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse!

When they came to the stadium, Dayao and Jamal greeted each other enthusiastically.

"Thank you, Yao. To be honest, I am really flattered to receive the invitation from the Knicks. I hope we can have wonderful memories together here!"


After a few simple greetings, Jamal greeted the other players of the team one by one.

Everyone was looking forward to the arrival of this new member!

""Lenny, who is our next opponent?"

After everyone got into training, Yao Ming took the initiative to ask about the team's next schedule.

This surprised coach Wilkens.

After all, in his cognition, he never cared about such questions. The reason was simple. In the face of true strength, no matter who the opponent was, the outcome would not change!

But at this stage, it seems that this is not the case.

"Next time we will face the challenge of the Spurs at home!"


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