Nuggets' round.

Since White and Miller were both hot in the first quarter, they played a double backcourt tactic, and Anthony quietly picked up some open balls to increase his touch.

However, Phil Jackson also noticed that Anthony was stealing points on the side, and began to strictly guard Anthony in the second quarter, at least not giving Anthony open opportunities.

Miller's hot hand alone could not rely on him to make a name for himself, so Wang Chen still arranged for Anthony to join the offense in advance.

Anthony at his peak was also an offensive kaleidoscope, but Wang Chen did not arrange for Anthony to play one-on-one all the time.

Instead, he asked the team to cooperate more, and Anthony hid on the sidelines alone, and waited until the team could not cooperate before giving him one-on-one.

This ball ran for half the time, Miller saw that it was difficult to get a chance, and directly gave it to Anthony according to Wang Chen's instructions.

Anthony faced Devin George's defense, and with Devin George's defensive characteristics summarized by Wang Chen, Anthony could play more targeted.

Devin George is very strong and belongs to the same strong small forward as him, but his speed is a bit different from Anthony, who is also strong, and his reaction is also a bit slow.

Anthony did not rely on his body to force Devin George, but used a technical back-to-back jumper.

Lakers 29:23 Nuggets

The difference between the two sides has not yet widened.

However, when Kobe received the ball on the wing again, facing Barry's defense, he felt that the score was about to be widened.

But in fact, Kobe did not understand Barry. Although Barry was a shooter, Barry's defense was definitely above the league average.

Barry's defensive aggression was full of enthusiasm. Later, when the 35-year-old Barry came to the Rockets, he still contributed to the defensive level.

Wang Chen's defensive requirement for Barry was that it was not required to defend, but the opponent must be uncomfortable.

Even if he was passed, he had to be pulled down by fouls.

A long time ago in the NBA in the last century, a famous coach said a famous saying, either don't foul, or pull the opponent down hard!

Now Wang Chen's requirements for the Nuggets players to defend Kobe are the same, or even more ruthless.

If you can't defend, it's a foul. It doesn't matter if he scores or leaves the court.

Sure enough, Kobe originally wanted to use a breakthrough to hit a shooter like Barry first.

As a result, Barry made two fake moves in a row, and when he saw that Barry's center of gravity was unstable, he immediately accelerated and broke through. Barry also tried his best to keep up. When Kobe saw that Barry couldn't brake, he decisively stopped and shot.

Barry always paid attention to Kobe's sudden stop, but he still underestimated Kobe's ability, and the conventional defense still couldn't make up for this ball.

But Barry was already ruthless. Barry couldn't reach the ball directly, so he went straight to Kobe's hand.


Barry hit Kobe's arm, causing Kobe's hand to be unstable.


This shot missed.

However, the referee's angle was wrong. He saw that Barry only touched Kobe's arm, and he couldn't see how much force he had.

According to the whistle scale set at the beginning of this game, such a foul would generally not be called.

Kobe saw that the referee didn't blow the whistle, frowned, and made a gesture to the referee to indicate that he was hitting his hand.

NBA referees of this era are generally arrogant. After all, even Duncan could be called for a foul for smiling off the court, and they ignored Kobe's complaints.

This behavior is too common in the NBA. Basically every player will complain about the other team's foul or their own non-fouling. If everyone pays attention to it, what's the point of the game?

Barry is particularly cunning....No, he was very experienced.

While Kobe was signaling to the referee to hit his hand, he ran forward frantically. Miller saw Barry's running position and made a long pass.

Barry's playing style is also not in line with this era, because Barry likes to play chase three-pointers, which can often be seen in the small ball era of Warriors' Curry and Thompson.


Barry's quick three-pointer still worked.

Lakers 29:26 Nuggets

Kobe saw Barry's cunning and his face turned black, and he didn't bother about the foul just now.

On the offensive end, Kobe directly backed up this time.

Kobe went all the way to the three-second zone, holding the ball with both hands and made a shoulder shake left and right fake move to feel the change in Barry's defensive center of gravity.

At this time, he suddenly turned left and followed up with a fadeaway jump shot.


Lakers 31:26 Nuggets

Kobe's back-to-back fake move was too realistic. Although this is not Kobe's full growth, it is still a bit difficult for Barry.

Kobe's back-to-the-basket skills are greater than his strength. Like Jordan, he can always trick the opponent's center of gravity through fake moves.

Later, James couldn't beat Wade with his back-to-the-basket moves because James' fake moves couldn't trick Wade's center of gravity. To back-to-the-basket, one must be at O'Neal's level, relying on his tyrannical strength to directly back-to-the-basket and turn around to crush the opponent.

The game continued.

Wang Chen only used the [Super Timeout] when the time was half over. The amplification was still a single item amplification, which increased Barry's offense and defense, mainly defense.

Barry continued to defend against Kobe with all kinds of fierce fouls, which consumed Kobe's energy.

Kobe, who had not fully grown up, also felt the strain.

Half-time break.

Lakers 55:50 Nuggets

Kobe only scored 19 points in the second quarter, and these 19 points also included a few free throws. The other teammates scored 9 points in total.

Anthony played well in this quarter of the Nuggets, scoring 13 points, and the overall success rate of the Nuggets' cooperation was still good.

"Although the Nuggets insisted on using the tactic of defending Kobe alone, the Lakers didn't pull away."

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