Without O'Neal guarding the basket, Brian Cook was also pulled out, and the Lakers' inside line seemed a little empty.

Miller and Anthony chose to break through the Lakers' inside line one after another.

This made the Nuggets' original offensive tactics richer.

Kobe, who was defended alone today, did not perform as well as he did in the last double-teamed game, which was a bit strange.

In the first quarter at this pace.

The Nuggets scored 27 points, while the Lakers only scored 21 points, 15 of which were scored by Kobe alone.


"The Lakers' rhythm was messed up today, and Kobe seemed lost. Phil Jackson should switch to O'Neal as the main attacker."

Johnson shook his head and said

"Let O'Neal attack, O'Neal seems to not pass the ball to Kobe at all, then what role does Kobe have on the court?"

Barkley said with some curiosity.

In recent days, as the score fell behind, the Lakers not only had conflicts on the surface, but also had some conflicts that were not made public, which were also reported by rumors.

"Kobe can only be replaced, unless Phil Jackson is willing to bet the Lakers' future on Kobe.

Kenny Smith explained to Barkley


"Phil Jackson was defeated by Wang Chen's tactics?

Barkley reacted.

Taking the initiative to replace Kobe, it was equivalent to showing weakness, indicating that he seemed to be helpless against Wang Chen.

"How to do it specifically depends on the Zen Master."

Kenny Smith shook his head, he didn't dare to make an absolute guarantee.

At this time,

Phil Jackson was also struggling with his inner thoughts. Not using Kobe would be like telling everyone that he was scared by Wang Chen.

Because Wang Chen's tactic was to beat Kobe down.

Phil Jackson didn't even have to think about it. Based on Wang Chen's previous actions, it was likely that he saw through that OK wouldn't pass the ball.

Although he didn't know how Wang Chen knew it, Wang Chen's previous defensive targeting was more about targeting OK's personality than a tactic.

This was also something Phil Jackson didn't recognize. But the reason for Wang Chen was not that he was defeated by Wang Chen head-on, but this kind of sneaky trick.

If playing against O'Neal, Wang Chen would even let three people double-team O'Neal and leave Kobe open.

Throw the problem to O'Neal to see whether O'Neal chooses to lose or cooperate with Kobe.

Based on Phil Jackson's understanding of O'Neal, O'Neal will definitely force a layup by himself and will not give it to Kobe.

At most, it will be given to Cook, but with Camby's recent defensive speed, it is difficult for Cook to have a chance.

As for passing back and forth, it increases the chance of the ball being stolen.

Back in the second quarter.

The players of both sides walked onto the court

"The Zen Master did not replace Kobe......."

John was very surprised when he saw it.

"It seems that Phil intends to put the pressure on Kobe, but this is in line with Phil's character."

Barkley smiled helplessly.

Phil Jackson's use of people is very different from other coaches. For many problems, Phil Jackson likes to throw the problems to the players to solve themselves.

Phil Jackson's coaching style has also been controversial. Some people agree and some people think it is not okay, but Phil Jackson has always been the head coach of two dynasty teams, which makes people feel that there should be a deep meaning.

Everyone is wondering why Phil Jackson made this arrangement.

But in fact, Phil Jackson's idea at this time was really simple.

He just simply didn't want to admit that he was beaten by Wang Chen. He didn't plan to coach next season. Why lose face?

Although he usually likes to leave the problem to the players to solve, there is a prerequisite that he has already controlled the players and then give the ball to the players to solve.

But now Phil Jackson has lost control of this Lakers team.

As for whether it will be effective to hand this game over to Kobe?

Phil Jackson himself doesn't know He only knew that whether it succeeded or not, the fishing reel would eventually fall on Kobe, and it was none of his business if he temporarily retired next season.

If he was not allowed to control, he didn't want to take the blame. Since Kobe liked to play so much, it would depend on whether Kobe could lead the team to chase like in the last game.

Phil Jackson was also betting on Kobe.

But the next game proved that Phil Jackson was wrong.

It was difficult for Kobe to lead the team to win even if he was leading in a singles game, let alone falling behind at the beginning.

And when O'Neal wanted to play the ball in the middle of the game, just as Phil Jackson expected, three people surrounded O'Neal.

Two people in the interior surrounded O'Neal, and the people defending Kobe immediately went to interfere with O'Neal's attempts to steal the ball.

O'Neal just didn't pass the ball to Kobe, and gave the ball to Cook, who was also a rough guy.

After being defended by Camby, the pass was directly cut off by Nene. Occasionally, there were passes that were not interfered with, and O'Neal had a hard time scoring a goal facing the double team of the other two.

OK, the two of them just didn't pass the ball to each other. At least when Kobe was playing, the people defending O'Neal didn't dare to rush out to defend Kobe, after all, they had to fight with O'Neal for rebounds all the time.

So the Lakers either didn't use Kobe or let Kobe play one-on-one.

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