Anthony was also afraid that if he didn't feel good, he would drag down the team in such a crucial game.

Isn't there a saying in the NBA?

The closer you are to the basket, the higher your hit rate will be.

In this era, this saying is even more true.

When you are not sure about your touch, if you want to lead the team to victory, then you have to attack the basket.

Maybe this is why the league voted for James, who did not make the playoffs, as the best rookie, while Anthony, who made the playoffs, was not selected.

One mid-range finish and the other finish at the basket, just think about it and you will know which one is more valuable.

But Anthony has now proved that he also has the ability to rush to the basket and is not just a pretty boy who can only shoot mid-range shots.

Although Wang Chen knew that Anthony was feeling hot, he did not restrict Anthony's offensive method and let Anthony play freely.

But Anthony's ability to attack in this way also proves that Anthony has matured.


Sanders finally couldn't help it and called a timeout.

Although Sanders didn't understand it at all.

The seventh game decided the two teams like this���In a lucky game, Wang Chen would let Anthony, who only occasionally had a bright performance in the previous few games, give him the highest firing treatment in the first quarter.

You know, this is a tiebreaker!

The first quarter is the most important, and the score in the first quarter may even determine the outcome of the game.

Anthony played like this to mess with his mentality.

You know, Anthony had shot 1 out of 16 before.

After the timeout, Sprewell was replaced by Anthony to defend him, after all, the madman is more flexible.

Szczerbiak was a little slow, and Szczerbiak had already committed two fouls. As an important scorer, it would be too uneconomical for him to be beaten by Anthony.

But Anthony is not a stubborn person.

According to the characteristics of the defender, he flexibly chooses his own offensive method.

Sprewell is very fast, but relatively speaking, he is thinner than Szczerbiak.

Anthony also began to use more outside offensive means.

Turnaround jump shot, pull-up jump shot, back-to-the-basket singles.

At the peak of Melon, as long as he has a good touch, his offense can be said to be unstoppable.

Although he is still a young player, as a genius who is as famous as James in high school, his offense has taken shape.

Anthony's offense is typical of superstars.

Many of them are top shots or interference shots.

Playing like this, as Sanders said, Anthony plays like this to mess with the mentality. If he misses the shot, it messes with the mentality of his teammates. But if he makes the shot, it also messes with the mentality of his opponents.

Because Anthony's hand is hot, plus he is still in [Super Timeout] and [Off-court Incentive], he has made many fairy shots.

Anthony is getting more and more confident.

Playing like this finally affected the mentality of the Timberwolves players.

At the beginning, the Timberwolves played smoothly, and Madman and Cassell frequently fired.

As the pillar of the team, Garnett, with the help of his teammates, also saved energy to do some things to contribute to the team.

The two sides played back and forth.

But gradually.

The Timberwolves began to get a little confused.

Because the Timberwolves play a ball for more than ten or twenty seconds, and they have to pass 6 to 9 times to get a chance to finish an offense.

On the contrary, as soon as Anthony passed, he made a wild shot.

This back and forth caused a huge psychological gap.

They were both scoring, but it was so difficult for their team to score, while it was so easy for the other team to score.

This mentality finally led to a mistake in coordination.

Szczerbiak made a coordination mistake when he was moving the ball. He thought Sprewell was going to run to the bottom corner for a three-pointer.

As a result, when he passed the ball, Sprewell didn't run over at all, but ran to the middle distance. It went out of bounds directly.

Cassell looked at Szczerbiak in astonishment. Wasn't this mistake too outrageous?

The Timberwolves players hadn't come out of this mistake yet, and the Nuggets played at a fast pace.

While the Timberwolves were not so focused, Anthony took a step outside the three-point line to chase the three-pointer.


Anthony made a three-pointer.

The whole audience was silent.

Anthony's touch had turned into a big flame. I guess this was the fairy ball brought by the hot touch and high attributes.

Wang Chen smiled slightly. The Timberwolves were already in chaos.

Through his information tactical board, the madman's touch decreased from hot to ordinary.

Cassell's touch also decreased from hot to ordinary.


Sanders has called the third timeout.

Facing Anthony's hot hand, Sanders has no other choice.

But no matter if there is any way, at least call a timeout to interrupt the rhythm.

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