[Jamal Crawford Star Card (2009-2010 season): The peak of the greatest sixth man in NBA history, the season when the bench"Jordan" was truly named. In this season, Crawford averaged 18+3+3 and was named the best sixth man of the season. Among them, his average score in the third quarter was as high as 7.2 points, ranking second in the league】

【Star card bonus attributes: In the third quarter, all attributes of the player are enhanced by 5 attribute values (note: panel attributes below 95) for ten minutes, and the passive title of"Bench Jordan" is attached.

Temporary upgrade badges: Ball Control Master, Dribbling Veteran, Ball Protection Master, First Step Master, High Difficulty Shooting King, Powerful Terminator (the above badges are bronze to silver, and the silver bonus attributes are doubled)] At the start of the second half, Duncan forced Bogut to foul the latter for the third time in this game


I don't know if it was because Bogut hit Duncan's arm too hard when he shot just now, causing the stone Buddha's right hand to be red and swollen, and the first free throw hit the rim and went out.


Duncan's expression was calm, but his heaving chest and the sweat on his face betrayed him.

This game may be the most"tough" series played by the No. 21 rookie since entering the playoffs this year.

"Although the combination of the"Australian No. 1 pick" Bodog and the"super rich second generation" seemed to have no effect on him, the targeted defensive tactics such as decisive double-teaming and passing and consumption set up by Mark Jackson for him did cause Duncan a lot of trouble in this game.

He calmed down, shook hands with teammates such as Joey on the court, and exhaled a breath.——


Unexpectedly, the great No. 21 rookie of the Holy City rarely missed two free throws.

The basketball bounced out of the basket, and Popovich on the sidelines couldn't help but frowned:

It was just the beginning of the third quarter, there was no reason why Duncan would be in such a"downturn" state?

The basket was strong, David Lee blocked Leonard and Green, and Bodog jumped up to grab the defensive rebound.


A shadow flashed by, and Joey, who hadn't made any move at all after Duncan missed the shot, was like a flying Superman in the movie. He rushed to the basket in the air and pressed Bogut, who had already rushed to the basket.

Eh?! Where's my rebound?

Bogut was stunned for a moment. A pair of incredibly large hands, big enough to cover his entire head, grabbed the rebound over his head!

"Wow! Incredible rebounding awareness! The historical static talent of the Spurs' new star Joey was fully revealed at this moment!"

In the TNT live broadcast room, Barkley, who was commentating on this game, covered his head with a look of shock - this was not acting, he was really shocked by Joey's shot!

Can you imagine a player who was originally a guard, when he was the team's No. 4, grabbing an offensive rebound in the crowd with a rebounding awareness that exceeded most NBA centers?

The director above the Oracle Arena replayed this ball, as if looking for evidence of Joey's"foul" in slow motion...

People only then discovered that Joey, who suddenly jumped out, was in the air at a height that exceeded half of the basket and almost close to the top of the backboard, pressing Bogut, who was much taller than him, and took the rebound with one hand - real head grabbing the backboard!

The combination of historical physical fitness and the court prediction like a God's perspective created this classic picture like a"century painting"!


The fans who witnessed this scene couldn't help but gasp:

Isn't it said that Joey is famous for his abnormal static talent?

With this bounce, he should have no problem participating in the dunk contest after practicing for a while, right?

Joey on the court grabbed the rebound and was immediately double-teamed by Bogut and Barnes.

At this time, Joey made another amazing move - after landing, he pretended to pass the ball, which attracted the pressure from Barnes and Bogut, and then passed the ball without looking at anyone.

The ball brushed past Bogut's forehead behind him, and accurately passed through the narrow"gap" between the two teams' players squeezed together under the basket, and fell into the hands of Leonard who had sneaked into the paint area at some point.

The latter received the ball and jumped on the spot, dunking it in!

59:65, the Warriors led by six points

"It was a perfect pass from a God’s perspective!"

"The Illinois wonderkid was able to make such a street-style pass when the game was so tense.……"

"I wonder if Popovich’s blood pressure will soar off the court?"

Sir Barkley and another black commentator in the live broadcast room laughed out loud. Mr. Feizhu did not hide his approval and love for Joey, the junior - even though he and his predecessor, Yao, had made Sir Feizhu lose a lot of face!

Popovich's frown loosened off the court - he needed Joey to play this kind of role in the playoffs where he could play"magic shots".

The bonus brought by the Silver Ball Guard Master was fully demonstrated at this moment, greatly reducing the probability of Joey's mistakes.

Joey, who completed the"wonderful pass" and amazed the audience, had no emotional fluctuations. He celebrated with Leonard with a symbolic high five and then retreated to defense.

Damn rookie!

Joey stole the show, so as a"background board", Bodog naturally made a fool of himself...

He secretly vowed to teach this"expressionless rookie" a lesson in the next game!

Bodog, who was traded to the Warriors after the All-Star Game, had no idea that he had made a decision that would make him"regret for life"!

Attack and defense switched, the Warriors turned.

Curry directed traffic and prepared to"repeat the old tricks"",""Curry's gravity" has begun to show results. No matter where he runs, as long as he passes half of the Spurs' perimeter defense,

Barnes, Thompson and others will get opportunities.

In this round, the Warriors only passed the ball four times. Thompson used the screen to get rid of Leonard, who was like a"dog-skin plaster", and got a chance in the right corner. David Lee, who was holding the ball in the low post on the left, passed the ball across most of the court like a sniper shot and was about to reach the former's hands - wipe!

It was the same pair of yellow hands again, it was Joey!

Thompson widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief:

When did this guy get in front of me?

David Lee, who had just passed the ball under the basket on the other side, felt that the resistance behind him was relieved. When he looked back, Joey had actually caught up with the basketball and was one step away from Thompson. From a far distance, he jumped up and intercepted the ball in the air.

Prediction! Absolute prediction!

An amazing thought came to everyone's mind at the same time!

The Spurs' rookie Joey must have a similar ability to predict, otherwise how to explain his two consecutive steals in one round as if he could predict the future?!

Curry, who watched Joey leap nearly ten meters in one second and rush from the left low post to the right corner to complete the steal, was stunned:

Hello, 911?

I want to call the police, I saw an alien?

What? Are you asking me if I've watched too much"Men in Black"?

Fuck you, would I tell you that I saw a gibbon on the court that can teleport?

Joey didn't hesitate, he broke through as soon as he landed. This time he didn't choose to pass the ball because he saw that the K6 star card in his personal panel flashed.——

【"The attribute bonus of the title"Bench Jordan" is complete!

At this moment, Joey's negative state was swept away, and he passed three people in a row as if assisted by God: he dribbled past the pressing Bodog, passed the half-court ball and turned around with a flexibility that was completely inconsistent with his body shape to pass Barnes, and took a step outside the three-point line to knock away the thin Curry, and then decisively shot a three-pointer -

Silver High Difficulty Shooting King lit up, and Joey's long-trained dry pull-up shot was extremely elegant. When the ball was released in the air, he seemed to see the ending


While Curry and other Warriors players were praying silently, the ball went into the net!

This dry pull-up posture... How did it make the fans in front of the TV recall the bad scenes?

The Warriors fans at the scene could hardly close their mouths. Whose good guy made three wonderful scenes comparable to the"Top Ten Plays" in two rounds?

And when did you practice this elegant and skillful dry pull-up?

Could it be that T-Mac, who has become fat like a ball, still has two brushes to teach the younger generation during this period?

"Good shot!"

Not only Barkley and other celebrities who were watching the live broadcast of this game, but even Popovich, who was used to big scenes on the sidelines, couldn't help but admire!

At the beginning of the second half, Joey helped the team score five points on his own, and the score difference was narrowed to three points.

The head coach Mark Jackson on the opposite Warriors bench suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Joey's hands felt hot at this moment, and he seemed to have endless strength all over his body.

After he made this three-pointer, he clenched his fist with one hand and pointed to the sky above the arena with the other hand. His expression was firm and resolute - the meaning was obvious, he wanted to use his own strength to make a"hole" in the Warriors' home court, Oracle Arena!

The arrogant California fans will eventually pay the price for his actions!

(To be continued)

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