Joey hung on the basket for a long time before coming down.


The basket made a sound of being overwhelmed. Barnes, who was humiliated by Joey's"dunk", was knocked into the air by the huge force and stopped only when he hit the protective pad under the basket!

With his back landing, Barnes sat on the ground with an unbelievable"trance":

I was dunked on?

My"first dunk" in the playoffs was taken away like this...

Curry and Thompson on the side looked at this visually impactful scene and swallowed their saliva unconsciously -

No, buddy, you are Superman?

Are you the white monster in Los Angeles pretending to be him?

I, the"North Carolina Black Hawk", have no face?

It was not until they saw Barnes lying on the ground in a mess that they reacted and ran over to pull him up.

Barnes was still in shock, but Joey had already dropped the basketball and walked away like a heartless scumbag... leaving him to wipe it, leaving Barnes to serve as a background board and"socially dead" on the spot!

Oracle Arena was still for a moment, as if the fans in the audience were cast under a spell, their breathing stopped - and then the next second, they broke out in far more intense and violent abuse than before!

What's more, some people smashed the beer bottles and snacks in their hands, which fell at the feet of the audience in the front row, thus triggering an unexpected off-court conflict...

Oracle Arena's security forces quickly appeared on the scene, while comforting the fans on the scene and maintaining order. The head of the arena's security also specially sent a small team to guard the players' passage, ready to go on the court at any time to stop"sudden accidents""——

They haven't encountered such a headache in the playoffs for a long time!

After all, the last time the Warriors entered the playoffs was the"Golden State Gang" in the 2006-2007 season.

Yes, it was the Warriors led by the"Bearded Generation" to the Mavericks!

(It is worth mentioning that Jackson, the martial arts saint in the Spurs, was also the main forward of the Golden State Gang.)

Seeing the angry fans at the scene, even some Hollywood celebrities on the sidelines were excited.

And Joey and the Spurs didn't even do anything excessively"provoking" to you, but you are so excited. If they really send you home to go fishing after four games, you, the Bay Area fans with money but nowhere to spend, won't you carry cannons to bombard the military control zone of the Holy City? It

's really a free rice grain home, with gun battles every day!

"Fuck Joey!"

On the sidelines, Joey suddenly heard a roar at the top of his lungs as he retreated. Even as soon as the voice started, the fans on the sidelines spontaneously"cooperated"——

"Fuck joey! Fuck joey! Fuck……"

"Dirty Texas gun guys, God doesn't favor poor rednecks!"

"Fuck you yellow monkey, go back to your hometown in Chicago and eat bananas……"

"Foul! Foul! It was a dirty call. I saw that asshole rookie Joey elbowed Draymond. He hurt him badly.……"

(Green’s inner thoughts: Don’t talk nonsense! My brother Qiao is very pure and innocent…Brother Qiao, there were a lot of people outside just now. I kneel down to you now!)


The insults intensified, but Joey and the Spurs players on the field were not affected at all. The former even had the mind to"joke" with Curry.":

"Stephen, show us your true abilities and defeat us on your turf!

"Look at little Stephen, you have so many fans supporting you.……"

Joey used the most paralyzed expression and said the most sarcastic words, which stimulated the Warriors players led by Curry to twitch their faces."——

TMD, you rookie, I know you are not a good-tempered person who will be bullied. You have not inherited the introverted and humble temperament of the Chinese people at all...

Curry saw that time was running out and the score difference was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't care about anything else. He used the screen to get rid of Parker, and his small floater at the basket was interfered by Joey.

The basketball was shot steadily. According to Curry's hot hand today, it should be a sure thing...

Bang - but it was the opposite!

It felt like a must-win ball, and the feeling was as hot as ever, so how could it be missed?

Watching the basketball hit the back edge of the basket, Curry was a little unwilling:

I have already scored several goals with similar high-intensity interference in today's game, so why did I miss this time?

Perhaps only Joey can give him the answer -

Bronze Ball-Holding Defense Elite, it is really the"black technology" on the court!

Even if it just stands in front of you and does nothing, it has the effect of reducing your hit rate!

It is simply the best"defense badge" to interrupt the hot hand of Curry, a top scorer who takes"spurts and bursts" on the court as commonplace!

Before he could think, Curry quickly joined in the fight for the rebound.

Split stuck Bogut firmly behind him. After landing, Joey elbowed Green away, knocking the latter to the ground with his elbow, making the latter roll his eyes and groan, and then easily took the rebound into his arms - this was his tenth rebound in this game!


Joey said that the altitude was not high and he didn't see him at all...

Pushing forward the fast break, Curry was unwilling to wait for an opportunity to steal the ball from Joey near the half court. The latter skillfully changed direction and faked to avoid the"restless" hand of the elementary school student and easily reached the front court.

At this time, the players of the two teams were in their respective positions, and Joey and Curry were misaligned.

He was 2.06 meters tall and stood in front of Curry with the ball, a full head taller than the latter...

The ball protector"reasonably and legally""elbowed" Curry away, and the latter was unwilling to steal the ball several times, but he didn't even touch the shadow of the ball. The scene was so"awkward" that people couldn't help but have a picture in their minds:

"The greedy kid tried his best to get his favorite candy from his father...

At this point in the game, Joey suddenly became playful, turned his back to Curry, and sat down heavily - bang - bang - bang!

Three consecutive back-to-back hits. Under the gaze of nearly 20,000 fans at the Oracle Arena, their backbone, the Warriors' star Stephen Curry, was like being beaten by a weird uncle on the court."���

The players on the field of both teams were also somewhat surprised to see this scene happen, until Curry's face turned red, and he tried his best to resist Joey's back-to-the-basket, and was pushed to the free throw line like a bulldozer... His good brother Klay was the first to react and rushed forward to double-team.

At this time, Thompson's departure was given to Danny Green, and Joey leaned on Curry and hit the ball to the emperor in the 45-degree open position on the wing.——


Without hesitation, Huang Ama took his first shot in the fourth quarter and hit it for the first time!

In this"weird" atmosphere of the final quarter, the Warriors team was unconsciously brought into the"rhythm" of the Spurs, or Joey, and the score difference was widened to 7 points!

Three minutes into the fourth quarter, the Warriors and Spurs scored 3:7...

The Spurs' perimeter defense brought a nearly"suffocating" sense of oppression, which can be seen!

If Curry hadn't hit that"super long three-pointer", the difference between the two teams would have reached double digits.

From leading by eight points to falling behind by nearly ten points, the Golden State Warriors, who averaged 115 points per game in the regular season this season and ranked first in the league, took less than ten minutes...

The NBA's No. 1 championship coach and the Celtics' famous head coach"Red" Auerbach is right - compared to the regular season with explosive data, the playoffs with more confrontation and defensive actions are the best"standard" to test a championship team!

The Spurs' outside defense, formed by Joey + Leonard + Green, tightly defended the Golden State Warriors, the"offensive team" with the highest average points per game and the highest three-point firepower in the league in the regular season!

This is the playoffs!

The famous saying that has been passed down for decades is right, offense wins games, defense wins championships!

(Note: This sentence originally came from the football world)

Today, when the small ball era is about to come, it is still"reasonable and applicable"!

No wonder veteran coaches such as Popovich, Larry Brown, Hollins, etc. regard it as a treasure, and have been building their team's"defense system" for decades."……

At this time, the situation on the court was completely controlled by the Spurs. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Warriors' young players were already very good to get to this point, but the lack of playoff experience and the team's weakness of finding a second person besides Curry to break the Spurs' iron barrel defense were exposed...

The fans in the Bay Area thought that they could have a chance to turn the tables if they returned to their home court, but they didn't know that the Spurs' foundation and team lineup were not something that such a new strong team could"challenge" at all!

Popovich on the sidelines finally showed a satisfied smile - even if Joey, the little bastard, accidentally made a lot of"work" in this game, at least there was no incident like Staples, right?

Moreover, he relied on his own defensive control and personal ability to help the team score 7 points in a row, and also limited the hit rate of the Warriors in the fourth quarter to less than 25%...

The old thief is old, can he still get angry because of these"trivial matters"? If he gets angry and gets sick, will the"culprits" such as Joey and Manu support him until the end of his life?

Joey Popovich didn't know, but the Pampas vulture in the team was hoping that he would be paralyzed and hospitalized as soon as possible so that he could control the"power of life and death" on the bench of the team, and then step by step turn the Spurs team into his"Argentine International Team""……

A bald guy who was watching the live broadcast of this game in the Holy City and eating the popcorn provided by the Spurs' home sponsor for free: 6~~

(Damn old man, I didn't expect so much...)

In this way, under the leadership of Joey and the No. 21 rookie who was replaced again, the Spurs' offense was well organized. Basically, as long as they ran out of space, they could score!

On the other hand, except for Curry who was still swinging hard with"my fate is in my own hands, not in the hands of God", Thompson, Barnes and other players had already lost their spirits after Joey's"shocking dunk" at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and even their hit rate and hot state disappeared quietly.

Later, Green, who continued to play, pretended to be"fierce" and hugged the latter to foul when he was called by Joey to play alone, until he had 4 fouls and was replaced by head coach Mark Jackson helplessly.

David Lee and Bogut were beaten up by Duncan in turn. After resting for most of the game, Duncan had more energy than the two guys who fought for the whole game. In addition, he had gradually regained his touch.

Whatever he did under the basket, he scored. The unsolvable 45 rebounds, the fake turn with his back, the difficult hook shot against the defense under the basket...

Joey, who was in charge of directing the offense at the high position, exclaimed"awesome": the

37-year-old"Stone Buddha in his twilight years" could easily play against two quasi-All-Star inside players at their peak in the playoffs. What if it was the"Flying Devil" at his peak? If he didn't beat the shit out of him, wouldn't he have done it?

In the end, Joey and Duncan scored 32 and 21 points respectively. The former broke his single-game scoring record in his playoff career, and the latter's total playoff score officially reached 4,500 points, ranking eighth in history!

(Note: Stone Buddha's final playoff total score is 5172 points, sixth in history)

The rest of the Spurs players also played well, with the little sports car 17 points, 12 assists and 3 steals, Leonard 11 points and 11 rebounds, Green 12 points, Neal 9 points, Bonner 7 points and 5 rebounds, Split 7 points and 13 rebounds, Mills 12 points, Jackson 8 points and 4 assists...

The Spurs won the third game of the series at the Warriors' home court with a big score of 123:109, turning the total score into 3:0.

The young Golden State Warriors are already on the verge of elimination!

In this campaign, Curry scored a team-high 31 points, Thompson scored 17 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists with 4 of 9 three-pointers, Barnes 11 points, 8 rebounds and 3 steals, David Lee 23 points and 11 rebounds, Bodog 8 points, 9 rebounds and 2 blocks...

This team with unlimited potential and hope for countless Bay Area fans will welcome the man who truly changed their team and led them to the top of the league next year!

After the game, during the greeting session between the two teams, Curry took the initiative to find Joey. The two young point guards who both scored 30+ points, the two future faces of the league, exchanged jerseys with each other...

Then, under the gaze of all the Warriors fans, Joey, wearing only a Nike tight training suit on his upper body, walked to the center of the court where the Warriors logo was located.

He made a move that would make countless Joey fans"blood boil" when they recalled it in the future - he first turned his right hand 360 degrees, and at the same time, the toe of his right foot stepped on the ground next to his left foot, bowed at the same time, and kept his body tilted forward 30-40 degrees...

He bowed slightly in each of the four directions of the Oracle Arena, and then walked away with a smile!

The Warriors staff, on-site technical workers, all the players of the two teams, and the nearly 15,000 Oakland fans who had not yet left the field watched this scene and were stunned for a long time... It was not until Joey had walked into the player tunnel surrounded by his teammates and security personnel that the arena belonging to the Warriors erupted with a deafening and boiling"breaking defense" sound.——

"Bastard! Bastard! How dare dare you?"

"Farewell Golden State?! Farewell your mother, damn Asian monkey!"

"You are just a system player. Without the Spurs and Popovich, you are nothing. How dare you?!!"

"Fuck joey! Fuck joey! Fuck……"

"This is a provocation, a naked provocation! I ask the league to sanction him, the referee, where is the referee? The player made an indecent gesture to the audience during the game, he should be suspended, he should be suspended for ten games!"

"You grandstanding monkey! Damn it, I'm going to hire someone to kill you, bastard!"

"Go back and say goodbye to your parents, bastard! Damn, you are simply a bad boy of the new era……"


The Warriors fans off the court were furious. They threw empty beer bottles, popcorn cups, banners with big portraits of Curry and other Warriors players, leftover hot dogs, hamburger wrappers... As long as they could throw anything, the fans excitedly threw these things onto the court, regardless of whether there would be any danger! The

Oakland fans collectively broke down. Even though Oakland is the city with the largest number of Chinese in the United States, people of other skin colors here still maintain a contemptuous attitude towards Asians!

The Warriors staff and security personnel quickly rushed to the audience seats at the risk of being"injured" to stop the fans'"riot".

The Hollywood celebrities in the front row had never seen such a scene before. They hurriedly left the court in a panic under the cover of bodyguards...

The league technical desk staff on the court looked at this scene in shock - some of them had worked in the NBA for more than 20 years, and it was the first time they saw the fans of the entire home team stadium stand up and scold the same visiting team player after the game...

And this player was just a first-year rookie!

It was simply unbelievable!

This will be another indelible"famous scene" in NBA history."——

A gentleman bows to Golden State!

The craziest first-year rookie in NBA history also officially begins his career against the superstars in the entire league on this day!

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