In the following week, the Spurs had a three-game homestand, defeating the visiting Mavericks, Nets, and Bucks.

The Spurs finished the December regular season with a record of 13 wins and 4 losses.

And currently, they are ranked third in the Western Conference with a record of 26 wins and 9 losses.

The team is in a thriving state. The only bad news is that the team's point guard, the French sports car, is expected to be out for three to four weeks due to tightness in the left quadriceps.

Joey will also serve as the team's starting point guard during this period.

After playing as a substitute for more than 20 games, Joey is about to start.

Although he was worried about Parker's departure, after all, in the original history, Parker's left leg injury would not break out until around 2017.

But Joey was indeed surprised to be able to start the team, get more playing time, and get better performance data.

Time quickly came to the beginning of January 2013. On the eve of the game with the Knicks, the results of the first round of All-Star voting came out.

The Eastern Conference's top vote-getter, and the player with the most votes at the moment, is James, the young emperor from Miami on the South Coast, who leads all other players with 920,000 votes, and takes up a spot as the Eastern Conference All-Star forward.

The other is the Knicks' star player, Carmelo Anthony (640,000); the guards are Wade (660,000 votes) and Rondo (450,000 votes); and the frontcourt position is Garnett who has the most votes (770,000 votes).

The Lakers' Black Mamba leads the Western Conference's guards with 850,000 votes.

But the one who ranks behind him in terms of both ranking and votes is unexpected to everyone, and it's actually the Spurs' first-year third overall pick, Joey!

He follows closely with 780,000 votes, and his growth rate far exceeds that of other stars such as Nash (420,000), Paul (700,000), and Westbrook (560,000). The forward position is currently led by Durant (610,000) and Griffin (560,000).

There is another frontcourt position. Since Lakers star Dwight Howard is currently absent from many games (one month), he is not on the All-Star voting list. Instead, the Spurs'"No. 21 Rookie" is on the ballot.

Currently, Duncan (490,000) and Nowitzki (510,000) are competing for the last All-Star starting spot.

This can be regarded as some butterfly effect caused by Joey.

Among them, Joey, who ranked third in total votes, caused a storm in the Milijia basketball circle.

Almost all Milijia fans are questioning whether Joey, a player averaging 16+8+5 per game, has the strength to be selected as an All-Star starter.

With such data, it is considered good to give him an All-Star substitute. How can he be selected as a starter?

You know, this is to select the ten most outstanding players in the NBA, which brings together more than 400 top basketball players in the world!

The last freshman who was selected as an All-Star starter was Joey's predecessor, the Rockets' famous center-Yao Ming.

This can't help but remind the league of the"fear" of being dominated by Chinese and even Asian fans in the All-Star.

The reason why Joey got so many votes in one round of voting is mostly because of his skin color. Not only Chinese fans in Milijia, but also fans in China and even most of Asia, regardless of whether they are fans of Joey or not...

As long as they are Chinese fans, they basically vote for him spontaneously.

In addition to Bill Duffy's marketing methods during this period, Selena Gomez also canvassed for Joey on her social media, and also attracted a group of votes from local fans in Milijia.

Some of them did not count their votes after voting, and even used a series of methods such as climbing over the firewall and registering a small account to vote for Joey. Among them, the mysterious"Eastern Power" was the most active.

Since Yi Jianlian almost won the NBA All-Star vote king that year, the league began to secretly dilute the votes of fans in China, but this could not resist the red power of 1.3 billion people...

All the above reasons led to Joey, a first-year rookie, being ranked second among Western guards with a high number of votes after one round of All-Star voting.

Paul's fans and Nash's fans were the most unwilling to accept this. They blasted Joey on social media, saying that he was a piece of shit. It was uncertain whether a yellow guard could play as a starter in the future, and now he was trying to cheat the All-Stars?

This was the fate of Jamie Lin after he lost his"madness"!

Many famous commentators in the basketball circle also took the opportunity to stand up and make some money:

On an ESPN blog show, Isaiah Thomas, the former president and head coach of the Knicks and the well-deserved leader of the Bad Boys, commented:

"Joey, it is undeniable that he is a phenomenal rookie with all-around skills. You can hardly find his shortcomings.……"

"Because of this, it is difficult for people to see the influence of a certain ability on the decision of the game from his game. Rather than people calling him the successor of EJ, I think his better player template is Andrei Kirilenko in the 04-05 season!"

"A quality championship puzzle, a wing gate with the potential of the league's best rookie player……"

Isaiah Thomas' words quickly caused a"trend" across the United States, and many people agreed with his words -

Joey was just a high-quality role player who benefited from the Spurs' team basketball bonus, and he was not worthy of an All-Star starting seat at all.

Justin Bieber, the Canadian pop star who has been canvassing for Chris Paul on his personal social platform, directly"blasted" Joey as a"scumbag with no moral quality and who likes to poach people's players."

There is another main reason why Joey was able to get such a high number of votes, and that is the reform of the All-Star Game system.

Starting this year (i.e. 2013), the NBA's All-Star Game voting has changed. According to the new voting rules announced by the league's vice president Adam Silver in October last year, the league will soon cancel the center position and change it to two backcourt players and three frontcourt players.

This decision allows more outstanding forwards to be selected as All-Stars.

Joey can be said to have benefited from this part of the"bonus".

There was a lot of discussion about him from the outside world, but he was not affected at all. Even when he received a call from Bill Duffy asking whether he would respond, Joey chose to deal with the change with the same approach.

He believes that the best way for a professional athlete to dispel all the noisy and suspicious voices from the outside world is to show good performance and victory!

Soon, the opportunity to"prove" himself came...

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