Lakers bench,

LeBron James put his arm around Wang Ba's shoulders and asked mysteriously:

"Do you know your current statistics?"

Wang Ba shook his head,

He rarely paid special attention to statistics during the game. As for scoring and assists, they were secondary. The main thing was to win.

LeBron James handed the tablet to Wang Ba,

"Look for yourself."

52 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds, 3 steals, 3 blocks

20 points in the third quarter!!

Plus-minus value +22,

Wang Ba's performance was even better than that of a superstar. Even he was surprised. He got 52 points without realizing it. He is likely to get 60 points again tonight.

60+ three times in a single season, not far from Harden's 4 times in a single season.

If he can get 18 points in the last quarter, he will create a new record, an unprecedented record,

70+ twice in a single season, what a terrifying scoring ability!

"Brother, in the fourth quarter, you should score more points and try to get 18 points! We will all help you."

"That depends on whether the Celtics give you a chance."

If the score difference continues to widen and the Lakers lock in the victory, Wang Ba will not bother to score points, because he is not Embiid.

On the contrary,

If the Celtics narrow the score difference or even overtake, Wang Ba can fire unlimitedly.

The Celtics are very powerful,

their substitutes are stronger and play very strongly,

The Lakers are fortunate to have Rondo, and under his arrangement and control, the situation did not completely collapse,

In the end,

The Lakers entered the last quarter with a 9-point lead,

As soon as the last quarter started,

the Celtics launched a fierce offensive, and all the Lakers players missed shots, and the score difference was pulled to 5 points,

Walton wanted to give the main players more rest time, and did not plan to go up early, but Smart made a 3-pointer and 1 mid-range shot,

The score was tied in an instant, and he finally couldn't sit still and replaced the main players.

Seeing this, the Celtics also replaced the main players. Before the players went on the court, Stevens instructed:

"Double-team Wang Ba for me!"

"Double-team Jaylen Brown and Irving on the outside, and double-team Horford and Baynes on the inside!"

"Others defend one step on the outside."

"Increase the intensity of defense, and make sure to establish a leading advantage in one go!"

Stevens is going to gamble, betting that the other Lakers players are not in good shape!

After the timeout,

The Celtics strengthened their defense, Lao Zhan passed the ball, and Wang Ba dribbled to the inside,

Jaylen Brown did not chase, Horford and Baynes rushed to Wang Ba at the same time, forming a siege.

Lao Zhan cut without the ball, and he passed the ball from Horford's crotch. After James received the ball, he directly blasted the basket with both hands.

This ball instantly ignited the whole court.

The last few minutes were a disaster for the Lakers. The 15-point lead was wiped out in an instant, and the fans were very depressed.

The wonderful cooperation between Wang Ba and James, and James's two-handed blast, made the fans feel that the breath they had been holding back was finally released.

Horford was passed under the crotch, feeling humiliated, staring at Wang Ba fiercely,

Wang Ba smiled faintly,

The Celtics' defense relies on fast rotation, and the height of the inside line is not high. If there is no Horford, the defensive efficiency will be reduced by half.

At that time, Lao Zhan, Ingram, and Kusama can break through at will, and the game will definitely be won.

If Horford is really impulsive, he doesn't mind targeting him a little!

Looking back,

The Celtics relied on 3 attack points to score 2 points,

Since the defense can't be defended, then go all out and use offense to solve the battle.

Wang Ba slowly crossed the center line, stepped on the logo and stretched out his hand to ask for the ball. James was shocked and passed the ball to him.

Everyone on the Lakers team knew that Wang Ba's logo 3-pointer was so accurate that it was no exaggeration to say that he never missed a shot.

Wang Ba asked for the ball in the center circle, obviously wanting to use a big move. James said, I like it so much!

The Celtics players on the field didn't seem to know that Wang Ba had the ability to shoot a logo 3-pointer, and no one came up to intervene.

Stepped on the center circle, pulled up and shot with a very standard jump shot posture!


The shot went into the net.

Staples Center exploded again.

The ultra-long-distance 3-pointer is not scary, what is scary is shooting with a standard shooting posture.

The Celtics quickly sent the ball to the baseline and launched a counterattack. The Lakers returned to defense with a scattered formation and were scored 2 points.

In the second round,

James just passed the center circle, and Wang Ba stretched out his hand again and shot as soon as he received the ball.

It was still a jump shot with a standard posture!

Players like Curry and Lillard have all shot the logo three-pointer, but when shooting from such a long distance, they all use a push-shot posture to push the ball out from the chest.

Wang Ba's two logo three-pointers are both standard postures, which require extremely terrifying core strength, as well as arm and wrist strength.

No player in the entire league can do it, logo's 3-pointer is accurate, and his posture is so standard!


Logo's 3-pointer is also in.

Lakers fans all stood up, even the stars in the front row were no exception, and the Lakers players celebrated.


"Wang Ba can really use the logo 3-pointer as a regular weapon. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

"He used a standard posture to jump shot in the middle circle, which was simply amazing!"

"I only admire Wang Ba for logo 3-pointers!"

Continuously hitting the logo 3-pointer may be dribbling, but hitting the logo 3-pointer with a standard posture and a hollow shot is definitely not luck.

The Celtics wanted to respond,

Tatum received the pass outside the three-point line, ignored the defense in front of him, and shot directly.

Unfortunately, his response ball was not successful.

Pants Ma grabbed the rebound and gave the ball to Lao Zhan, and the Lakers launched a counterattack.

James controlled the ball to the frontcourt, and there was no need for Wang Ba to reach out for the ball. He passed the ball immediately after passing the middle circle.

Stevens on the sidelines shouted before Wang Ba crossed half court:

"Stick to him!"

Even if he didn't remind him, Jaylen Brown would have gone up.

Wang Ba dribbled the ball and broke through, then stopped suddenly and took two steps to the right. At this moment, Irving was ready to double-team him.

He grabbed the ball with one hand and slammed it behind Jaylen Brown and Irving. They turned around at the same time and found that there was no shadow of the ball.

"Not good!"

"It's a fake pass!"

At the moment when the two were deceived and turned around, Wang Ba retreated back to the logo circle and raised his hand to shoot.

Jaylen Brown and Irving turned around, but it was too late. The basketball drew a straight arc and hit the basket.

The whole audience stood up and screamed and went!

The Celtics were a little anxious and quickly sent the baseline ball to grab one. The Lakers defended and counterattacked.

Wang Ba dribbled the ball before he crossed half court, and Jaylen Brown came up. He passed the ball to James. Jaylen Brown had been deceived before, so he didn't dare to ignore Wang Ba directly.

In this way,

The half court formed a 4-on-4 situation. With one less player while the defensive area remained the same, the loopholes were much bigger.

After two passes, Ingram missed the shot, and Pants Ma grabbed the rebound and passed it to James.

James caught the ball with one hand in the air and passed it to Wang Ba before landing. Wang Ba shot as soon as he received the ball.

Jaylen Brown did not jump, but raised his hands. Seeing this, Wang Ba did not hesitate at all and shot the ball into the basket.

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