Wang Ba was totally unaware of the discussion that was going on in China because of him. He came to the training hall early. Uncle Sadik took his breakfast and punched him hard on the shoulder:

"I watched yesterday's game, it was so cool!"

Wang Ba grimaced in pain:

"Actually, I think so too."

"The supervisor said that in the future, as long as you come to train, you can turn on the equipment at any time, and you don't need to wait until after 8:30 to avoid freezing."

"James will be absent for 2 months, you must work hard."

"Sign for me when you leave, my son is now your fan."

Uncle Sadik said as he adjusted the equipment in the venue, the shooting machine, and then closed the door of the training hall to enjoy his breakfast.

Wang Ba carried out daily physical fitness and jumping training step by step, and then fat and weight loss training.

His speed has improved, but he still needs to lose weight.

First, if the weight is reduced, the jumping and speed can be improved.

Second, it is to protect the knees.

Many NBA players are too heavy to bear the knees and become glass men, the most typical example is Zion.

He has not participated in the draft yet, does not know his future, and is still showing off his dunks in the college league!

When Wang Ba started to train frantically, Fertitta was furious.

After a night of fermentation, the riot of Rockets fans became more and more intense, and there was a trend of being out of control.


In the voting activity of "NBA's most stingy and hypocritical boss" conducted on the Internet, Fertitta topped the list with a cliff advantage.


Fans left a message on the official account of the league, demanding the cancellation of the compliance of Fertitta's acquisition of the team.


Rockets fans organized a boycott activity of "not going to watch the game on site".

Tickets are the main source of income for the NBA. If fans really boycott buying tickets, the team's income will be greatly reduced.

"What the hell is going on!"


"You have to give me a reasonable explanation!"

Fertitta was furious and started to curse.

Morey felt wronged.

The team's operations director wanted to increase his salary, and you accused him of being greedy. He deliberately stirred up the fans' anger in the team's operations account.

Can I be blamed for this?

Fertitta didn't listen to his explanation at all:

"We paid you to solve the problem. We give you one day to appease the fans and communicate with the league. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

He didn't know that the Rockets fans' troubles were already known to everyone at the headquarters. Many people privately mocked him as a pretentious Grandet.

President Xiao Guangtou even used him as a negative example at the meeting, saying that he was the stupidest boss.

"Fans are the gods of the league."

"When they go to the game, the league will have ticket revenue, and advertisers are willing to invest money. The more people watch the live broadcast, the higher the price of the broadcast rights can be!"

"And spinach..."

He was too excited and couldn't stop talking. The assistant quickly coughed to remind him. Xiao Guangtou quickly stopped talking. The spinach thing can't be brought to the table.

"The Rockets' affairs need to be followed up and urged them to appease the fans as soon as possible,"

After saying that, he glanced at Jones, the director of the media department:

"How was the ratings last night?"

The Rockets' troubles are not enough to be discussed in a meeting. What Xiao Hua cares about is the ratings of the Christmas game, which will determine whether the investment promotion can be successful.

Jones' expression is not good:

"The average ratings of the 5 games are 2.3, with an average of 5.52 million viewers. The highest ratings are the Lakers and Rockets games, with about 8 million viewers..."

Xiao Hua's old face is long:

"The ratings have fallen for two consecutive years. Tell me why!"

Jones was silent, but he was madly complaining in his heart: Because you are a fool!

He suggested arranging the Christmas game between the Lakers and the Warriors.

Xiao Guangtou said shamelessly that watching the match between James and Curry all the time would cause visual fatigue, and he wanted to change to something new.

What a fool!

The reputation and ratings of the NBA have been declining year after year, and the 2016 Cavaliers-Warriors match has become the last fig leaf.

When the tide of the fig leaf recedes, the league can only swim naked.

Xiao Guangtou will definitely not admit his mistakes. He put all the blame on Jones:

"Summarize the reasons for the poor ratings of the Christmas game, find solutions, and form a written report. I want to see it within 3 days."

Ratings determine broadcast fees, advertising, sponsorship, and how much money the league makes. Xiao Hua still attaches great importance to it:

"Also, increase the number of Lakers live broadcasts in the United States, temporarily increase 5 games"

The head of the coordination and business department reminded him:

"The number of live broadcasts in the United States is fixed. If we give more to the Lakers, we will reduce the live broadcasts of other teams, and the TV station will have to make adjustments..."

Xiao Hua interrupted him:

"Whoever can bring in ratings will be broadcast live, the 5 teams with the lowest ratings, each team will reduce one live broadcast to give to the Lakers!"

The head of the operations department stood up:

"According to reliable information, James is injured and will miss at least 50 days of games. It is unwise to increase the number of Lakers live broadcasts in the United States at this time."

Xiao Guangtou was furious,

Everything was not going well, and he was in a bad mood. He had to cut someone:

"For the next 3 live broadcasts in the United States, the Lakers' ratings cannot rank in the top 3. Reduce the number of live broadcasts and give them to the top 3 teams! "

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

Xiao Hua treated the league operation as a game of family, and he changed it whenever he wanted. Isn't he too emotional?

[Off-topic: I have studied Xiao Hua. He seems smart but is actually brainless. He likes to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs and only looks at the present, such as introducing spinach, forcing stars, controlling the game, etc. ... Of course, it is also possible that he treats the NBA as a cash cow and doesn't care about the life and death of the tree]


In the training hall,

Wang Ba finished the fat-reducing shooting training, and his teammates also arrived one after another. When they saw Wang Ba sweating profusely, they all consciously devoted themselves to the training.

Little Walton, who was the last to arrive at the training hall, saw the scene in front of him and began to look forward to it. Maybe there is no James, and it is not as bad as imagined.

"Everyone come here, I have something to say."

The players put down the training, and Little Walton looked serious:

"LeBron will miss 2 months of games, and the next game can only rely on ourselves. ”

“The team is ranked fourth in the West, 1.5 games behind the 7th and 3 games behind the 10th. We have 25 games to play next.”

“5 games against the top 4 in the East, including a back-to-back game against the Bucks.”

“12 games, facing the top 7 in the West, all are position games, it is bound to be very intense.”

“The schedule is very cruel, I need everyone to unite.”

“Next is the team competition, Team A is McGee, Ingram, Paul, Pope, Wang Ba, and the rest are Team B!”

“Wang Ba is the core of the offense!”

Walton Jr. had Ingram in his mind as the starter, and Kuzima was cruelly abandoned.

He was very annoyed, but he could do nothing about it. He vowed to make Wang Ba look good in the next competition and prove that he is the most suitable new boss!

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