Wang Ba's speed was neither fast nor slow.

Just after he stepped into the free throw line, Beverly was already within reach. He suddenly stopped and made a move to gather the ball and prepare for a shot.

Beverly was shocked. He didn't follow the routine. He wanted to shoot instead of a layup?

He didn't have enough time to think about the rationality of Wang Ba's choice. He jumped up by inertia, stretched his body straight, and stretched his right hand forward as far as possible to block the shot, like a black Ultraman.

Wang Ba had no intention of shooting at all.

He sent Beverly flying, followed by a Buddha worship, and continued to dribble two steps. At the place where Beverly landed, he jumped up.

Beverly had just landed and hadn't stood firm yet. He wanted to jump up again to block the shot, but was directly knocked away by Wang Ba. He sat on the ground and slid a long way away.

He watched Wang Ba overcome the strong gravity and smash the ball into the basket.

Bang! !

[Slaughter Dog Operation Mission Completion Progress: 4/5]

The basket made a huge whine, and the entire basketball stand was shaking. It was not because Wang Ba was strong, but because it was too heavy. The basket was bearing what he should not have borne.

The Staples Center was briefly quiet, and then it exploded instantly like a ignited gunpowder barrel.

"Ah, mega! Dunk!"

"Wang Ba dunks over Beverley!!"

The fans tore their hair, covered their heads, held their sharp corners tightly, screamed like crazy, and adrenaline surged. Only shouting could be released.

The towel brigade on the Lakers bench all stood up, they stopped each other, fearing that someone would rush into the court too excitedly and get a technical foul, muttering:

"Oh my God!"

"Wang Ba can actually dunk!?"

"Over the top dunk!"

TNT live broadcast room,

O'Neal covered his head and twisted his sexy hips,

"Wo Wo Wo!!!"

"Wang Ba's over the top dunk, a virgin dunk"

"It's incredible."

Wang Ba's playing style has never been violent, but he actually chose over the top dunk.

Although there was a bit of trickery, although the jump height was a bit low, and although the essence of violent aesthetics was lacking, he succeeded!

In the Tencent live broadcast room, Yang Yi asked excitedly:

"Wang Ba's jumping ability has not recovered to its peak, but his dunks are still very beautiful. What do you think?"

Ke Fan:

"I'm watching with a smile!"

The live broadcast room's barrage has exploded,

"Fat Wang Ba can also fly!"

"Ba Wang shoots out, grabs like a dragon!"

"Ba Wang is awesome!"

"Ba Wang 6666!"

"Ba Wang 777!"

"Ba Wang 888!"

The fans were excited, and Beverley on the court got up in anger, rushed to Wang Ba, and slammed him hard Pushing him, he was still spewing trash talk:

"I will knock out your teeth, prepare to eat liquid food for the rest of your life!"

"I will kill you, you bastard!"

Wang Ba looked contemptuous:

"Do you think you can become a kid by imitating the speech of the Bad Boys?"


"It's easier to single you than single O'Neal's grandmother."

Beverly was furious and even called himself a beast. It was unbearable.

The teammate quickly pulled Beverly back, and the referee also made a brilliant appearance and gave him a technical foul without hesitation.

It's not unfair to give a T for deliberately pushing someone on the court.

Seeing that he was rewarded so much for trash-talking Beverley, Wang Ba continued to talk nonsense:

"You are a braised chicken, yellow and trashy!"

"The longer I get to know you, the more I like dogs. Dogs are always dogs, but people are not always people."

"If you are sick, treat the disease, don't look for me, I'm not a veterinarian."

"God is fair. If he gives you dirt, he will definitely give you low IQ."






The system's prompt sound kept ringing, but Wang Ba didn't care. Maybe it was a reward for his pretense.

Wang Ba cursed more and more vigorously, and the referee was stunned. What kind of operation was that, without taking a breath?

Beverley's anger was activated again, and he rushed up to beat him up. The referee came to his senses and pointed at Wang Ba:

"Technical foul!!"


Wang Ba was very arrogant. He didn't lose this wave, but he was stunned when he saw the system prompt.

[Swear, deduct 500 reputation]

[Swear, deduct 800 reputation]

[Swear, deduct 500 reputation]

"System, get out of here, why are you still deducting reputation?"

[Warm reminder: Young people don't know the value of reputation, and mistakenly regard swearing as a treasure, please understand it yourself]

Wang Ba was instantly stupid.

The dense records appeared in front of him, and he wanted to cry. He was busy swearing just now, and didn't notice that the reward was a negative number! !

The money he worked hard to earn was instantly emptied and turned into debt. It was more rogue than the real estate developer. The real estate developer at least gave you a suite.

Technical fouls are 1 free throw and 1 throw. Both sidesBoth had technical fouls, so they had to shoot free throws.

Wang Ba shot the free throw for the Lakers and made it.

Harris shot the free throw for the Clippers and also made it, but the Clippers still had the ball.

The conflict just now affected the Clippers players, and they played a bit chaotically. Their hasty shots failed to hit the target, and the Lakers controlled the rebounds and offense.

The role of the point guard was reflected at this time.

Rondo slowed down the rhythm and signaled to play the No. 3 tactic. At this time, clarifying the tactics will let the players know what to do.

Ingram pulled out to screen Wang Ba. Wang Ba cut inside, Beverly followed closely, and McGee came up and blocked Beverly sideways.

This was the double pick-and-roll tactic prepared by Walton Jr. for Wang Ba, and the effect was obvious.

McGee was broad and thick, and he blocked Beverly tightly.

After receiving the pass from Rondo, Wang Ba first observed Beverly's movements, and then raised his arm to make a shooting action, but his elbow was a little high.

Beverley bypassed McGee and rushed directly.


A familiar feeling surged into his chest, as if his chest was hit by a blunt object and he was about to suffocate, and then he fell backwards to the ground.

Beverley lay flat, facing the empty blue, Wang Ba's shot was calmer than in training,


The basketball fell steadily into the basket, and scored another 2 points.

[Slaughtering Dog Operation Mission Completion Progress: 5/5]

[Reward: Free Advanced Mission (Random), with Training Bonus Card (When completing the training mission, speed, endurance, strength, bounce, and shooting accuracy are all increased by 20%)]

[Reward: Dog Beating Stick Method (When encountering a player with dirty moves, there is a chance to trigger)]

[Dog Beating Stick Method Effect: 100% 3-point shooting rate, ignoring defense, shooting range of half the court, duration of 30 seconds, unlimited number of triggers per game]


Wang Ba took a breath of cold air,

Ignoring defense, shooting half court, 100% hit rate, simply invincible!

Anyway, how does he know if the player is dirty?

[Reminder: Whether the player is dirty is determined by the system]


The final right of interpretation belongs to the system, Wang Ba understands.

Beverly was elbowed again, got up angrily, and yelled at the referee:


"Can't you see!"

He wanted to complain to the referee, but his tone was completely interrogative. The referee looked at him with disdain:

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"


Teammate Harris moved quickly, rushed up with sparks and lightning to cover Beverly's mouth, and dragged him away with Zubac on the left and right.

It's really worrying. With a technical foul on him, he dared to provoke the referee. Did he really think he was a mad dog and lawless?

The referee is a hunter, a licensed hunting dog.

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