After the game, Wang Ba returned home.

Perhaps he was too tired from fighting with Beverley. He fell asleep unconsciously while passionately arguing with fans on his trumpet, with a bright smile on his face.

There is a classic saying in the sports world: How many people love you, how many people hate you.

James and Kobe have countless black fans, but it still can't stop them from becoming the two most popular stars.

The online quarrel can bring exposure and traffic, and Wang Ba is very happy.

As for the negative impact,

In competitive sports, being bad is the original sin. If you can achieve good results and explosive data, fans will only love you more.

He overslept and didn't get up until 10 o'clock the next morning. Wang Ba was helpless. His body was still weak and he had to practice!

Thinking of training, his eyes suddenly lit up.

There were two rewards for completing the task yesterday. The dog-beating stick was very perverted. It was time to cash in the remaining rewards.

He couldn't wait to enter the system,

[Random advanced task, do you want to claim it now]



[The world's martial arts, only speed can't be broken, the most effective way to get rid of defense is speed, draw advanced tasks, code name: acceleration]

A basin of cold water, doused Wang Ba's enthusiasm.

His speed is enough, combined with the change of rhythm and tactical coordination, it is enough to get rid of defense, and continuing to increase speed will not change qualitatively.

As the physical condition gradually recovers, the speed will be strengthened. The reward seems a bit tasteless, it is better to increase physical strength.

"System handsome guy, let's discuss whether we can change the task? Increase physical strength, transform into a monster, or increase bounce, perform various dunks?"

The answer to him was the system's mechanical and cold prompt:

[Young man, don't push your luck]

The dialect has been done, it seems that there is no choice, let's take a look at the task first.

[Acceleration task: Complete a basketball marathon within 200 seconds (move at 4 points in the restricted area with weights, then sprint 3/4 of the court with weights, run back to the baseline with high-leg lifts with weights, do 20 dumbbell squat jumps, run 10 times back and forth at the baseline, move at 4 points in the restricted area, and finally sprint 3/4 of the court)]

[Completion reward: Improve hidden attributes, explosive power +10%]


It turned out to be explosive power!

Wang Ba was instantly ecstatic and danced with joy. The system wanted to scold: You, old Wang, are a dog, you turn your face when you say it!

There are many kinds of speed,

lateral movement and lateral movement speed when defending, acceleration when sprinting and chasing, change of direction speed when dodging and turning, and reaction speed when encountering emergencies.

Players need coordination and flexible body control to complete these actions on the court, and all of these require explosive power.

Lateral movement, accelerated sprinting, dodging, and the first step of pushing off the ground are all manifestations of explosive power.

The most intuitive example is that no one can keep up with Westbrook's first step, which is a manifestation of abnormal explosive power.

Pack up your equipment as quickly as possible and go to the training hall. Training, start training now!

Wang Ba actively participated in the training. Domestic fans have all rushed into a certain live broadcast platform. In the live broadcast room of the girl who was playing with the waist,

There were crowds of people, noisy, crowded, and it was so lively.

Soon, the girl wearing sportswear and a bun appeared in front of the camera, and the old pervert in the live broadcast room immediately let out a wolf howl.

"So beautiful."


"It's really good."

"Wife, let's turn off the live broadcast."

"Brothers, wake him up!"

"It's yellow, let me do it."

The live broadcast room was a mess.

The girl's appearance belongs to the youthful, beautiful, lively and cute, can be desire or pure, pure otaku killer type, in the eyes of straight men who like basketball, she is the most perfect dream lover.

"Welcome everyone to my live broadcast room, now I will fulfill my promise and serve the food!!"

4 bowls of Origai, neatly arranged,

The wolves were anxious and howling:

"Sister, don't be impulsive!"

"Impulsiveness is the devil!"

"Sister, get out of the way, let me do it!"

"Wife, I like Origai."

"Please don't eat it, the goddess can't be ruined!"

The girl is very generous:

"I'm willing to accept the loss, I'm coming!"

She grabbed Origai and ate it, her mouth full of brown, and countless straight men were heartbroken.


"Really delicious."

Straight men, no matter how straight they are, will find something wrong. How can anyone eat Oli so deliciously?

"Sister, you are a little perverted, but I like it so much."

"Heavy tastes."

"Stupid! That's chocolate, damn!"


"It seems to be true, look at how crunchy my sister is eating it."

Straight men are not angry about being deceived, but only regretful. It turns out that the goddess is not a pervert, so disappointed.


In the Lakers training hall,

Wang Ba is running madly,

Basketball horseThe marathon not only tests endurance, but also explosive power.

Even with a 20% buff, he still couldn't finish it within 200 seconds, but the gap is not big, he can keep trying.


Wang Ba came to the baseline, turned around quickly, and shouted in his heart to sprint.

[Countdown: 3.15],

What level is it to reach 3.15 seconds for 3/4 sprint time?

Kawhi 3.15 seconds, Harden 3.13 seconds, Westbrook 3.08, Rose 3.05,

Although there is a 20% buff, Wang Ba is completing all the previous items of the marathon and sprinting immediately without rest.

His legs are a little trembling, and he can only grit his teeth and rush forward with all his life. He is getting closer and closer to the finish line, and there are only 2 steps and 1 step left!

Cross the finish line!

[Countdown: 0]

Time is over!

[Ding! ]

[Acceleration mission completed, explosive power +10%]

Lying on the floor without any image, staring blankly at the ceiling,


[System data fully updated]

Hurry up and enter the system, Wang Ba's face suddenly showed a bright smile.

[Name: Wang Ba]

[Body fat rate: 7.4%]

[Vertical jump: 74]

[Run-up jump: 88]

[Maximum bench press: 79KG]

[Speed: 100 meters in 11 seconds]

System score:

[Jumping: 80 (mid-level in the league)]

[Speed: 84 (mid-level in the league)]

---[Explosive power: 87]

---[Moving speed: 80]

---[Linear speed: 84]

[Strength: 73 (bottom level in the league)]

[Physical fitness: 74 (bottom level in the league) =The bottom level)

[Vision: 85 (above average level in the league)]

[Ball IQ: 90 (top level in the league)]

[Shooting: 82 (average level in the league)]

[Overall ability: 82]

Reputation: 12123

Props: None


[Three-point shooting percentage: 41%]

Number of spins: 0

There are surprises everywhere in life.

The basic data has improved a lot after his continuous efforts and the rewards of the task.

The most surprising thing is that the three-point shooting percentage has increased to 41%.

As strong as Curry's three-point shooting percentage is only 43%, Klay's 42%, and even Gentleman Ray's career shooting percentage is only 40%.

Achieving a 41% shooting percentage means that his shooting ability can be comparable to the league's top three-point shooters. Coupled with his big heart,

He is fully capable of competing with Curry in three-point shooting.

He guessed that the improvement in his 3-point shooting percentage was related to his improved explosive power, because the improved explosive power would correspondingly improve his 3-point shooting ability.

As for whether it was as he guessed, it was actually not important.

He couldn't wait to play and see what level he would be at if he gave his all.

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