A hero does not suffer from immediate losses.
He is a superstar who has been famous for a long time, what’s the matter with a rookie who cares about every detail and even fights?
It might be okay if he wins the fight, but what if he gets beaten to the ground by Shen Lang?
What a shame!
Wade doesn’t want to be like Garnett and Rondo, losing and losing.
The three on-duty referees went to the technical platform to check and replay the video repeatedly.
Confirm that Shen Lang’s cover is fine and clean.
In other words, the lone wolf Beasley suffered in vain.
The game continued.
Shen Lang’s strong performance on both ends of the offense and defense greatly boosted the morale of the Knicks.
And the atmosphere at the scene has also reached its peak.
Shen Lang’s explosive style of play made the fans and spectators hooked.
Even Taylor Swift, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the game, widened Sapphire’s eyes in shock again and again.
Never thought.
The big boy who looks so handsome and sunny is actually playing so violently on the court.
Beasley was overturned by Shen Lang and could only sit on the bench to be treated by the team doctor.
The Heat’s offensive ball returned to Wade’s hands again.
The biggest weakness of this team is the inability to shoot in the long range.
From Chalmers to Wade to Beasley, even Marion, who has a weird shooting posture.
Their three-pointers are unreliable, but Marion has the highest hit rate.
Therefore, the Heat can only use Wade as the core, constantly breaking through and killing the opponent’s inside. At the same time, they use fast defense changes and defensive counterattacks to score points.
After Curry, Ibaka and others adapted in the first half, they played more cautiously and steadily in the second half. Especially with Shen Lang, the big killer inside, holding back, giving them more opportunities to score easily. Curry received a pass from Lowry, and Shen Lang stepped up to cover the pick-and-roll.
Wade, who was chasing after Curry, was blocked by Shen Lang again.
Curry, who took the opportunity to go around with the ball, faced Marion’s supplementary defense.
Small hit big opportunity!
at the same time.
After Shen Lang withdrew the pick-and-roll, he immediately accelerated and went down to attack the basket.
He received Curry’s hit to the ground, and he rushed straight up.
Haslem, who is only 2.03 meters tall, dunked with both hands.
Mount Tai overwhelmed, domineering and brutal!
The strong Haslem was hit by Shen Lang in the air and lost his balance.
He fell directly on his back, smashing his teeth and claws to the floor.
There was a dull loud noise.
An extremely visually shocking scene!
look back.
Wade started his speed with lightning in his first step, changed direction ahead of time and passed Tony Allen. After rushing to the basket with the ball, he faced Ibaka’s block and prepared to make a small throw.
Shen Lang, who was chasing after him to defend against him, jumped up high.
The whole person is like a fairy flying from the sky,Hanging over Wade.
The huge palm swung out, and the basketball in Wade’s hand was blown away.
“Snapped! ”
The basketball was slapped and flew directly into the auditorium!
Such a powerful scene caused the fans and audience on the scene to scream and cry.
Especially those excited fans, even stood up and raised their arms, shouted and danced.
Continue the Heat’s possession of the ball.
The attack time left for them in this round was less than 3 seconds.
After Marion received the ball, the 38-style shot has not yet been thrown.
“Snapped! ”
Shen Lang, who was defending him, jumped up and slapped the basketball away.
The Heat’s 24-second shot clock ran out before the basketball landed.
Knicks offense.
Shen Lang’s perfect screen pick and roll for Curry completely blocked Wade.
He directly slapped Wei on the cheek, and almost ran away from depression.
A strong defender like Wade can’t beat Shen Lang with all his strength.
The elementary school student Curry seized the shooting space from the pick-and-roll, jumped up and made a decisive shot.
“Jie brush!”
The basketball is hollow into the net.
Back in the second half, his outside shooting touch came back.
Wade took the Heat and tried hard to tear the Knicks’ defense.
But they found that even Shen Lang often jumped out to block their COSCO shots.
Especially Chalmers, a sad rookie, who even took a three-point shot was a little slower.
Shen Lang, who descended from the sky, slapped the basketball all over the sky.
He himself doesn’t know how many times he has been blocked until now.
Anyway, Shen Lang likes this kind of team and players whose offense mainly relies on breakthroughs, and they are here to give him a cap.
With the advance of the Knicks’ defensive strength, there is also the terrifying dominance brought by Shen Lang, who is omnipotent on both offense and defense. The Heat worked hard to gain a goal-point lead at halftime, and were tied in less than half a quarter.
Moreover, Shen Lang led the Knicks team to take advantage of the situation and go all out.
The inside and outside lines blossomed at the same time, and the Heat played in a hurry.
Three quarters are over.
94 to 83.
Under the leadership of Shen Lang and Curry, the Knicks scored 42 to 20 in a single quarter.
With the leading advantage of goal points, it entered the final quarter of the game.
Wade still made crazy breakthroughs, and even Beasley, who had a broken nose, came back.
Their offensive end was tightly suppressed by the Knicks’ insiders, and the success rate of breakthroughs became even more sluggish as their physical fitness declined. On the defensive end, facing Shen Lang’s inside talent advantage, in addition to accompanying fouls and frantically chasing, intercepting and double-teaming. Can’t find any way to block Shen Lang who is almost invincible inside.
Especially in the final quarter of the game, facing a three-person double-team, he can still be in any position within the three-point line. The continuous hit of the sky hook stunt made the Heat collapse in despair!
In terms of internal strength confrontation and bounce, they couldn’t prevent Shen Lang.
For Shen Lang’s sky hook stunt, it is even more difficult to block and defend.
Heat coach Spoelstra, who stood on the sidelines, even used the shark hacking tactic.
He tried to use Shen Lang’s disadvantage of inaccurate free throws to win more time for the Heat to chase points and possession of the ball.
I don’t know if I don’t get punished, but I’m even more broken if I’m fined!
The rebounds that Shen Lang missed were almost all grabbed by him and Ibaka.
Crush the Heat, which has no tall insiders, and easily complete the second dunk.
And the greater the lead of the Knicks, Curry and other outside players will shoot more confidently and decisively.
Coupled with the two inside big men with sufficient rebound guarantees, they get a lot more shooting opportunities than the opponent.
very quickly.
After playing more than 7 minutes in the final quarter, the game was completely wasted.
Shen Lang led the team to beat the Heat with a 27-10 scoring shock wave, securing the victory in one fell swoop.
121 to 93.
The point difference between the two teams expanded to 28 points.
Completely lost the suspense.
Heat coach Spoelster shook his head and sighed helplessly, and replaced Wade and other key players.
The brand-new Knicks team struggled in the first half, even trailing by 11 points.
In the second half, Shen Lang took the lead in playing a more ferocious dominance, driving the team to play an outstanding performance on both ends of the offense and defense.
Reversed the Heat led by Wade and won the opening game.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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