There are constant discussions on the Internet.
Most fans and netizens applauded, and many fans criticized and questioned that the NBA’s punishment was too severe. After Shen Lang saw the punishment statement against Garnett, he was also a little surprised.
As a 2.9 traveler, he is very clear about how severe this punishment is.
Because in the world before time travel, Heat player Meyers Leonard also made racially discriminatory remarks. In the end, he was fined $50,000 by the NBA for racially discriminatory remarks, and he was banned from participating in team basketball activities for a week. It was already 2021 at that time, and racially discriminatory speech was strictly prohibited by the NBA.
But Meyers Leonard’s penalty was only $50,000 and a one-week suspension.
It can be seen from this.
How severe is the NBA’s punishment for Garnett.
Of course.
The person who has been fined the most for racially discriminatory remarks in NBA history is Clippers owner Sterling.
That guy was fined $2.5 million by the NBA in 2014 for making racially discriminatory remarks in private.
To know.
The NBA is basically dominated by black players.
In the end, the black players boycotted the Clippers with all their strength, and team owner Sterling couldn’t bear the pressure and was forced to sell the team.
But as far as players are concerned, Garnett’s punishment is unprecedented! !
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Chapter 142 Taking money from someone is like killing your parents! If you don’t do it, you won’t die! (1/5 for subscription)
North Shore Garden Arena, a large hospital nearby.
In one of the luxurious VIP wards.
Suddenly there was a roaring roar, resounding in the quiet corridor of the ward.
Very harsh! !
“I do not accept!”
“This punishment is too unfair!”
“Obviously I am the victim, why should I be punished alone?”
“Isn’t labor and management just scolding, can you say a few words to that celestial rookie?”
“They Chinese people and yellow race people are timid and afraid of getting into trouble!”
“Look at how I humiliated and bullied Dayao before, and that rookie Ah Lian, do they dare to fight me?”
“What Labor and Management are clearly saying is the truth, is there anything wrong with that?”
“Why is labor and management banned, and what the hell is half a season?”
“A fine of 500,000? This is a robbery!”
Garnett, who had been in a coma all night, finally woke up.
After the doctor’s treatment, and after supplementing the nutrient solution.
The wolf, who had vomited to the point of collapse and unconsciousness, finally had some blood on his pale face.
In yesterday’s much-anticipated focus battle, he used fountain-like spitting and absurd artistic performances, which became popular all over the Internet at home and abroad. no doubt.
Garnett is hot all over the world!
In the past, he was known and sought after by countless fans for his strong playing skills, rebellious personality, and mixed performance.
With Garnett’s crazy performance in the game last night, fans and audiences all over the 21st world got to know this lonely wolf again.
The topics that netizens and fans at home and abroad are now talking about, absolutely cannot bypass him.
The videos and pictures of Garnett’s head-turned-spouting were even made into ghost videos by many sand sculpture netizens. His new memes and even funny video comics are taking the Internet by storm.
Pedestrian fountains, high-pressure European spit guns,Absurd artists, spray guns…
More and more interesting nicknames are attached to Garnett as new labels.
Of course.
Garnett, who had just woken up, didn’t have time to watch the news on his mobile phone.
The agent, team general manager Danny Ainge and head coach Rivers who sat next to him just briefly mentioned a few words. Compared with these gossip news full of gimmicks and topics, they value the interests of the team more.
The NBA’s severe punishment statement was a blow from the blue to the Celtics.
Although the Celtics management immediately complained to the league.
But if the penalty result cannot be changed in the end, the Celtics’ road to defending the title will be full of haze and heavy losses.
As the defensive gate of the Celtics, and the core of offensive and defensive all-around.
Garnett’s suspension for half a season will seriously weaken the strength of this championship team.
Moreover, the Cavaliers and Magic in the Eastern Conference have been reinforced for the new season, which will be the biggest obstacle for them to rush out of the Eastern Conference. The Celtics management has long been very dissatisfied with Garnett’s out-of-control emotions.
If it weren’t for the fact that this unruly wolf has excellent offensive and defensive abilities, they would never have introduced such a thorn. only.
Last season, the Celtics were able to win the championship in the first season of forming the Super Big Three. Garnett definitely contributed a lot. It’s just that a shrewd old fox like Danny Angie still feels trembling towards the lonely wolf king.
Completely unable to communicate well, let alone control!
Because Garnett, who is outspoken and hot-tempered, is simply an invisible bomb.
No one can predict when this guy will suddenly detonate.
This wolf, who has always bullied others and refused to suffer, was humiliated by Shen Lang, a rookie, one after another.
Both times he was knocked to the ground by K0, even with nosebleeds and concussions.
Completely angered this violent wolf! !
In addition, he is used to talking trash and being arrogant, and he has said all kinds of insults to his opponents without a bottom line.
His mind was so overwhelmed with rage that he spat out racist slurs.
This is simply igniting a powder keg, and at the same time severely hit the old face of the NBA league.
Provoking the prohibition of the alliance is causing public outrage.
The shrewd and cold-blooded general manager of the Celtics, Danny Ainge, just wanted to beat Garnett hard.
It was because of this evil wolf’s tongue-in-cheek that it ended up causing such a big loss to the team.
Of course.
As for Garnett being fined 600,000 US dollars, and the suspension for half a season resulted in a loss of more than 10 million US dollars in salary.
The Celtics don’t care because they don’t have to pay.
Garnett’s salary this season is as high as 24.75 million U.S. dollars, and if he is banned for half a season, half will be deducted.
This is also the fact that once NBA players are suspended, they will continue to appeal to the league hoping to remove the suspension.
If one game is suspended, the wages for this game will be deducted.
This is also when Garnett just woke up from a coma, and after learning from his agent that the NBA had severely punished him, he immediately jumped into a rage. The league fined $600,000, which didn’t have much impact on him.
But if it is suspended for half a season, it is really as Garnett said.
This is robbery!
More than 12 million US dollars! !
This is not robbery, what is robbery?
Taking people’s money is like killing their parents!
Compared with the large-scale conflict between the two teams in the preseason, Shen Lang just hit Garnett with a nosebleed and a concussion.
Obviously this time, he hurt Garnett!
Although in yesterday’s game, Shen Lang also capped Garnett with the same goal until his nosebleeds flew, and he was knocked down again by KO.
But the damage that the Ouvoi potion brought to Garnett was even more terrifying and frightening.
And the NBA’s punishment is comparable to an executioner!
After Garnett, who was already weak, heard the bad news, he almost fainted after roaring and cursing in anger.
After this guy thought about losing more than 10 million US dollars, he once again uttered insulting words angrily.
“Kevin, Kevin, stop spraying!”
“Please speak carefully!”
“You can swear at people, even fight and beat people up!”
“But if you don’t want to get a more serious suspension, you must never involve racist remarks again.”
“Otherwise, you will pay an extremely heavy price for your stupidity!”
The hot-tempered head coach Rivers couldn’t bear to yell at Garnett.
I thought of the live broadcast of the game in so many countries and regions around the world yesterday.
I tried to persuade and stop Garnett with good intentions, but was sprayed to the ground with foul-smelling excrement by this crazy wolf.
Rivers is full of fire!
He vomited for more than ten minutes at that time, and almost passed out with the vomiting.
Even after coming to the hospital, he performed gastric lavage.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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