The almost provocative way of scoring gave Leonard’s mentality a slight change.

Next, the two teams fell into ultra-high-intensity defense, with a taste of the Western Conference semifinals and even the Western Conference finals preview.

If nothing else, the Lakers and Spurs will definitely lock up the playoffs, and it is likely to collide in the first or second round, which is a big exercise for both sides.

Within minutes, neither team was efficient in attack, and Tang Mo and Leonard’s shooting percentage also dropped slightly.

With 23 seconds left in the final quarter, the Lakers tied with the Spurs at 118:118.

Relying on Tang Mo’s hard support, the Lakers and Spurs have always been in a stalemate throughout the game, and no one can open the point difference, which is very anxious.

This kind of top strong team did make Tang Mo feel some pressure.

If there is no trade to strengthen it, the current roster has little chance of overturning the top powerhouses such as the Spurs, Rockets and Warriors and Cavaliers in a best-of-7 system.

Parker’s first two dribbles in midfield took time, and Russell bent over like a tiger, ready to block.

Previously, Russell played on such a rotten team as the Lakers, and he couldn’t lift his spirits at all, often rowed, and his goal was not to win anyway.

Since Tang Mo led the Lakers to rise strongly, Russell’s fighting spirit has exploded, and his performance has improved with the naked eye.

Although there are factors that Tang Mo helps, Russell’s diligent efforts cannot be ignored.

With the last 9 seconds left, Parker relied on experience and rhythm to break Russell, but he was entangled and didn’t have a good chance.

Aldridge crushed Randle under the basket to get into place, and Parker hung the ball in time.

Catching, turning, small throws, all in one go, Aldridge’s hand is also difficult to prevent.

At 118:120, the Lakers trailed by 2 points, with 2.1 seconds left, and the Lakers were in a very dangerous situation.

The entire Staples Center arena was shrouded in a huge silence and haze.

Countless burning eyes converged on Tang Mo, waiting for the savior of the Lakers to perform a miracle again.

“There are still 2 seconds to go, which is a pretty bad situation, and this situation is very difficult to kill.” Barkley shrugged.

“It’s hard to say, I will always unconditionally believe Tang Mo, this is the NBA, the place where miracles happen.” O’Neill is also optimistic.

In the last 20-second short timeout, Wharton did not arrange too many tactics, which was nothing more than letting the players block and cover, creating as comfortable shooting space as possible for Tang Mo.

Of course, 2.1 seconds is too short, almost instantaneous.

To Tang Mo’s surprise, all the fans stood up to watch the game, and collectively shouted “MVP”!

Although this huge scene gave Tang Mo pressure, it made him even more passionate.

Tang Mo has a super competitive spirit, and enjoys the feeling of killing the game with his own hands, even if he dies, he will die in his own hands.

“10 straight wins, it’s over.”

When Tang Mo came on, Leonard leaned over to him and muttered.

This game is probably the most talked game in Leonard’s career.

“Is it? Maybe, but it depends on whether I agree or not! Are you going to guard against me? I’m probably catching the ball in this position, jumping here, shooting and killing you. ”

Tang Mo pointed to the floor and introduced the location clearly, Leonard naturally did not have the heart to listen to this.

At the moment when the referee blew the whistle, the stadium instantly fell into dead silence, and the needle fell audibly.

Larinance was responsible for serving the sideline ball, and Leonard pestered Don Mo to death, giving him great physical contact without fouling, growing on him like a vine.

Tang Mo pushed Leonard hard, got rid of his entanglement, and immediately ran to the left side, ready to catch the ball.

And when Don Mo stopped at the position he and Leonard specified, Larinance’s ball just passed into his hand.

After half a second to adjust his breathing, Tang Mo jumped on the spot, his feet seemed to step on a spring, and he suddenly catapulted into the air.

Leonard, Parker, Danny Green, the Spurs’ three outside linemen flew over at the same time.

Previously, the Spurs were ready for Tang Mo to play a final game, and once Tang Mo received the ball, the entire outside defense would be imposed on him.

Because the Spurs are only two points ahead, the risk of the Lakers playing two points to tie the score is not excluded.

But scoring a two-pointer, at most overtime, and Tang Mo’s three-point threat is too great, if he makes a three-pointer, he will lose directly.

Because of this, the focus of the Spurs’ defensive deployment is still on blocking outside the three-point line, even if the inside leaks defense.

What’s more, the time is only 2 seconds, even if the ball is passed to the other players of the Lakers, there may not be time to shoot.

Tang Mo jumped high, leaned back sharply, and formed an angle of nearly 45 degrees with the ground.

The Spurs’ three outside lines cannot interfere with Tang Mo’s shooting line.

However, this shot is too hasty, and it is nearly two meters away from the three-point line, which is still very difficult.

Tang Mo’s fingertips flicked gently, and the basketball spun and streaked a beautiful arc over the arena.

Tens of thousands of eyes in the audience focused on the flight trajectory of the basketball at this moment.

Beautiful rainbow-like arc, but with the destructive power of a guide-missile.


Finally, with a crisp, beautiful sound of brushing the net, the ball came on.

The basketball shot through the net pocket, like a sharp blade piercing the heart of the Spurs team.


In the last 2 seconds of the stalemate, Tang Mo scored three points from a long distance and faced the three Spurs outside to complete the whistle!

Without leaving the other party even 0.1 seconds to gasp for air, a sword sealed his throat.

In Tang Mo’s dictionary, there is no admission of defeat!

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