The strength shown by Tang Mo has formed a value, and with the strength shown by Tang Mo today, no matter which team will be willing to pay a contract of 30 million.

At this moment, it is completely clear that although Tang Mo is a fledgling star, the value that Tang Mo himself brings is no longer which team takes Tang Mo, but which team Tang Mo decides to go to.

No matter which team, they will want Tang Mo’s bombshell.

At this moment, Walt completely regretted it, he regretted offending Tang Mo, a fiery star, and erected a very powerful enemy.

A nineteen-year-old rising star, too powerful to attach.

Although Walt did things poorly, he was able to serve as the coach of the Thunder team, and for so many years, he led the Thunder team to the peak with a pair of eyes.

But today, Walt saw Tang Mo’s terribleness, and even had a hunch that as long as Tang Mo existed, then the Thunder were likely to fail to win the championship during this time.

That feeling, Tang Mo was like a future king.

When the outside world began to report, although the black fans who were still in black Tang Mo before were still speaking, when Tang Mo’s brand new report came out, the voices of these black fans were instantly suppressed by Tang Mo with a ball.

Although the black fan is still resisting, it is really no match for the pressure of Tang Mo’s ball.

It fell apart in an instant.

On the other hand, major basketball newspapers and periodicals have begun to take the initiative and invite Tang Mo to the latest issue of basketball newspapers and periodicals.


Take a break and the second session will begin right away.

The Thunder had lost their fighting spirit after eating two ultra-long jumpers from Tang Mo in the first quarter, and the second quarter began.

The Thunder hugged and began to attack defensively.

The Thunder’s defense has played a big role from the beginning, and there is no overly rash offense, making it difficult for the Lakers to play to their advantage.

This is Walter’s decision, this game, Walt knows, it is very difficult to fight, so you must play steadily, there must be no mistakes.

But Water’s decision was wrong.

When the second quarter began, Ross, Don Mo, Tucker, Covington and Howard all played to their strengths, and the five of them worked together seamlessly, running the court, passing the ball, and attacking quickly.

Soon, the score was pulled away by the Lakers, and the score reached the Lakers: Thunder = 73:61.

Although the score has been pulled a lot, at the moment the attention of fans is not on the score at all, but on the current tactics of the Lakers.

The tactics shown by the Lakers at this moment are really rare, and the seamless cooperation of the five has completely subverted the Lakers’ playing style with Tang Mo as the boss.

But what cannot be ignored is that despite this, the strength shown by Tang Mo in the cooperation of these five people is too strong, and it can still be seen at a glance in the team.

Tang Mo, it’s too bright.

And Lakers fans have been standing since the second game, starting to boil, shouting and cheering.

Such a scene, no matter which one in the Lakers, has never appeared.

This game is really blowing up.

After Wei Shao noticed that the Lakers’ tactics were variable, he immediately gave Oladipo a look, and Oladipo instantly understood.

The Lakers’ tactics are to attack the Thunder’s defense, and if the Thunder continues to defend, the score will definitely pull bigger.

So by this time, Wei Shao signaled to change tactics, defensive tactics were invalidated, and all men began to attack.

The change in the tactics of the Thunder instantly made the entire stadium burn.

The two teams went head-to-head, neither of them gave in to anyone, and the score quickly piled up in an instant.

Before the end of the second quarter, the score was already 97:87.

Such a score is really scary, but the fans on the field are very focused on it.

After all, few teams can turn a game into a great shooting contest.

Moreover, in this shooting competition, there are many balls that can be used as MVP, but the balls behind can hardly surpass Tang Mo’s backward jumper that spans the half.

“Toot toot”

At the end of the second quarter, the score was 103:96.

Although the score is only seven points apart, there is too much content in it.

The Thunder wanted to surpass the Lakers several times, but the Lakers didn’t give the Thunder that chance at all.

Off-field, after wiping his sweat, Ross asked puzzled, “Tang Mo, do you want a break off the field?” Such high-intensity exercise, for your physical exertion is too huge, can you eat well? ”

Tang Mo drank his saliva, and after spitting out half of it, he looked relaxed, “Forget it, this opportunity, or leave it to others, my physical strength is not so weak, if I fight like this, I can support it to the end!” ”

Tang Mo’s words made Ross’s old face darken, after all, compared to Tang Mo, Ross’s physique was much worse, and there was too much envy and jealousy.

“Rose, the third quarter of the game, I want to rest!”

After Tucker finished speaking, Tang Mo also knew that the offensive tactics in the second quarter were too much for physical exertion, and although the average running points per game were very high, the Thunder were chasing after it.

If he continues to play, it is likely that by the fourth quarter, Tucker will not be able to play to his best.

“Okay, Tucker, you go to rest, Russell, you come on the bench!”

“Covington, Howard, what about you two?”

Covington glanced at Ross and shook his head, “Forget it, although I am also physically exerted, but Ross is present, and I will definitely be able to survive to the last quarter.” ”

Compared to Howard, he was not so stubborn, and in order to maximize the stability of the game, Howard still proposed to rest.

“In the third quarter, I want to rest, and in the fourth quarter, I want to give 100% full strength!”

Howard goes off and Siakam comes on.

Soon, the third quarter began, with the Lakers Ross, Don Mo, Russell, Covington, Siakam.

The Thunder haven’t changed in the slightest.

As soon as he came on the field, Wei Shao had a meeting with Tang Mo.

“Tang Mo, wait, even if you are Superman, you can’t survive the fourth quarter, this game will exhaust you!”

Tang Mo smiled, “There is time to practice defense more!” ”


Wei Shao originally wanted to humiliate Tang Mo, but when Tang Mo said so, he obviously ate a closed-door soup, and a black face was speechless there.

At the beginning of the game, because of the Lakers roster replacement problem, the jump ball was hit by the Thunder.

After getting the ball, the Thunder took the lead in attacking and scored two points.

However, when the Lakers served, Rose passed the ball to Tang Mo for the first time, but Tang Mo was not eager to launch any attack.

Instead, the ball began to pass, and the ball began to consume the physical strength of the Thunder players during the transmission.

Wei Shao was a little embarrassed when he saw Tang Mo playing like this, stood up, jumped high, and prepared for the basketball, but the ball in Tang Mo’s hand had already shot, and Wei Shao, who did not stop the ball, smashed towards Tang Mo fiercely.

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