"It's okay, there's still a chance."

Mike Miller held Bosh and told him not to lose heart, there were still 4 seconds.

"Well, FXXK!!!" Bosh's mind was full of the scene of Jiang Hao dunking the basketball in front of him, and he was full of anger.

Wade and James walked towards the coaching staff while looking up at the replay, and touched their heads at the same time.

Scalp tingling!!!

Because only they knew that Jiang Hao had collected the badges of dunking over the Big Three!!!

In the first training camp of the season, Jiang Hao dunked over Wade who was just playing around.

When Jiang Hao publicly challenged James, he also pushed James away with a one-arm slam dunk in the last ball.

In addition to the dunk over Bosh, the tallest of the Big Three, in the most critical round of the official game just now, Jiang Hao has dunked over all three of them!!!

What does this mean?

YAO, who is 2.26 meters tall, didn't do this.

Before Yao was seriously injured, he dunked over Bosh casually, but James and Wade were blocked by Yao, and Yao dunked them.

"Go back, we'll call a timeout later!"

"Miller, you go first, Haslem."

Spoelstra looked at the last remaining timeout and told the referee team that it would be a timeout whether the free throw was made or not.

Of course, it is also possible that the Spurs rebound was not scored on purpose, but this possibility is extremely small.

He knows Jiang Hao's shooting ability, so he will not waste this timeout to grab the free throw rebound, and Jiang Hao will most likely score.

The referee saw that the Heat did not call a timeout, so he called everyone to stand at the free throw line, and Jiang Hao stood on the free throw line.

"Jiang Hao stood on the free throw line. If he made the free throw, the Spurs, who were leading by 3 points, would be invincible in regular time."

At this time, Mills and Bonner on the Spurs bench made quiet gestures to the fans, and the shouts of MVP gradually died down. Only a small number of Heat fans were making noises:

"No way!"


"Rookie, lelele~"

"Can you make it?"

"I just dunked, and my hands can't hold the strength."

"I bet you can't make it!" Then the Spurs staff forced them to drink Coke and temporarily shut up.

Even Bosh and Haslem, who were standing at the bottom line ready to grab rebounds, deliberately touched the ball and pulled the nets to influence Jiang Hao.

If they really led by 3 points, the Heat would be under too much pressure. They could only shoot 3 points in the next 4 seconds.

But Jiang Hao just smiled slightly, and still had time to talk:

"Don't waste your energy, it's useless."

I have traveled through time and space, and I have long been indifferent to life and death. Whatever you say is useless! !

After saying that, he raised his hand and shot.

The ball went into the net steadily, ending the Heat's hope of a buzzer-beater.


The Heat coaching staff sighed at the same time, and the Thorns fans who were praying with their hearts cheered collectively! !

It's settled!

There are only 4 seconds left to win at home!

Spoelstra called the last timeout!

"Jiang Hao scored 31 points, the Heat have the ball, and there are 4 seconds left in the game."

Jiang Hao was welcomed to the bench like a hero. Leonard handed him water, Mills handed him a towel, and Messina quickly sat on the small bench to arrange the defensive tactics for the last 4 seconds.

"Duncan and Split off, Jackson + Danny Green on."

"Jiang Hao defends James, Danny Green defends Wade who is faster, Parker still guards Mario receiving the ball, Manu guards Mike Miller, Jackson guards Bosh."

"All five of you are on the outside, the inside is open to everything, you can directly defend the side, 'force' them to break through, 4 seconds, the time for receiving the ball and breaking through will run out quickly, if they want to play the serve and cut inside, we will follow and be careful not to foul, we are not afraid of the penalty tactic, it is they who have no time and no timeout."

Messina's thinking is very clear, in a short time to let everyone know that Spoelstra used up the last timeout, everyone's side defense is to prevent the opponent from directly shooting three-pointers and can only 'easily break through' the empty inside.

And finally, the chief assistant coach Budenholtz also added the last point:

"They are likely to shoot Bosh and Wade, James and Miller are next, Mario should be the role of passing, if Mario receives the ball, Parker can defend a little more to prevent him from easily passing to the shooter who runs out."


Parker made an OK gesture.

Jiang Hao and others also stood up and said OK, just mindlessly defend outside the three-point line, and let them go inside!

This kind of defense is the easiest to defend! They were passed by in one step!

Thinking of this, Manu couldn't help but pat Jiang Hao's butt and praise his steady free throws. If Jiang Hao hadn't made this free throw, their defense arrangement this time would have been the most difficult to arrange.

The Heat's most unsolvable thing has always been breaking through the basket. The Spurs' inside players all had 4-5 fouls today.

Three-pointers are the Heat's weapon for scoring points, and the real killer move is still the three-threat kill under the basket by James, Wade and Bosh.

However, now the Heat can only be forced to abandon their killer moves.

Indeed, Spoelstra's tactics on the Heat side were basically guessed by Messina.

This point difference and time made it difficult for him to cook without rice.

If there were a few more seconds, he could use the penalty kick tactics invented by the pig-headed coach Rivers to quickly score 2 points and bet on the Spurs' classic two free throws or two free throws.

But this proposal was instantly rejected without a 4-second timeout.

"Haslem off, Miller on."

"Bosh serves."

"They will definitely defend the outside line. James has a chance to catch the ball from the top of the arc. It doesn't matter who is guarding him. If the opponent subconsciously lets you take a half-step and shoot directly!! Don't hesitate!"

"Same idea Wade!"

Spoelstra is also worried that James will think too much, because no one knows whether the Spurs will send Jiang Hao or Manu to face LeBron, but now they have to take a three-point opportunity!

And James is the player with the highest outside three-point shooting point for the Heat, and he is also the easiest to shoot.

Wade's three-point shooting percentage is actually lower than that of James. There is only one reason why he stays on the court: he is a super giant, and his shots at critical moments are definitely harder than role players such as Battier and Jones!

James and Wade nodded. They had the highest salary. If they didn't take action, who would take action? Even if they didn't want to take action, they would have to take action!

"Miller and Mario feint, and you are responsible for blocking the Big Three without the ball. Try to block first and second to achieve success!"

If they don't score, they won't score, but if a role player takes a key shot and fails to score, the players and coaching staff will be sprayed by super giant fans after the game, "This ball will be a sure-win for my star!"

"If you can't catch the ball outside the three-point line, everyone takes turns cutting inside. Once there is help to defend, quickly score the three-point point from the outside line!!"

Spoelstra is also betting that if the Spurs still have someone on the inside, there will still be a chance for the outside.

Zhu Wan finally interrupted:

"This possibility is very small. There is a high probability that they will let Mario catch the ball. Mario can see the opportunity and throw it to Bosh who is serving the ball and hit a two-step beyond the 3-point line. Of course, there is really no way. The choice must be three points anyway!”

The entire Heat coaching staff scratched their heads. The Heat, who were pushed to the edge of the cliff, were really at a loss in the last 4 seconds. Zhu Wan's move may be the only chance to have an open 3-pointer.

Bosh is the Heat's player with the highest three-point shooting percentage. His long-range shot is the most likely to create a miracle of a tie.

The referee came and called twice before the Heat players came on the field.

Spoelstra put his hands together and exhaled while looking at the 10 people on the court.

When he saw Jiang Hao staring at James, he couldn't help but feel touched. Before coming to the Holy City, he would never have thought that this player who was DNPed by them a month ago would play a high-level game the day before yesterday. players.

Pushed them to this point!

And it was still exerting force in the last four seconds!

Everyone stood still, and all the Spurs players hugged the Heat players closely. Jiang Hao: "Mr. Zhan, I'm here to see you off for the last time."

James was actually half discouraged when he saw that Jiang Hao was facing him. Jiang Hao was about the same height as him, so how could he vote?

As the referee blew the whistle, the Heat began to run wildly. Mike Miller pretended to catch the ball outside the three-point line, and Manu followed closely.

But in fact, he turned around to set up a pick-and-roll for Wade, but Manu was so experienced that he rushed to the three-point line one step ahead to prevent Wade from receiving the ball from the outside.

The inside line is empty. If Wade goes in, no one will guard him, but if he goes out, Green and Manu will receive the ball before him.

Bosh raised the ball and saw that Wade was out of action, so he looked over to James. James and Mario also made a pick-and-roll without the ball, but Jiang Hao was not as quick to follow up as Manu, allowing James, who squeezed out the space under fierce confrontation, to come out. Opportunity to catch the ball.

Upon seeing this, Bosh passed directly to James, who had room on his right hand to receive the ball.

But it was just a catch.

Jiang Hao deliberately took a step slowly to let him pick it up.

Compared with Bosh and Wade, LeBron's shooting attributes are not that strong. His key goals are more of breaking through the paint.

And even if he catches it, Jiang Hao will directly stick to his left arm. As long as James dares to force himself to jump, he will immediately take off. No matter how high you jump for a pull-up shot, you can't beat me in pure takeoff + wingspan distance. It's high, unless it's like a white horse spear that pulls out at extreme speed or a little backwards like Kobe Bryant?

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