To sum it up: there is no time, you missed the chance.

It is not that the teams look down on Jiang Hao or something, other teams still have more or less "intelligence" about Jiang Hao. Like the Mavericks, the Heat's team tryouts are also followed by a lot of scouts from other teams.

Those who are followed by both the Mavericks and the Heat are naturally famous in the scout circle.

It's just that it is not easy for scouts to get the top management to take a look at Jiang Hao now, everyone is in New Jersey or on the way to New Jersey!

Jiang Hao called the Mavericks first, after all, it was where the dream began, and after the championship lineup was dismantled this year, he never touched the finals again, and he went there just in time for the transition between the old and the new.

As a result, the Mavericks' operations officer said that Cuban and Carlisle had already gone to New Jersey to have a good time with the intended rookies, and there was no way to try out the players and they would not try out the players again.

The same goes for other teams. The draft is coming up soon. Who would give individual tryouts? It's not enough to cram for the exam, not to mention the draft, which is the most important for the management team every year.

At this stage, everyone already has their own favorite rookies.

The only hope is the Magic, because Orlando is next to Miami, and they didn't pay much attention to the draft this year. They are poor, with only a second-round pick, No. 23, and they can't find any treasures at this pick.

"Can you get there tomorrow morning? Our management has no schedule tomorrow morning."

"I'm in Miami, I'll come tonight."

Chapter 12: The Magic didn't make a mistake, the draft

Chapter 12 12: The Magic didn't make a mistake, the draft

The next morning.


When Jiang Hao arrived at the Amway Arena, it was deserted and there were few people practicing.

After arriving at the agreed time, there were only two people who contacted Jiang Hao, one was the vice president and the other was the assistant coach. The legendary president Jeff Weltman, who had a great eye for the draft, and Van Gundy didn't come.

Not to mention the Magic players, the season just ended, there is no need to practice so hard.

As a strong team in the East, the Magic next door to the Heat is obviously not as well organized as the Heat.

And the strange thing is that the Magic management did not arrange for Jiang Hao to do the regular rookie physical test, because the vice president had heard about Jiang Hao's scouting report from the Mavericks or the Heat, and even knew that Jiang Hao had obtained a two-way contract agreement.

"Sure enough, in your NBA, there are no secrets."

Jiang Hao's expression did not change much. He had seen a lot of this when he played Hupu in his previous life, like Woj and his team had too many informants.

Anyone you meet in the team may sell your information to reporters, media, and other teams.

The Magic vice president first exchanged ideas with Jiang Hao:

"I heard that you have already received a verbal agreement from the Heat, why do you still want to come to us?"

Jiang Hao knew that it would be fine to tell the truth directly at this time:

"The Heat is too strong, there are too many players in the same position as me, you also know that James is a man who averages 40 minutes per game, and your Magic is a strong team in the interior, I think Howard lacks an outside defensive gate."

It's not that Jiang Hao has no feelings for the Heat. Colleagues like James, Spoelstra are still very good, and Riley's militarized devil training system is well-known for upgrading rookies.

Although he doesn't mind mixing a few championships, he still wants to feel comfortable with his own sense of participation. In the first season, at least 10+ minutes per game is still what he wants.

Hearing Jiang Hao's honest and somewhat "pretentious" answer, the Magic assistant coach was obviously stunned, and then turned around and arranged a training game for Jiang Hao.

What the hell are you saying that you want to partner with Howard, and you call yourself a defensive gate? ? ? ?

You are not as strong as Tek Drew, who can you defend? ? ?

"Hello, excuse me, are there any NBA players in the gym today?"

Jiang Hao thought that there were some rookies like Jimmy Butler and Thomas who could play in the NBA in the Magic gym, but they were all unfamiliar and a little shorter than him.

"NBA players? The players are on vacation, these are analysts and sparring partners, and only these people are in the gym today."

The Magic manager glanced at Jiang Hao unexpectedly after hearing this.

The assistant coach was very dissatisfied with Jiang Hao's confident behavior. You were indeed selected by the Heat, but it doesn't mean that you have the ability to arm wrestle with our home team players, right?

That's too much!

They want to see what Jiang Hao has!

It is well known that NBA sparring partners and analysts have full basketball skills except for height and weight.


Jiang Hao actually wanted to show his defensive ability in front of NBA-level players. Since there were no NBA players to play with, he would try the three-point ability after the system was improved.

The result was really amazing.

Jiang Hao, who was already a steady player, made all three-point shots in the training game after the three-pointer was strengthened. After the trainers switched to tight defense, he used his height and weight to dribble out of the space and shoot.

And some of the shots were based on the moves Jones used in the one-on-one match yesterday.

He found that his shooting point was subconsciously much higher, the three 90-degree shots were very standard, and the shooting speed was about 20% faster than before, which was impossible to defend.

"This kid has a 90% three-point shooting rate in the training game?"

"Yes, and he is very good at using his body."

The assistant coach later asked everyone to try to defend the shot completely. Jiang Hao would use his height and weight to chase and shoot inside, and shoot high. As I said, playing against small guards in a mismatch is his killer move in the CBA.


Due to the short stature of the analysts, the vice president finally asked for a double-team. Jiang Hao passed the ball unselfishly without any hindrance. Later, seeing that the opponent was too short, these sparring partners were all 1.7 meters or 1.8 meters tall. He shot a few balls while standing, and his hit rate was also very impressive.

"Wow, what a sharpshooter?"

"The defense is also OK."

Because Jiang Hao was not defending NBA-level players today, the magical defensive scenes yesterday did not appear, but his talented defense was more than enough to defend against these people, without any merit or demerit.

Therefore, compared to yesterday's defense that attracted the attention of the Heat management, today the Magic were scared by his offense, especially the 3-point firepower.

Dwight Howard needs a shooter to open up space! !

"Although his position overlaps with our starting point forward Tucker Drew, I feel he can play the No. 2 position."

The Magic management still has vision. After more than half an hour of half-time training, the vice president directly called New Jersey head coach Jeff Weltman and president of the New Jersey team.

There was no need to fax Jiang Hao's scouting report, and he used words to describe how special the rookie was today.

Jiang Hao waited in the gym for a long time and got a result:

"We Magic can only give you a contract guarantee for an undrafted rookie, but you also know that you promised the Heat first, so."

This contract is already very powerful, which means that Jiang Hao can sign a formal contract after being undrafted, but because Jiang Hao and the Heat verbally agreed that he must sign with the Heat after being undrafted, unless Jiang Hao is willing to offend the Heat and leave the league with the impression of being untrustworthy from the beginning

"Don't you have the 23rd pick in the second round?"

Assistant coach:

"I can tell you the truth, we left that pick to Liggins, we need a point guard more."

"And you also know that coach Van Gundy likes defensive stalwarts and Mr. Jeff Weltman can't personally try you out before the draft."

Jiang Hao wanted to say that I can also train point guards, but he thought about it and gave up. If I can't stay here, I will stay somewhere else. I won't beg him. He came to the Magic not to say that he likes this team so much, so he won't try it out.

The Magic management was indeed more insightful than ever before, and they were able to determine in just one hour that Jiang Hao was fully qualified to play in the NBA.

But they lacked the courage.

Just like when they let McGrady, O'Neal, Howard, and Gordon go.


"Bai Bai, you will regret it, haha."

Jiang Hao turned around without hesitation after knowing the result.

"Okay, see you again if we are lucky."

The vice president and the assistant coach looked at each other, and then thought of Jiang Hao's stable offensive performance just now. For some reason, both of them felt a sense of pity.

In Jiang Hao's view, it was just a second-round pick, 23rd overall. If he couldn't bear to give it up, then he, a wolf from the East, would definitely not be able to catch him! ! ! !

2 days later.

On the day of the 2011 draft.

New Jersey.

All teams were waiting in the reception room.

Spoelstra was listening to Jaylen Williams' report.

The news that Jiang Hao didn't stay in Miami to find a rental house or come to New Jersey in the past few days shocked Spoelstra. This guy really doesn't know how high the sky is. However, young people abroad also understand that one more chance may be the same in the eyes of foreigners as in the Heat and other teams.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Rich Paul, who was standing next to him, felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

In his opinion, it was because he spoke up for Jiang Hao with good intentions that he got the job opportunity. You are not willing to play with LeBron, and you went to Howard, LeBron's opponent, to apply for a job? ?

"LeBron, remember to educate this rookie more next season."

Chapter 13: Sign with the Heat, Miami, your king, is here

Chapter 13 13: Sign with the Heat, Miami, your king, is here

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