“It was really eye-opening for me to teach a first-year undrafted guy to a second-year lottery pick.”

Jimmy Butler posted a comment on his social account. He now feels that Jiang Hao is a bit too exaggerated in the Spurs.

Only those who have participated in the draft know the meaning of the pick. The pick means everything! ! ! !

How can there be such a leapfrog teaching? ?

What a departure! !

Especially the difference between the lottery and other first-round picks, there may be a gap as big as one pick.

Not to mention that Jiang Hao has been competing against top picks before.

He has never met other stars in the Bulls and has not had the opportunity to face the opponent's super giant, but George was sent by Thibodeau to face him.

Anyway, his own feeling at that time was that George's long hands were everywhere. His short hands had no chance to make a move. He was forced to stop the ball when he got the ball. The shots he could make were all catch-and-shoot. Before he successfully gained muscle, he had no chance to make a move. There is no way to single out such a long-armed defender.

It’s not like he doesn’t know Jiang Hao’s technical moves. Who in the backcourt in the NBA doesn’t know how to half-turn and fade away?

Butler also hits this kind of ball accurately on the jungle court!

The problem is that Jiang Hao actually did it on the court even though his wingspan is not particularly impressive. Not only did he do it, but he also did it very cool and natural, and his point-and-shoot defense was also very smooth.

How did you do it? ? ?

Butler clearly remembers that Jiang Hao wasn't that strong when they went to the Heat for a tryout together! !

Moreover, Jiang Hao's restriction on George in the first quarter was the most impressive. Apart from allowing him to hit a super long 3-pointer from the outside and causing two free throws due to cutting inside, he never allowed George to score a goal! !

You must know that it is more difficult to guard against George, a little harder than Granger.

George is the best dribbling forward among the rookies. His silky change of direction and his broad shoulders can throw Butler away.

How could Jiang Hao look so simple when he was defending on the court?

Jimmy Butler is not an ordinary fan. He analyzes more. Being able to integrate offense and defense like this is definitely the result of practicing the details of movements and steps thousands of times in private! !

You have to work very hard to look effortless!

That's why it was even more difficult for him to understand Jiang Hao's progress. Everyone entered the league together, and they were always rushing to catch up with the schedule.

I also train hard for the Party. Where did you find the time to train? ?

We are all human beings. Is the gap so big? ? ?

Butler, the 30th pick in the first round, is still playing for the Bulls, averaging 10 minutes per game, and Jiang Hao has already started to teach second-year lottery players!

Butler had just finished tweeting, and Jiang Hao contributed another single goal before leaving the field 2 minutes later.

This time, Duncan was double-teamed in a single, and passed the ultimate pass to Jiang Hao, who was waiting for the ball on the wing. Jiang Hao used the guard action Step Through, which is a word often said by American commentators.

In fact, it is a process of twisting, lowering the center of gravity, and taking steps.

Then Jiang Hao made an emergency stop on the left side, feinted, then turned to the right side and took a step forward to take action.

The center of gravity is always on the right foot, and the body is forced to twist from left to right to pass through George's barrier. This is called crossing! ! ! !

George was directly sent to his grandma's house by Jiang Hao's continuous feints. Watching Jiang Hao succeed in licking the basket with his low hand, there was nothing he could do! ! !

"Are you walking?"

"Raise your pivot foot."

"Wow, guys, that's not a walk!!"

In Oklahoma City, the Thunder's three young men are also watching this game. Harden argued that this is a time-travel step:

"It's just like my step back. When I step back, I feint to collect the ball and put both feet on the ground. I can then use my pivot foot and then take a cross step."

"The problem is that his movements are not smooth." Westbrook was dissatisfied.

Durant: “If the referee didn’t call it, it was a good shot!!”

A good shot indeed! ! !

Big Bird Bird didn't say a word on the sidelines.

Only those who know how to use the pivot foot know how to rotate and can move well.

When the footwork king Kobe Bryant makes a real turn or a false turn, he will establish a pivot foot, just like a compass, in order to complete the corresponding shaking action. The most important thing is to ensure that his center of gravity is stable before taking action.

Just now, Jiang Hao's right foot was always "nailed" to the ground after stopping at the end, and he could move whichever foot he wanted for the final layup.

“Really stable”

"Textbook steps."

Even the Spurs were surprised. How much does this guy have yet to show? ? ?

However, Messina made a substitution after the goal.

Jiang Hao and Danny Green exit, Manu and Wu Sheng enter.

Because the score on the court reached 9 points, and Jiang Hao was the first to start, he would definitely be the first to be protected by the rotation. In the future, stable starting must be done step by step, and he can adapt first.

But this was good enough. In the first quarter, he repeatedly toyed with the Pacers' future leader appointed by Big Bird Bird, and also dunked on the Pacers' super inside man.

The two most acclaimed rising stars among Indiana fans are nothing in the eyes of 20-year-old Jiang Hao

Jackson: "Good-job, leave it to us."

Jiang Hao high-fived him excitedly: "I believe you! gogogo!"

Although he was rotated off in the first wave, his playing time was already more than when he came on as a substitute, just over 6 minutes, which is quite satisfying!

As long as the Pacers don't get defeated throughout the game, they might be able to play 30 minutes, which is already the player with the most playing time among Spurs players.

The Spurs' player with the most playing time per game is Duncan, averaging 29 minutes per game!

The Pacers also made a substitution, and George was replaced.

Originally, according to Vogel's previous substitution strategy, Granger should have been substituted, so that George could practice more in the first half, but seeing that George's mentality was a bit unbalanced, he was directly replaced by Bojan! !

The brotherly duel was temporarily missed.

The fans at the scene were relieved for some reason when they saw Jiang Hao leave the court.

"Is this little devil finally tired?"

Bird, who was sitting behind the Spurs' bench, also stopped arguing with RC from being arrogant at the beginning to holding his old waist.

Originally, he wanted to see George Hill explode against his old club, mocking the Spurs' poor vision and refusing to return the goods, but now.

Leonard did not perform well and did not play, but the undrafted player signed by the Spurs later beat his favorite player Paul George.

He does not want to return the goods now, but wants to exchange goods. Can George Hill be exchanged for Jiang Hao? ? ?

Compared to Jiang Hao, George Hill's performance as a starter was neither good nor bad. Maybe the Spurs knew his style too well, and played like a traditional point guard. He didn't make many breakthroughs and didn't play the effect of 3 shots.

But Jiang Hao was so good. Just like Butler said on Twitter, an old hand like Bird knew better what the future would be like for a rookie who could play so easily in his first start.

He's only 20 years old, and he can play singles with such footwork? ? ?

You know, his physical condition is completely inferior to George, but he relies on technology to crush. What kind of player is this?

A future cornerstone player!

If they can be exchanged, the Pacers have 3 forwards in the backcourt, and 2 of them can control the ball. Wouldn't it be possible to lock down the backcourt of the Heat and Celtics? ?

So he looked at RC Buford with envy, and even thought that George and Jiang Hao could be swapped. George was obviously not as stable as Jiang Hao. The more he wanted to exert force, the less he could exert it. Jiang Hao also made an offensive foul on the court.

But he has a good vision.

Because Bojan is really good.

Bojan, who came off the bench, seemed to be inspired by Jiang Hao. He cut off Manu's pick-and-roll cooperation and came back to chase for a 3-pointer. His shot was fast, high and accurate, a standard European anti-aircraft gun.

"The Pacers also have Gallinari!!"

Many Spurs fans and Western Conference fans saw Bojan play for the first time. Seeing his style of play, they immediately thought of the forward Gallinari who played the same way. The Italian gun was whirring in the NBA.

"Today is the Heat's old players' game, so awesome!"

"Haha, @Pacers official website, if you had known earlier, you should have let Bojan start, with the Heat's old players buff, let's see who is more awesome!"

In Jiang Hao's opinion, Bojan is really suitable for the current era of less confrontation and more forwards playing inside, because he has a large tonnage and has a good shot, it is easy to do both offense and defense, and there is no problem with playing time.

So his peak was also in these few years. Later, when the league accelerated and three-point experts flooded, his position was very awkward. He was easily killed by teams with unlimited switching defenses because his footwork was too slow.

But it was really suitable for a slow team like the Pacers. At the end of the first quarter, Bojan even set a rhythm in front of Wu Sheng, shot the ball and flew Wu Sheng, and scored a light side shot!

A technique that only players who have played in the European league have! !

Delicate! !

This also allowed Bird to successfully win back a game.

"Bojan is good, he played very smartly!"

"RC and Bird are worthy of being the best general managers. They can also dig this, and they have dug up treasures."

"Then who didn't dig it?"

"Who dug it and threw it away?"

"Only Riley is being beaten, haha."

"Riley, get out!"

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