"Then shouldn't it be 8 points?"


Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment and turned over the data sheet in his hand. I went to Nowitzki and got 8 points and 5 rebounds.


Sorry to make things worse

9 is fine, wouldn’t 8 just whiten the mousse?

He could already imagine what James would say: FMVP also scored 8 points in a single game in the playoffs! What happened to our little emperor who has never ascended the throne to score 8 points in a single game? ?

The expression on Messina's side when she saw Jiang Hao was:

"Stop pretending to be confused, you don't even know you're getting angry!"

"Ahem, he is super giant, he will adjust back, and this is G1!"

Jiang Hao's answer can be said to be a message to Mavericks fans. After all, this is G1 and not the key G6 like last year's finals. It's okay.

And Jiang Hao doesn't care that James will get excited because of this. History will have long forgotten things like 8 points in a single game. The fans will only remember whether they won the championship or not.

Don't let him win the championship, it would be the best if he can't ascend the throne. In the future, everyone will recall that it would be fun if there was a little emperor in the league who could not ascend the throne even when he was 30 years old.

"You beat your opponent by 30 points in the first playoff game of your career. Do you have any thoughts?"

"This is a best-of-seven round-based game. Winning by 1 point and winning by 30 points are both a win. Losing by 1 point and losing by 30 points are both losses. We still need to win 3 more games to win this game. playoff round.”

"Will it sweep?"

"Let's take it one step at a time."


Even people from Rich Paul’s team liked this interview with Jiang Hao. It’s so strong, and his answers are so good!

Jaylen Williams and Yang Tiantian also gave Jiang Hao thumbs up. Being the agent of such a basketball idol is a worry-free job. Now Jiang Hao's answers in interviews are getting more and more slippery.

Directly attracted countless fans.

Fans of King Nowitzki want to cry after hearing this. This is not mocking Nowitzki for 8 points at all, but is still explaining to him.

On the other hand, last year's Cough Trio.

"They are all human beings, and the gap is indeed huge."

"The difference in skin color, hahahaha!"

Jiang Hao has gotten rid of the stereotype he had in the hearts of fans during his time with the Heat, and Rich Paul has been scolded.

Tianchao reporter Duan Ran asked about Carter and Tracy McGrady watching the game:

"We saw that you contributed a self-throw and a dunk in this game, while Vince Carter, the recognized dunk king, did not dunk a single time in the game. The fans expressed that the white moonlight in their hearts collapsed because of you. What do you think of this?"

Jiang Hao smiled after hearing this: "Who doesn't have his own Bai Yueguang?

I am also the white moonlight in other people’s youth.

And the Medicats, they were to me

Like a temple, even if it is deserted,

Still an altar.

a sculpture,

Even if it collapses, it is still God. "

Damn it! ! !

"Publish a book!"

Originally, when Duan Ran asked this question, he just read the hot comments from netizens. It was not called hot comments from netizens, but five sets of hot comments that everyone sent to Yang Ma through text messages and were read out by Yu Jia.

Then Jiang Hao was shocked when he answered. No matter how uneducated people are when they hear this, they will think that this guy is so talented!

a sculpture,

Even if it collapses, he is still a god! ! !

The reporters at the scene were also in an uproar. Is this kid still the thorn in the side who contradicted the Big Three during the Heat? ? ?

Is it too modest for the playoffs? ?

Next to him, Messina also said humorously: "As everyone knows, the more humble the press conference, the more ruthless and ruthless it will be on the court!"

Jiang Hao smiled and finally said:

"And I want to say one more thing. The reason why Bai Yueguang is Bai Yueguang is because even if they come in person, it will be useless."

The fans who were still sighing were shocked again:

"Does it mean that if you bring a philosopher, you can only keep it in your memory?"

"LeBron, learn from it!!! This is called reading a book and putting it into your stomach."

"Yes, Jiang Hao won't be able to do this kind of action more than ten or twenty years later. We are going through his white moonlight period!"

Chen Duoling, who was putting on makeup on the set, suddenly became firm in her eyes. Yes, she also wanted to cherish the Bai Yueguang in front of her. Youth will never come again, and she must hold on to the 20-year-old Jiang Hao! !

work hard!

Try to catch up with him who is far away!

Otherwise, when you get older and look back, you may regret for the rest of your life that you didn't boldly follow Bai Yueguang when you had cinnabar moles. At that time, it would be useless for Bai Yueguang himself to come.

After all, the 20-year-old young man who flies into the sky and escapes from the earth is the most powerful now!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but blush.

But when it’s time to spray, spray anyway.

The number of fans has doubled in the playoffs, and netizens will not show any face to any team.

CBA fans came to complain:

"I made a video highlight on YouTube. Did you see what Nowitzki did today? He couldn't stand still?? Su Wei is possessed?? It feels like he can't play!"

"This is a bit insulting to Su Wei. Su Wei can at least protect the rim. Nowitzki can't even protect the rim. The Silver Horn King is possessed by him!" (Picture attached: Silver Horn King)

ID LeBron came to the throne: "Tsk, 8 points?? Hahahaha, what did you scold me last year? I'll give it back to you!"

After saying that, a bunch of Heat fans dug out posts from Mavericks fans or passers-by fans last year.

Mavericks fans: "Wait, where are you going? The current Jiang Hao is no longer the Jiang Hao who just came to the Spurs. He could beat you when he came to the Spurs, let alone now."

"Come! We are waiting at the finals venue!"

The pressure came on the Mavericks, who had to play G2 at the Spurs' home court, and the visiting team's press conference was quiet.

Because they are all Texas brothers, the media in the Holy City are actually not willing to be cruel. Moreover, although King Detian was indeed called a softie two years ago, he even took off the label of a softie after defeating the Big Three and winning the championship. Well, and since he has a pretty good character, the reporter has nothing to criticize and does not want to criticize.

I asked Detenwang his opinion about this game as usual.

"We were blown away. I only scored eight points. I take responsibility for this loss."

Unexpectedly, King Nuo Tian mentioned it himself.

The reporter also took advantage of what Jiang Hao said next door and asked Nowitzki if he really hadn't found the feeling as Jiang Hao said.

Nowitzki smiled and said:

"First of all, I am very grateful to JIANG for speaking to me, but face is not given by opponents, but earned by oneself."

"He is a very good defender. I feel awkward in my movements under his defense. I will adapt to his defensive intensity as soon as possible in the next game and give everyone a satisfactory answer."

Carlisle's head is a bit big:

"I will also target the Spurs better from a tactical level. Losing by 30 points is the responsibility of the coaching staff. There cannot be such a big gap between the Bulls and Horses."

He is really going to have a big headache. There will be a G2 battle the day after tomorrow, and there is not much time left for him.

Mainly, the Spurs now use too many tactics for Jiang Hao and Danny Green. These two players are not familiar to the Mavericks at all, so they have to do a lot of information.

The Spurs are different. The Mavericks lineup has not changed much. What has changed is not rookies, but veteran stars. Scouting reports are already available.

In addition, the Spurs have not faced the Mavericks in the regular season since Jiang Hao joined the Spurs.

The Mavericks had very few samples. G1 briefly tested the depth of the new Spurs, but once tested, everything collapsed.

The main reason is that the Spurs don't care about martial ethics. Mobile small forwards like Jiang Hao came up to defend Nowitzki. Nowitzki couldn't catch his breath from the beginning.

If Duncan were to defend Nowitzki normally, Nowitzki would definitely have space to shoot, and it would definitely be more than 8 points.

You must know that the Spurs used to play 1V1 singles against the Mavericks. Are they capable of beating Duncan? ?

Just don't let the Mavericks run the familiar Nowitzki pivot strategy! ! !

But Nowitzki couldn't score in singles today, let alone anything else.

According to Carlisle's original direction, Nowitzki would have scored about 28 points, which would not have been 30 points.

McGrady, who originally wanted to chat with his brother and have dinner at night, had no choice but to return to Houston in embarrassment. The outcome of this kind of game was already expected.

A 30-point game in the playoffs shows that there is a gap between the starters and the substitutes!

Although he can catch up later, it is still very difficult. It depends on whether he can calm down after returning to the home court, so he is going to watch G3 live at the American Airlines Arena.

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