Plus, his set of movements is actually very slow, and it is easy for NBA players to cut after getting familiar with it.

If Yi Jianlian could shoot directly by using his height and wingspan to raise his body high, no one would be able to block it, and he would have a place in the NBA. Unfortunately, he doesn't have this habit, and it can be said that he is not good at this kind of shooting. Most of his singles shots are back jump shots.

This kind of shooting is like Garnett, you have to give enough confrontation.

If you give enough confrontation, you can't shoot accurately! !

"You still know the players in your country."

Under Jiang Hao's "advice", Yi Jianlian didn't score a point in the second quarter and received 2 fouls.

Both Mavericks centers had 3 fouls.

But Carlisle still trusts Yi Jianlian because he has already got 4 blocks in the first half, which is really a fresh force! ! !

This is why Yi Jianlian has been thoroughly studied on the offensive end and can still be on the court, because his basic plate is still there, and the basic plate is confrontation and defense.

He can stand up to Mr. Big Basic Skills, and because he has not played many regular season games or the first few playoff games.

Yi Jian, who is full of energy, is also very energetic when he is an engineer, just fighting in the interior without saying a word! ! !

The Chinese fans at the scene said on Hupu that although Yi Jianlian has little presence, only at the scene can you feel the sound of his continuous muscle confrontation with the opponent, and every bang bang bang is so cool! !

Although the ratings of this game dropped due to the quietness in the first half, the fans at the scene were very happy.

Ball by ball confrontation, the Mavericks are exerting their strength, and the Spurs are also exerting their strength.

According to the commentator, the Spurs are preparing for the melee battle with the Grizzlies in advance, because even Split and Dio are fighting in the inside.

This resulted in both sides having 10+ free throws in the first half, and the game was cut into pieces.

At the end of the half, the Spurs led by 2 points 42:40.

"I was also there. Although your live text broadcast was boring, the live recording of this confrontation was great. You don't get this feeling when watching CBA."

"Comparing with CBA, are you humiliating NBA?"

"YI's muscles are not bad. On the other hand, Sun Yue will be eliminated by the times if he doesn't practice."

"Sun Yue: Meow meow meow?"

"But it is true that Sun Dasheng who returned to CBA has no dominance, and he has to go out @Sun Yue, I'm going to point it out to you, brother. People should still have dreams. "

"Don't use Kobe as an excuse. Now Kobe is isolated in the Lakers and you are nowhere to be seen!"

"Yeah, if you have the ability, go take over the Lakers, hahaha."

"Sun Dasheng fans, stop bragging. Look at Jiang Hao's defense. He is just as fierce as a power forward!"

"The confrontation is full, and the second half will be more exciting!"

"Who will be dunked first? ! ! "

"Jiang, are you still strong?"

Jiang Hao, who was the defensive vanguard in the first half, was pulled into the locker room by Messina for questioning.

"It's completely OK. The game is over in the second half."

Like the regular season, Jiang Hao has become accustomed to "playing by ear" in the second half. The score in the first half doesn't matter. As long as it's not that 20+ pit, he can catch up in the second half.

"Then we will give you a lot of offensive tactics in the second half. We have to go all out to try to beat them in one fell swoop."


Jiang Hao and the physical therapist assigned to him by the team said at the same time. The physical therapist relaxed Jiang Hao's legs and feet very quickly. Now there are only five starters in the Spurs who have this treatment. The physical therapist's relaxation service during the halftime break is much more comfortable than those in the club.

The third quarter.

It's not that the Spurs took the initiative.

But Carlisle has changed again.

The tactical genius Carlisle directly abandoned Mahinmi at the beginning of the second half, and Yi Jianlian started at the fifth position.

Not only him, Marion was replaced by Terry.

It means that the outside line becomes 1 defense and 2 attacks, and the inside line is also 1 defense and 1 attack!

It's a bit like the offense and defense in a football game! ! !

It's not pure defense or pure offense, it's pure offense and defense!

And when he came up, Alian followed Parker's straight breakthrough and forced Parker to miss the high rebound.

Terry rushed to grab the rebound, and was not afraid to take the initiative to confront Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao was suddenly knocked out of space by him.

Terry rushed to the inside and passed the ball to Carter who followed up. Carter caught the ball and made a successful shot! ! !

A Dallas reporter posted: "Has Jiang Hao been fascinated by the sports car beauty recently? Does he feel that his condition is not as good as in the regular season?"

"Relatively speaking, he is still very good. After all, he is a rookie."

"He hasn't hit the rookie wall yet, only the superstar wall, haha."

"Is that the superstar wall? That means he wants to make a Xuanwu Gate Incident, of course I won't agree!"

"Okay, let's play it this way, right!"

Jiang Hao was hit by Terry and felt pain in his chest. He clearly felt that he was deliberately hitting him with force, with "inch force".

Jiang Hao was not vague either, and took the initiative to ask for the ball in the low post. After Marion was not on the court, only Terry could defend him.

He received the ball and felt Terry's position, dribbled in three times and hit Terry so hard that he couldn't even breathe.

At the moment when Kidd was about to come up to help defend, Jiang Hao turned over and shot to the other side after the confrontation, aiming steadily and hitting the target! ! ! !

"Good shot!"

"That's it, big against small!"

"They don't want a small forward, it's your time to shine!!"

Chip, the shooting coach in the Spurs coaching booth, also roared.

"Brother, is that all? Can only rely on height?"

Terry ran and sprayed unconvinced.

"What do you want? Do you have to dunk over you?"

Jiang Hao shouted back.

"Come on! Challenge our inside line if you can!"


Jiang Hao shook his head speechlessly. How could he let others save face for him?

But Terry really couldn't get past Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's way of defending the Jets was to defend half a step, let him shoot, and not let him break in again.

Jiang Hao, who was already young, had a speed that was no less than Terry's, which led to him to stop directly. In a head-on confrontation, he couldn't push Jiang Hao away all at once, so he could only attack him unexpectedly during the movement.

But Yi Jianlian was really useful. After the Mavericks dribbled the ball from the outside, Terry got angry when he remembered Jiang Hao's trash talk. Seeing that Jiang Hao still let him half a step, he raised his hand and threw it directly.

But in fact, he couldn't see the rim when he raised his hand. He underestimated Jiang Hao's vertical jumping ability.

This was Jiang Hao who got the space to bounce easily, so he hit the front rim without a doubt.

Then Alian actually pushed the ball in from behind Split with one hand! !

One-handed tip-in? ? ?

Dreaming back to 2008!!

Jiang Hao was stunned by this scene. He was a little excited. Isn't this the ball that Yi Jianlian dunked over Anthony in 2008?

But this is the court. He will not give face to the big brother, but to the team.

It's not too late to avenge Split. Jiang Hao is really good at fighting.

Back to the offensive round, Jiang Hao wanted to vent his anger on his teammates, and Messina also made a 3-2 gesture on the sidelines.

The two players below are still outside the paint area!

And Split took the initiative to screen for Jiang Hao.

The situation is very clear!

Open up space for the outside line! !

This Yi, who is playing in the playoffs for the first time, must be taught a lesson! !

Our Spurs is not the stage for you to shine! !

"Don't cut!"

After Split came up with a screen, Jiang Hao shouted for him not to cut inside, and he aimed at Yi Jianlian's position and accelerated to get close.

It is obvious that Yi Jianlian did not cooperate well with the team and the chemistry was insufficient.

At the moment when the pick-and-roll was initiated, he was still waiting for Terry to call whether to switch defense or not.

But when Terry called for switching defense, it was too late.

Jiang Hao made Split completely give him space with just two simple words, and he rushed to the basket without slowing down after the pick-and-roll, and before Yi Jianlian caught up with him, he stretched out his hand and pulled the bow tomahawk to push the ball in.

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