Messina's eyes lit up:

"Oh? You should tell me more about it."

Jiang Hao thought for a few seconds.

The Spurs had been very stable for nearly 20 years before he traveled through time, which was mostly due to the coaching system. If the Warriors and Cavaliers and other teams were looking at the dishes in the pot, then the Spurs were looking at the dishes in the pot.

To put it simply, the system is the pot and the players are the dishes. The Spurs' draft players in the past 20 years are basically the dishes they need in this pot.

"The same pot, not the same dishes but like the same dishes", although this sentence is a bit difficult to say, isn't it wonderful to savor it carefully?

So he also told his teammates this truth, they can't easily change their system, they can indeed play 8-second fast breaks and run-and-gun, but the basics must be maintained.

Passing and cutting, position is king!!!

Playing our basics, if the inside line can't get through, switch to the outside line, play steadily, it's still easy to take them down!

"Oh my god. How come you speak so well?" Dio exclaimed in the audience. Does Jiang Hao not need to draft his speech? ? Is this the first day of the meeting? ? ?

Or did this guy study overtime last night?


Jiang Hao was so tired last night. It is impossible for him to have the energy to study the next opponent right after playing against the Mavericks, and study so well.

That can only mean one thing: this guy is a basketball genius!

Whether in terms of personal skills or research on basketball concepts and tactics!

"I agree, Teacher Jiang is right!"

"Teacher Jiang's class is different!"

Manu knocked on the stick in his hand:

"How about I give you the teaching stick, and you come to the stage to speak?"

Duncan pushed Jiang Hao directly from behind:

"Go! Teacher Jiang is starting the class! Let's talk about how we play G1!!"

Messina gave up the C position on the blackboard directly! ! !

Do you miss the games back then?

Now think about it, the hand-to-hand combat was really cool, and everyone would cheer when they scored a goal. Now I am numb to the high scores, there are too many fouls, and the game is blown up.

As a fan, I really don't want to hear the whistle and timeout, which affects the viewing experience of the game.

Chapter 157: G1 tactics, Philadelphia Black Eight Bulls!

Chapter 157 156: G1 tactics, Philadelphia Black Eight Bulls!

Jiang Hao talked a lot, all kinds of terms that coaches use and his professional style made Leonard admire him more and more.

This is a real teacher. When Manu asked him questions just now, he was hesitant to say a few key words, while Jiang Hao

is really incomparable. Once compared, it is easy to feel inferior.

What Leonard regrets most now is not that he played against Jiang Hao in his first game of his career and that he is now on the same team with Jiang Hao. On the contrary, he feels very honored and lucky.

What he regrets is that he was in the same rookie class as Jiang Hao! !

It would be better if it was a year earlier or later!

In that case, he would never be compared with Jiang Hao, an undrafted player!

Maybe most rookies last year had this idea, what is the No. 1 pick, No. 2 pick, No. 3 pick, what is the lottery? ? ?

There is this undrafted player? ? ?

Many rookies participating in the draft last year had this idea in their minds to a certain extent, and Leonard, who was on the same team as Jiang Hao, was naturally compared more.

But as long as they were not in the same class as Jiang Hao, they would not be compared at all, not to mention that Leonard played the same position as Jiang Hao, and was directly compared to the corner.

Jiang Hao actually subconsciously turned into a physical education teacher mode. When he taught sixth grade in his previous life, he would briefly mention basketball concepts, so he spoke very clearly.

Even if he only had half a bucket of water in his stomach, he could speak fluently without a draft.

In addition, Jiang Hao had watched many Grizzlies games in his previous life, and they were playoff games, so he could really say how to play G1.

But he didn't go for the Grizzlies at that time, nor did he go to study the Grizzlies' tactics. Who would watch the Grizzlies? They have fewer dunks than the Spurs and play more boringly than the Pistons.

He went to see his favorite city of alley-oops and the Thunder's three youngsters.

The Clippers and the Grizzlies are mortal enemies. They tied 1:1 in the playoffs in the previous life, and both played very well and attracted a lot of topics.

In the 2012 season, the Clippers defeated the Grizzlies in seven games in the first round, and in the 2013 season, the Grizzlies won four games in a row after falling behind 0:2 to reverse the Clippers.

Jiang Hao, who watched both rounds of games, naturally has a say in how to play against the Grizzlies!

At least he knows how the Grizzlies play in the past two years from a God's perspective.

The Clippers' young "twin towers" Griffin and DeAndre Jordan can't take advantage of the black and white bears.

Because when the Grizzlies attack, Gasol often goes to the high position, Randolph often occupies the low position, and Griffin is poor at defense, while DeAndre Jordan is good at assisting defense and can also do single defense (his ability is suspected of being exaggerated).

Since Randolph is better at attacking, the Clippers often let Griffin defend Gasol and Jordan defend Randolph, but they can't defend him.

Sometimes Gasol performed bravely and the Clippers were forced to use Jordan to defend Gasol, but Randolph could eat Griffin alive, which was really a case of suppressing one problem and causing another.

When the Clippers attacked, Jordan had no independent offensive ability, and Griffin's offense was fancy but not lethal enough, so he had no advantage against Gasol.

So the Clippers could only rely on outside players to defeat the Grizzlies.

The Clippers won in the 2012 season because of Paul and Nick Young.

In Game 1, the Grizzlies led the Clippers by 24 points at one point, and the X factor Nick Young exploded, scoring 19 points in the whole game and 9 points in the fourth quarter, killing the Grizzlies.

In the 2013 season, the Grizzlies settled down to grind out a positional battle when trailing 0:2, and used the advantage of the two bears to reverse the Clippers.

The Thunder are the Grizzlies' mortal enemy, with a 2:1 record against the Grizzlies in the playoffs.

The Thunder also configure twin towers, often using Ibaka to defend Gasol high, and Perkins or Collison to defend Randolph low.

This is because Perkins moves slowly and cannot get to the high post to defend Gasol.

However, when Gasol stands in the low post, he will also use Perkins to face off, and Ibaka will face Randolph (this matchup is very common in the 11 and 13 season playoffs).

The Thunder lack a defensive system, and the inside and outside pick-and-roll defense against Conley and Gasol is only average; Randolph can use his feet to trick Perkins, and he can also restrain Ibaka, who is average in one-on-one defense because of his lack of height and weight.

The Thunder's twin towers have no independent offensive capabilities and rely on the unstoppable firepower of Durant, Westbrook and Harden from the outside.

The Thunder have strong firepower and superior strength, and can defeat the Grizzlies in most cases (the 13th season was because Westbrook was injured by Beverley in the first round and was reimbursed for the season, and the Thunder's strength was damaged and they were defeated).

But since the two bears couldn't be guarded inside, the game was very difficult.

This is also what Jiang Hao thought they would do when they met the Thunder in the Western Conference Finals, just stare at the Thunder inside!

The Grizzlies were disgraced when they met the Warriors and later the Spurs. Why? ? ?

Jiang Hao also said to his teammates:

"Brothers, play pass-cutting, pick-and-roll, dynamic offense, name them in the paint and that's it!"

"How to say??"

Although Duncan knew, he wanted to know if Jiang Hao understood the same thing as him.

"Let me draw some tactical diagrams!"

Jiang Hao actually drew a few temporary tactics on the blackboard to beat the Grizzlies inside.

Because the Warriors later focused on passing and cutting, and the Spurs focused on pick-and-rolls and dynamic offense, the guards kept naming the Grizzlies' twin towers, which made the Grizzlies exhausted and exhausted.

The current Spurs are fully capable of this. Whether it is Park Manu or Jiang Hao, they can easily pull the two big insiders out for military training!

Now in Jiang Hao's eyes, the Spurs are the Grizzlies' nemesis, let alone an all-around striker like him.

In the 2011 playoffs, the Spurs used McDyess, Bonner and Blair to take turns to defend Randolph, while Duncan guarded Gasol. However, McDyess was too old and could not match up with Randolph, causing the inside to be blocked. The grizzly bear is in bloom.

Coupled with Manu's injury, the Spurs were left with only Parker as a firepower on the outside. The Grizzlies blossomed both inside and outside, so they defeated the Spurs.

Starting from the 2012 season, the Spurs have strengthened their pick-and-roll offense and dynamic offense, especially the Parker/Manu and Duncan pick-and-roll system to restrain the Grizzlies. However, the slow movement of the Twin Towers was criticized, and the Grizzlies' defense was cut apart. It was like a butcher trying to solve the problem.

"You can try, but what about defense???"

Messina nodded slightly to Jiang Hao's reference tactics. It is indeed possible to give it a try, but the arrangements made by their coaching staff will be more complicated.

"Defense has become easier. Just focus on keeping an eye on Randolph. Don't let him get so comfortable again this year."

In the previous life, the Spurs adopted a focused defense against the Bears.

In the 2013 playoffs, Duncan faced Gasol and cut off his passing route;

Splitter, Bonner, and Diaw took turns facing off against Randolph, exhausting him physically. In the end, the Spurs swept the Grizzlies.

In the 2016 season, Gasol was reimbursed for the season. In the playoffs, Duncan and Aldridge took turns guarding Randolph and once again swept the Grizzlies.

In the 2017 season, after Duncan retired, Shuang De became the core of the Spurs, while Randolph was aging and played as a substitute in the regular season, and was mentioned as a starter in the playoffs. The Spurs were defended by David Lee, and Aldridge faced Gasol. .

However, the Spurs' role in calling out the Grizzlies in the pick-and-roll was weakened because the guard lineup was completely aging. The Grizzlies won two games in the series, but were eventually eliminated by the Spurs, who had evolved into Kajor Jordan.

The Warriors' pass-and-cut style of play also restrained the Grizzlies. Curry and Clay could misplace the two Bears.

However, the Warriors mainly play one big, four small or dead five, and are relatively thin inside. Bogut or David Lee have limited playing time, so the restrictions on the Bears are not as good as the Spurs.

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