Average 30.6 points, 6 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 54.8% shooting in 6 games in the Western Conference semifinals.

But now Durant seems to have no ability to coordinate and organize, which makes Durant just an unsolvable finishing point and unable to help the team improve the overall offense! "

"And today, the finishing can't be counted on, Jiang Hao is too good!"

"The organization is not good, and the defense is extremely bad! Durant's physical confrontation is too poor, and he is irritable and easy to foul on the defensive end. I don't think he can defend Jiang Hao!"

"Jiang Hao is like a yellow man's little steel cannon, strong and fierce, so strong!"

"Indeed, I think Sefolosha and Harden should help defend Jiang Hao!"

"No, before the game, everyone expected Jiang Hao to be able to defend Durant? ? Bookbag Durant only scored 2 points in the second quarter? ? It scared me!"

"Maybe we are used to seeing him score goals, this 2 points in a single quarter is too outrageous! ”

“Hahahaha, rubbish!”

After everyone in the forum quarreled for 20 minutes.

In the second half, the Spurs came up and pushed the transition again, and this time it was more fierce, Bonner became the 4th position directly.

Duncan was the 5th position.

This time the rhythm had to be fast, because if it was not fast, Ibaka could force Bonner to complete the single.

In addition, Jiang Hao was the main point guard and Parker was roaming, so Westbrook’s best help defense was not possible.

In the first round, Jiang Hao passed the ball to Bonner, Ibaka did not come out, and Bonner made a 3-pointer!

Then Jiang Hao predicted the defense in advance to prevent Durant from receiving the ball, and Westbrook directly Pushing the fast break, seeing that there is only one tower in the interior, he rushed to the interior without thinking, and was chased by Danny Green who came out from the side!

Jiang Hao grabbed the rebound in the air!

Switching to face Durant, a tough confrontation directly pushed Durant away! !

Facing the one-step space in front of him, Jiang Hao took off without hesitation and dunked the 2.10+ meter Durant with one hand! ! !

I drank with the Dragon King and sprinkled nectar for three thousand days! ! ! !

So handsome!

Teacher Jiang educates Durant in the Western Conference Finals! ! !

"It's too exaggerated, Durant's arm span didn't block it!"

"It's not his arm span problem, it's Jiang Hao who pushed him away, Durant can't jump up."

"Too fierce, brother, I can't wait to see Jiang Hao and the Heat's muscle confrontation! ! ”

Chapter 168: All three young masters are dull and repeatedly beaten

Chapter 168 167: All three young masters are dull and repeatedly beaten

The screen shows the scene of Jiang Hao dunking Durant with great momentum again!!

Yellow people are tougher than black people!

This scene is not often seen!!

Jeremy Lin and Stoudemire, who were watching the game below, took a breath:

“You know what, I still hope that the Spurs will go to the finals rather than the Thunder meeting the Heat in the finals!”

“Yes, the Spurs are good at dealing with teams like the Heat.”

“Haha, you know how to kill, do you want LeBron to experience the feeling of 4:0 again?”

“That’s not necessarily true, the Heat is no longer the Heat in the regular season.”

“The Heat and the Spurs will play more excitingly, and the Thunder may collapse if they play against them.” ”

Stoudemire still understands that in the playoffs, it is a battle of muscles. He can imagine how much strength Jiang Hao has given him. He might be pushed away by Jiang Hao if he goes up to push.

"In fact, Durant's defense is not that good. The playoffs still have to be a defensive matchup. I am already looking forward to Jiang Hao's playoff mode against his old club."

After the Heat were eliminated by the Big Three, Jeremy Lin knew how powerful the Heat were. He felt powerless now.

That was the pain of not being able to push away or speed past James, Wade or Bosh!

Now I just want someone to avenge them in the finals!

Therefore, he is optimistic that the Spurs will have a good game against the Heat.

Because he also had a head-on confrontation with Jiang Hao, and then found that he was a small steel cannon and could not beat Jiang Hao!

And as Durant made a mistake in the top arc and was defended by Jiang Hao in the next round, the Spurs counterattacked again, and Durant was directly sprayed:

"The organization is not good, and the defense is also extremely bad!

Such a player does not deserve to go to the finals and face the little emperor!

This has been reflected in the regular season in recent years! Because Durant's physical confrontation was poor at that time, he was irritable and prone to fouls on the defensive end, which made him unable to take on the task of defending James, and Sefolosha and Harden had to help defend James. "

"Oh, the Heat beat the Thunder 3-1 in the regular season. The two teams are not at the same level at all."

The most powerful in the world: "Damn, come and touch them if you dare?"

"Long live the emperor: "Boy, get past the Spurs first before saying this!"

Durant is so handsome: "You should also get past the Pacers first before pretending, don't be so arrogant!"

"Yes, when the Thunder's singles don't work, their defense is actually not as strong as it looks!"

"The main thing is that today, even Jiang Hao's defense couldn't be passed, how could the model monster Durant get past the Heat? ? "

The fans were right. Brooks originally had a simple idea, that is, the three young players would take turns to attack in singles. The Lakers played like this against the Spurs.

It was easier for the Thunder to play like this.

But what they didn't expect was that Jiang Hao + Danny Green's sudden rise left them with only one young player who could attack in singles.

And this young player must not be the scoring champion Durant, because Jiang Hao would guard Durant! He didn't care about the others.

This also caused the Thunder's leader to be unable to organize the offense in the second half, and could only let the second and third players do it!!!

After the singles didn't work, it was necessary to organize a tactical offense.

So Brooks also tried to let the tallest Durant do this in the third quarter.

The Thunder's main tactic is the star singles, and the Spurs use the strongest shield to block you!

So Jiang Hao never left Durant for half a step, and the enhanced defensive ability just made Durant mute directly! ! !

The preparation was too thorough. Jiang Hao not only watched the video tape of the current Durant, but also knew the shortcomings of Durant in the future.

Durant is not only thin now, but his physical strength is not as good as that of the future, and his passing organization and overall ability are not mature.

The Spurs coaching staff also grasped this feature of his, and asked Jiang Hao to constantly confront him when defending. Both sides consumed together, which was definitely more disadvantageous for the Thunder, who prioritized singles.

So Jiang Hao kept making physical contact with him regardless of whether he held the ball or not, increasing his passing and even receiving the ball. This made Durant very uncomfortable, and the number of turnovers increased significantly.

Without even having to face the opponent, the CBA system made Durant very uncomfortable on the court! ! !

It was so uncomfortable that there was no chance to dribble comfortably.

In the previous life, when facing the experienced Spurs in the Western Conference Finals, the Thunder was helpless with the singles of the stars. The Thunder coach had no other tactics to speak of. When the team couldn't open up, the stars came out to play singles.

This method is very effective and practical, because the three young Thunder players are all players with super singles ability. As long as the three young Thunder players are hot, the game is basically won.

But Jiang Hao also knew that in the previous life, the Thunder reached the stage of the finals. Facing the Heat Big Three, the Thunder began to be passive. When the three young Thunder players were not in good shape, no one could stand up to score, because the Thunder tactics were relatively simple, so they lost.

It's the same now.

The Thunder was a little confused by the old Spurs in G1! !

Inadequate preparation, underestimation of the enemy, and the Spurs, who were well prepared, were very well prepared.

This second half was more like a club hitting the Thunder on the head!

Although Westbrook has top-level breakthroughs and zombie mid-range shots, his organizational ability is extremely mediocre. The most important thing is that he is easily excited when playing. The Spurs have also seen this clearly, so they have been using Manu or Parker to defend him.

Anyway, there is help defense in the interior, I will let you take a step to defend the breakthrough, and I will accept it if you shoot to death!

Therefore, Westbrook became bored during the game.

So it is understandable that he is a scorer, but his position is a point guard! ! !

The Thunder is ultimately a traditional team, which is completely different from the Heat's style of play. The guards still have to organize!

The eldest brother can't do it, and the second brother can't do it, so only the third brother can come.

Harden is the only one among the three who can hold the ball and organize, which is why he can be the best sixth man. He can pass better than the eldest and second brothers! !

He plays as a stabilizer for the Thunder. When Westbrook is not calm, Harden can take over the team.

But it is very sad that Harden met either Zhang Tielin and Danny Green, a second-team defensive player second only to Jiang Hao in Spurs defense and with more defensive honors than Jiang Hao this season! !

Or Manu Ginobili, the template of blood suppression! ! !

Both of them are masters of close defense and left-handed defense. Harden was not used to it all of a sudden. In addition, the game was too fast to rely on his singles. He was panting all the time. He didn't have the pretentious mood in the first quarter when he saw the Spurs and wanted to eat them.

It was just boring! ! ! !

The Thunder's three youngsters had no passion at home! ! !

The Thunder, who were praised as the first offensive team in history before the game, only scored 67 points after three quarters.

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