Paul was secretly happy because Durant made too many pull-up shots in front of him in the semifinals.

He was so happy until he saw a comment:

"Jiang Hao has only played less than 10 games in the playoffs and he has already reached the Western Conference Finals @Chris 58 shots~"

Paul then clicked on the report button.

The Spurs here did not slack off at all.

Because there was nothing fun to do in Ohio.

On the second day after the game, everyone basically stayed in the hotel during the half-day free break, and Jiang Hao just went out to the Energy Center to eat the legendary Thunder stick in his previous life.

It was actually a fried chicken stick, because the color of the fried chicken was the same as the orange color of the Thunder's home court, so it was named Thunder stick.

This was also the only thing Jiang Hao knew about the Thunder's home court.

If there were other fun things, Deng would definitely find them, and they would definitely not be at the current level.

A simple evaluation of the Thunder stick is:

"Semi-finished, fried and unpalatable"

So the team spontaneously began to study the shortcomings of the Thunder in the last game and how to play the next game early.

The Thunder, who play at home in G2, will definitely fight back like crazy!

While the Spurs players were thinking about countermeasures in the hotel, Jiang Hao was trying to think about the weaknesses of the Thunder in his previous life.

When he thought of it, he quickly posted it in the chat group to let everyone know.

He didn't want to have more troubles, so he just beat the Heat as soon as possible!

When he thought of this, the scene of the Thunder playing against the Heat in the finals in his previous life in 2012 appeared in his mind.

After thinking about it, he first signaled everyone not to pay too much attention to Harden.

This Thunder has never been the team of the third brother.

Jiang Hao's thinking in G1 was biased, because Harden in the future was a bit too cool, and now Harden is just a commodity on the shelf thrown away by President Pu at the end of the season.

When the Thunder won G1 in the finals in the previous life, the Thunder's home fans were already looking forward to the scene of the team lifting the O'Brien Cup.

When Durant shot free throws, the whole court resounded with the call of FMVP.

Even after being tied 1-1 in the second game, the fans did not panic. After all, in the playoffs, reversal is the Thunder's specialty.

However, no one would have thought that G1 would be the only game the Thunder won in that series!

Jiang Hao didn't expect it either!!

So, what happened in the last 4 games of the finals?


This is what GDP said.

Jiang Hao was the first to agree.

The first reason the Thunder lost in the last four games was because of experience!

And the Spurs had to use their experience!

In 2012, Durant, Westbrook, and Harden were only in their early twenties, while the Heat's Big Three were already in their prime, with experience and physical fitness in a perfect combination. Wade had already won the championship in 2006.

The three had already entered the finals once in 2011, but lost to the Mavericks in an upset, regrettably missing the championship. This year, the Heat's Big Three were determined to win the championship, otherwise they would face the danger of disintegration.

In contrast, the three youngsters of the Thunder all entered the finals for the first time in their careers, and they faced the very strong Heat. Therefore, in terms of competition experience, the Thunder was far behind. In the finals, the Thunder won the first game.

It was precisely because of the lack of experience that they did not know how to play steadily and maintain their advantage, and then the Heat won four games in a row. There was a big problem with their mentality, otherwise they would not have been defeated in a row.

If they could adjust their mentality, they could have scored one point in the middle, but after all, the Thunder team is mainly young people, who are easily anxious and excited, and this was also grasped by the "old oil sticks" of the Heat.

Then there is what Jiang Hao said:

Harden's loss! ! ! !

If Harden could play normally, at least the score in the previous life would not be 1-4.

Some people say that Harden's poor performance is because he consumed too much energy defending James, but in Jiang Hao's opinion, this is not the key reason.

He believes more in a rumor:

The culprit for Harden's confusion is the Miami big-butt girl. Harden's off-court romance is well known, and he could not withstand the temptation off the court.

Premature ejaculation or bad love caused his performance to be sluggish, becoming a burden among the three young players.

Therefore, Jiang Hao directly suggested RC Buford to arrange modern girls for the nightclub in the Holy City, so that I could have diarrhea! ! ! !

Although RC Buford had some doubts, it was a piece of cake for him, and he agreed directly:

Arrangement! ! ! ! !

Of course, we can't put all the blame on Harden. Jiang Hao saw that Bonadio and others had studied it very well.

Objectively speaking, the entire Thunder lacks a system on the offensive end and relies too much on the singles of the two stars on the outside.

On the other hand, the Heat happens to be the best team in the league in terms of defensive outside, and their double-teaming is top-notch.

This is just like the playoffs before the previous life, when the Heat met the Bucks. Even though they were optimistic about the Bucks' promotion before the game, the Heat's defensive system naturally restrained the Bucks, and this restraint relationship is difficult to reverse.

Durant and Westbrook lack organizational skills, and Harden is in a slump.

The entire Thunder's offensive system was completely destroyed by the Heat's high-speed defense.

Harden, who had exploded in previous games, suddenly "disappeared" during the finals.

In 5 games, he scored less than 10 points in 3 games, and his hit rate suddenly dropped to 37.5%. In the direct dialogue with Wade, who was on the best third team at the time, he was simply blown to pieces.

There is a saying that Harden got lost in a nightclub in Miami, and joked that as long as the Thunder and the Heat meet in the finals, you will not see Harden's performance on the road;

There are also claims that the young Harden's physical strength can no longer keep up in the finals.

In any case, due to Harden's abnormality, the overall strength of the Thunder has dropped sharply.

Therefore, whether the modern girl is useful or not, the arrangement must be arranged! !

There is also a weak substitute lineup. Jiang Hao said that they must be beaten to death.

It was not until the arrival of the 19-20 season that the Thunder really solved the problem of the weak bench.

Before that, the Thunder's third lineup was really at the "water dispenser manager" level, and it was the same in 2012.

Behind the four youngsters are the aging Cook averaging 6.3 points per game, the defensive sharp knife Sefolosha averaging 5.3 points per game, and Perkins, who is used to fight against heavy centers, averaging 4.7 points per game, and Collison averaging 3.5 points per game.

The four youngsters scored 95 points in a game with a total score of 99 points to complete a stunning reversal. It also reflects that except for the four youngsters, others have almost no effect on the offensive end. With such a bench depth, once the main players cannot perform exceptionally, the game will easily fall into a passive position.

So Jiang Hao looks the youngest, speaks the fastest, types the fastest, and studies the most deeply in the group.

Manu knows how to use what is available:

"Arrange off-court factors for Harden and focus on the Thunder's bench lineup!"

Finally back, updated at the last minute, my mind is confused, and I will start updating 10,000 words tomorrow! ! !

Must be cool! ! !

Chapter 170: Bo Yang invites Jiang Hao's ancestors! The goddess of foot washing water comes in person

Chapter 170 169: Bo Yang invites Jiang Hao's ancestors! The goddess of foot washing water comes in person to bless and watch G2!

"Hey, hey, hey, you forgot to say high-position pressing!"

The group of people chatted more and more excitedly, and Parker even had the leisure to chat.

"Yes, yes, high-post pressing!"

"High-post pressing is our unlimited switching of pick-and-roll, which is to defend the opponent's outside line. We did a good job in the last game, no need to say more."

"That's right, I'm not afraid of our bear king, so why should I be afraid of your trump card?? Win away game!!"


"Tony, what's your business playing against the Grizzlies?? The Grizzlies are about the inside line, and this round is an outside team. Next time you show off, remember to bring me with you, so that you can defend like the black and white bears."


"Hahahaha! Funny!"

A bunch of players below gave thumbs up.

But it is true, and in Jiang Hao's opinion, the biggest relationship with him in the last round was twisting and turning with Tony Allen.

In fact, it was an inside attack.

And this round has a lot to do with him, he is an indispensable outside gate for the Spurs.

The advantages of the inside line must also be used. If the coaching staff arranges it properly, it is really possible that the Thunder's outside line will be silent and the inside line will be blown up.

As long as such a situation occurs frequently, it is not impossible to send the three young players to a shutout.

Jiang Hao drank a sip of mineral water, and felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

But now he is paying attention to the Eastern Conference Finals next door.

Bojan was risked by Vogel to be promoted to the position of the first substitute forward, so that he could defend against LeBron's momentum.

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