Kawhi Leonard also said:

"Don't worry, we are here!"

Jiang Hao turned around and waved to them, and the Spurs fans in the stands shouted to Jiang Hao:

"Come on!"

"You must be okay!"

"Teacher Jiang will not fall!"

"Don't fall!"

But it was obvious that the Thunder staff felt relieved when Jiang Hao passed through the player tunnel.

Jiang Hao's existence was like a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

As long as he was there, the Thunder would never think of a comeback.

And now he is gone, cool!

Get excited!

The game continued, and the league officials first told all broadcasting platforms that Jiang Hao went to the infirmary for a checkup, and the specific situation would be notified.

Anyway, he would definitely not be able to play if he did not return to the scene.

The commentators also conveyed it, and the Spurs fans directly started a quarrel with the Thunder fans.

The Thunder fans also had Heat fans fanning the flames, and the two sides were at loggerheads.

Yu Jia:

"Who could have imagined that Jiang Hao's first injury would be in the Western Conference Finals!"

Su Qun:

"I just hope he doesn't play again in this game. It's okay if he returns as the king in the next game. Don't take risks."

Yang Yi from the next door:

"In this case, protecting the players comes first. There are still 3 days before the next game. The series is still long. Take good care of your body first. I hope it's not a bone injury."

He has tried to be as tactful as possible.

But the fans are not tactful. Some fans are already speculating that Jiang Hao has a fracture or something.

It takes 100 days to recover from a bone injury.

If Jiang Hao really has a sternum fracture or something, he will not only miss the Western Conference Finals, but also the Finals.


Can the Spurs without Jiang Hao really beat the Thunder? ?

After Jiang Hao was not on the court, the Thunder turned from defense to offense in the first round. Durant turned and shot a jump shot just after the martial saint Jackson!

The ball that could not be hit in front of Jiang Hao was easily scored in front of the martial saint!

Rich Paul opened champagne in the villa:

"Hahahaha, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and you still want to meet in the finals?? Go away and be reimbursed for the season!"


RC Buford rushed over in a hurry.

He didn't care about the rest of the game.

He was more concerned about what happened to this young player.

The Spurs' injury wave last year is still vivid. Last season, basically Parker was injured, Duncan was injured, Duncan was injured, Manu was injured, and GDP rarely played together.

So he really didn't want to see such a situation this year.

The team doctor asked Jiang Hao a few questions, which also made RC Buford, who was listening, feel much more relieved.

"Does your bone hurt?"


"Where does it hurt?"


"Food poisoning."

The team doctor knew from Jiang Hao's expression, and drew blood to get an IV drip, then turned to RC Buford and asked:

"General Manager, to be on the safe side, I think we should go back to the Holy City Hospital for an MRI, in case there are other problems with this elbow. I will treat his food poisoning first."

"Well, you don't have to play in the second half, let's talk about the next game, I will arrange a special plane to take you back to the Holy City later."

"You should drink enough water first, what's the situation, you actually have food poisoning?"

So he stayed and chatted with Jiang Hao for a while.

The two agreed that it was the Thunder Rod's fault.

Jiang Hao would not think that Scarlett's bunny and pink grapes that he kissed last night were poisonous.

Because the Thunder Rod he ate two days ago had made his stomach uncomfortable, but maybe at that time he was in good physical condition and went to the bathroom to excrete it.

But he had two more at noon today.

The team doctor also said that it was very likely that Sofolosha's elbow directly made Jiang Hao's stomach completely uncomfortable, and even if there was no elbow, Jiang Hao would definitely have severe stomach pain next.

"Can this guy calculate the time accurately?"

Jiang Hao would never think that the Thunder stick, which is sold to thousands of fans, would have problems.

RC Buford did not mean to blame Jiang Hao, but smiled:

"I have seen more outrageous than you. This is still the Western Conference Finals. You should know that in the finals, the packaging bags you bought from the supermarket may be replaced by fans. Some fans will investigate what you like to eat."

"Your freshly made fried food is even easier. It takes only a few minutes to sprinkle some other seasonings the moment they see you."

Jiang Hao made a bitter face and felt helpless:

"People's hearts are unpredictable. I helped them generate income and promote, and they treated me like this."

It was hard to get out of the audience Jaylen Williams, who rushed into the medical room, panted and said:

"Didn't I tell you not to eat away food? You don't listen to the old man."

Jiang Hao:

"Damn, I can't even eat official food?"

"You said it's official. Anyone you meet on the road may be a home team fan."

RC Buford stopped Jaylen Williams from continuing:

"Okay, okay, let JIANG have a good rest. He doesn't have to play in this game."

Soon, the league officials came to ask about Jiang Hao's specific situation. The team doctor couldn't hide it and could only tell the truth.

Because the league wants to give an explanation to the fans.

Although it's best to let the opponent know the false news, the fans of the team are also concerned.

If you talk nonsense about the player's injury, it will also hurt the hearts of the fans of the team.

5 minutes later.

When the game was in full swing, a pop-up message appeared under the broadcast page:

"Spurs player Jiang Hao left the court due to stomach discomfort. The initial diagnosis was food poisoning. It was confirmed that he would not play in the second half and would go to the Holy City for further MRI examination."

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Chapter 174: The four young players scored 96 points together, superstar basketball

Chapter 174 173: The four young players scored 96 points together, superstar basketball

This is a very cautious reply. The official is still awesome. They took care of everyone in one sentence.

First, the fans who followed Jiang Hao were told the specific situation. It can be seen from the literal meaning:

It's nothing serious, not a serious injury.

Then the result was told:

This game will definitely not be played.

Let the fans who are looking forward to the return of the king stop waiting, but the fans who want to wait are the fans at the scene. None of the real Spurs fans want Jiang Hao to come back. They have too many such situations in the old Spurs.

Even the Chinese fans are the same.

Yao Ming also staged a comeback in the playoffs against the Lakers and won the game, but the result was that the injury became more and more serious. After that series, he never played well again.

The MRI at the end was also to comfort the fans. It was not that the elbow was not caused, but the team doctor could not find it now.

But those who understand basketball should know that if the news did not release it and went directly to the MRI examination, it would be 99% not a big deal.

Because the team doctor is not a fool. If the injury is really serious, he will definitely go directly to the local hospital for examination.

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