
The whole stadium shouted Jiang Hao and MVP's names, and the fans went crazy. Jiang Hao, the king who returned, was too strong.

So strong that even the Spurs fans felt it was unrealistic. How could he win so easily? ? ?

All five Spurs starters left the court.

Call it a day!

Before the opponent surrendered, they called it a day!

This is confidence!

The Thunder had no intention of chasing points. Even if Jiang Hao left the court, Durant and others could chase desperately.

But what would happen if they caught up? ? ?

After catching up to within 20 points, the Spurs starters would continue to come back and fight. Even if the Thunder's main players could still fight to within 10 points, there would not be enough time.

So it is better to give up this game and go all out in the next game.

Otherwise, the main players will be exhausted again, and the other assistants will have a rest.

Besides, it is not fun to play against the Spurs substitutes. It is very likely that the Spurs substitutes are stronger than the Spurs main players.

So the Thunder also made substitutions in dead balls. The four youngsters left the court with dull eyes. After Sofolosha came on the court, there was a round of boos from the sidelines, which also felt funny.

Does it mean that you can only play in garbage time? ? ?

Prove that in the last game, my teacher Jiang obviously came with a mission.

And here Jiang Hao was already chatting and laughing with Manu and the others.

Because after this game, Jiang Hao will become the first player in the history of the Spurs to get 50+5+5 in the playoffs! !

50 points + 5 blocks + 5 steals + 3 rebounds + 4 assists!

One man against thousands of troops! The first person in the history of the team! ! !

The game has not yet ended, and the news and praises about Jiang Hao have already flooded the sports circle.

Many media such as CCTV, Yonhap News Agency, SBS, Reuters, Forbes, etc. lamented how it was a correct decision to arrange their reporters in the Holy City before the start of this round of series.

Because a new basketball star belonging to the Spurs and all mankind has completely risen.

Picked up a treasure!

The shareholders of these media sighed that no matter how much money they spent, it was worth it, they picked up a treasure!

The central bank even wanted to add people to the Holy City to make a playoff documentary for Jiang Hao. This kid can already become a representative of the Chinese men's basketball team, oh no, Chinese sports!

This is a super event that can be seen all over the world. In this kind of event, 50 points in the playoffs! ! ! ! ! !

Even leaders who don’t know much about basketball know what this concept is.

Because they haven’t heard that Kobe and James can score 50 points in the playoffs.

In fact, LeBron James has never scored 50 points in a single game in the playoffs.

Kobe has only scored 50 points once in his career so far! ! ! !

Although there are many players who have scored 50 points in a single game in the playoffs, Zhang Dashuai, Jordan, Iverson, Barry, Barkley, etc. have all scored more than 50 points.

But Jiang Hao is the youngest of the 50-point men! !

This is why Manu wanted Jiang Hao to go from 48 points to 50 points.

He used cool dunks like a turnaround dunk!

Comparable to Kobe! !

God is above us, Jiang Hao was like a god who blew up the Thunder by himself! ! !

ESPN didn't know how to praise it. The score difference was really big and it felt a bit like a bully.

They didn't treat the Thunder as human beings!

It's true that Westbrook was pua, and Harden was also whitewashed by the media saying that he was made the second brother by the Spurs before the game, and he was his real second brother.

But these pits were also jumped by the Thunder players themselves.

Just like Jiang Hao saw the Thunder sticks and bought a few to try.

You have to take responsibility for what you do!

And Harden is really awesome.

He hugged and comforted Kardashian as soon as possible after the game, and Kardashian even kissed him to comfort him.

This is incredible.

Now fans still think Kardashian is Odom's girlfriend!

Harden did take responsibility.

After more and more fans and media questioned his closeness with Kardashian, he boldly admitted it in the post-match press conference.

He directly overshadowed Jiang Hao, the youngest player in history to score 50 points in the playoffs.

Because Harden is too sexy.

Compared with Jiang Hao, a non-US native player, who got 50+5+5, he was on par with all the ancient monsters and created various team and NBA historical records.

Harden’s announcement after the game that he was dating Kardashian was even more explosive.

“She is my girlfriend, and we are very happy together.”

Harden, who looked tired, left after the announcement.

Reporters started to make a fuss and wanted to ask again, but there was no chance.

Then he was called to talk by President Trump: “Are you crazy???”


Odom was just eliminated by you when you played against the Clippers, and now he is said to be receiving treatment in the hospital, and you are still cheating on others? ?

And President Trump seems to have found the reason why Harden lost his soul, and strictly forbade Harden to go out before G4! ! !

What the hell! !

But Harden was even more distracted. He always felt something was missing in the night without Kardashian.

So when someone from the team was watching his hotel door, he opened the door and started arguing with the Thunder assistant coach who lived across the street:

"You are not allowed to go out. Are you going to play in the playoffs?"

Harden: "The playoffs happen every year, but my love affair with Kardashian has just begun."

"Get lost!"

The grinning Harden was scolded by the boss Bennett who came over in the corridor!!!

Over there, Jiang Hao has already made NBA history and stunned everyone.

Over here, their Thunder players are still in love? ?

Seeing Harden still obsessed with women, Bennett almost fainted and pushed Harden back to the room:

"Get out of here!!! Reflect on yourself!!!"

(PS: The men's basketball team lost. CBA is still entertaining itself. It is recommended to disband and all league players should go out to make a living!)

Chapter 180: Reward Harden's unique skills, Kardashian is still output

Chapter 180 179: Reward Harden's unique skills, Kardashian is still output! !

President Pu looked through the contract terms and wanted to punish Harden, but Harden's private life belongs to his personal life and no money can be deducted!

I feel uncomfortable and want to cry!

He is a little collapsed. Who is this Kardashian? Can an ordinary woman make Harden so depressed? ?

The Thunder is in a mess, and the Spurs ended the press conference early to let the players rest early.

But the heat about Jiang Hao has no intention of cooling down at all.

The Kardashian incident is the Kardashian incident, but Jiang Hao still has to be praised. After all, ESPN cannot publish the news that Kardashian and Harden cheated publicly. They are also eating melons, but various records must be arranged for Jiang Hao:

"The fastest player in history to score 50 points in a single playoff game!"

"The youngest player in history to score 50 points in a single playoff game in the Western Conference Finals!"

"The first in NBA history! 50 points in a single game, 5 blocks and 5 steals! ! "

"The first in Spurs history."

"The player with the fewest turnovers and the highest hit rate after scoring 50 points"

"The fastest international player to score 50 points!"

"Surpassing Yao Ming! ! The strongest Chinese basketball player on the face of the earth"

Jiang Hao has so many records that fans are praising him directly:

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