Pass again! !

ah? ? ? ?

The fans on the sidelines exclaimed, is this Irving's style of play? ? ? ?

Mainly, he can really excel!

Jiang Hao, who didn't look at his teammates at all, simply passed three people! !

But after Westbrook was passed, he turned around and chased after him.

Durant shouted from behind: "Guard him, don't let him score!!"

This time Ibaka also gave up on Duncan and waited for Jiang Hao at the free throw line. He was also preparing to make a top shot and then a block shot for Westbrook to block handsomely.

"The Thunder are crazy. They don't care about everything. They don't want Jiang Hao to get 50 points!"

"Yes, Durant's steal and Jiang Hao's block made both sides full of fighting spirit!"


That’s how you play it, right?

Feeling that there were people around him, Jiang Hao also acted willfully this time and simply let go. When Westbrook blocked him from the side, he moved directly towards him. As he approached Ibaka, he suddenly made a strong confrontation and blocked him first. Westbrook fought back.

He didn't choose to jump directly in front of Ibaka again, because Ibaka learned the lesson this time and didn't wait for Jiang Hao under the basket, and outside the reasonable collision area, this made Jiang Hao lose the space for a run-up dunk. .

And he doesn't have the aerial lever skills like Mr. Qiao. If he takes off from this position, he will either be blocked or fouled.

He wants to choose the safest and violent method!

That is, in the paint area, he dribbles the ball from his hip and swings his right hand forcefully to the side, then turns his back and comes directly behind Ibaka.

Nail me in place!

Ibaka has to turn around when he wants to chase again.

When Ibaka wanted to turn around, Jiang Hao had already taken advantage of the situation and exploded the ball directly into the air. No matter how energetic the four young players behind him were, they couldn't catch up.

Watching Jiang Hao turn his back, the clouds rose directly from the left side of the paint area! ! !

With a roar!

Jiang Hao pulled the frame with one hand like a helicopter and succeeded in an angry dunk! ! ! !

Goodbye, young man with full bow, not afraid of time and wind! ! ! ! ! ! !

Jiang Hao really completed the offense using the Fourth Young Master as the backdrop! ! !

1V4 Raptors crossing the river! ! ! !





The scene was instantly ignited, and the fans' shouts seemed to reach through the ceiling!

All men, women and children, young and old, stood up and waved their hands! !

It’s so explosive! !

One against four!

The Fourth Young Master of Thunder was killed by him alone! ! !

The sound of the on-site DJ brought the game to its climax:

"Jiang Hao scored 50 points!! Scored 50 points in two consecutive Western Conference Finals games!! The first in the world!!! the world first!!!!"

"Oh, mama, come out and see God!"

At this time, Mr. Zhang Weiping stood up and took off his earphones and only used the microphone to say:

"At the same time, Jiang Hao made up for the regret in the last game. With the block just now, he also had 5 blocks, 5 steals, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists!!!"

Back to back 50+5+5+5+5, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish! ! ! ! !

The long wind causes the dragon to roar! ! !

"The whole world heard the roar of this Chinese player! Jiang Hao played the craziest night of his career!!!!"

"Don't bully young people into being poor!!! The most talented foursome in the league are vulnerable to Jiang Hao!!"

Yangma host Ma Fanshu, who was under the basket, happened to take the scene with the SLR she just bought.

The world famous painting was born!

Jiang Hao took off and dunked, and Ibaka was halfway through the takeoff. Westbrook looked up at Jiang Hao as he took off.

And Harden and Durant are still on their way! !

The four Thunder boys all became the backdrop! ! !

There will be another chapter after 0 o'clock, the first update to be released tomorrow! ! !

Chapter 183: The man who cannot be suppressed by the four shooting guards, Ma

Chapter 183 Chapter 182: A man who cannot be suppressed by the four major shooting guards, the era of the Spurs’ four super giants has arrived


Man! !




After Jiang Hao landed, his teammates yelled wildly, which made the sidelines so excited that they almost had a fight.

Because Boris Diaw deliberately bumped into Ibaka and slapped Jiang Hao on the ground, Ibaka, the arrogant brother, almost went berserk.

But Ibaka also knows that conflict is useless now.

The team has met repeatedly before the playoffs: casual conflicts like the regular season will never be allowed.

The fine is secondary, the main reason is that being sent off is not worth it.

If there must be a conflict, then a 1-for-1 exchange must be carried out to take away one of the opponent's main players! ! That is to say, never take the initiative to eat T! !

Now, although Ibaka can cause conflict, it is useless.

The fourth quarter is almost over, trailing by nearly 20 points, and no matter what he does, he looks like a clown! ! !

The Spurs' momentum could no longer be suppressed, and the Spurs fans in front of the TV were wildly celebrating Jiang Hao's success in one-on-four.

Not to mention the scene.

Ibaka couldn't even hear what the coach was saying.

Brooks simply made a pause gesture, replaced all the starters, and admitted defeat! !

Originally, he was still expecting a miracle in the last three minutes.

But Jiang Hao's dunk disillusioned him and made him unable to play!

Jiang Hao is a madman!

Looking at Jiang Hao's data on the data screen, Brooks' heart was bleeding.

He is being engraved on the pillar of shame.

As a head coach, it is totally unqualified to be beaten by an undrafted first-year rookie who scored 50 points in two consecutive games! ! !

Of course.

Deep down, he knew he was wrong.

He should not have used Harden to defend, and he should have double-teamed boldly.

But he did not do these.

When he wanted to do it, G4 was over.

So it is normal for Brooks to be criticized.

But if fans stand in his position, it is easy to understand.

Who knew that Jiang Hao, who averaged 18 points per game in the last round, would be so explosive in every game against the Thunder? ? ? ? ?

And as a coach who has been struggling in the league for many years, shouldn’t Brooks target Duncan instead of an undrafted player? ? ?

It must be GDP first!

It’s just that everyone is a result-oriented person. Who cares whether Brooks has done any gambling behind the scenes?

The fact is that the Thunder were beaten in both away games.

Durant provoked Jiang Hao and forced out the strongest Jiang Hao in one round. He once challenged a million-dollar division!

Taking advantage of this timeout, the Spurs also replaced their substitutes.

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