That is to say, the Thunder have never really defeated the Spurs.

Brooks's behavior of double-teaming in the last two games is just a drop in the bucket, and he has long been criticized as a mediocre teacher on the forum.

But when he saw a genius like Jiang Hao, Brooks did not hide his love for this kind of player. He put his hand on Jiang Hao's shoulder and said:

"To be honest, if it weren't for you, I feel that we could have beaten the Spurs. You defeated us alone."

"No, Coach Brooks is exaggerating." Jiang Hao waved his hand modestly.

Unexpectedly, Brooks said seriously:

"I'm serious. Your offense and defense directly broke my tactical system. I admire you. Don't be modest. Keep going forward. If you continue to perform like this in the finals, it will be no problem to defeat the Heat."

"OK, I'll give you good words!"

Jiang Hao also knew that Brooks was serious.

He naturally knew what he had done to the Spurs. Otherwise, why would the Spurs have been blown up by the Thunder at this time in his previous life.

This was the most powerful time for the three young masters. There was no injury on their bodies. It was all because of their talent.

Let's not talk about other people, just say that he has been suppressing Durant for 5 games in a row. If someone else had been against Durant, the Spurs would have had a lot of trouble.

This is why the Thunder players had no hatred towards Jiang Hao after the game, and even had some admiration and respect for him.

Only those who are most familiar with Durant know how amazing it is to be able to defend Durant's average of 22 points per game while averaging 36 points per game.

Perfect matchup!

Who else in the league can do this? ?

The legendary full-strength James in the playoffs can kill Durant like this, but it's a pity that we won't see it this year.

But the 20-year-old guy in front of us did it.

At the end, President Putin also admired Jiang Hao so much that he used the Chinese fist-holding gesture: "Come to Oklahoma City often when you have time. You should be familiar with the environment here."

Bennett smiled bitterly:

"The Spurs are really lucky to sign you. Keep going, young man!"

The Thunder, from top to bottom, looked at Jiang Hao with admiration. The fans at the scene did not boo, but applauded the Spurs. There were even fans wearing the jerseys of the three young players who directly shouted for Jiang Hao to sign and take photos.

So much so that the subsequent press conferences were also praising Jiang Hao

But now there is no Thunder. The home court Energy Arena was given to the visiting team. The Thunder, which had created a super youth storm this season, left the field sadly, and only the Spurs fans were left in the audience.

Because they had to go through a process to start the Western Conference Finals awards ceremony, all the Spurs players stayed.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the Spurs wore Western Conference champion T-shirts and uniform hats on the spot.

The GDPs were all familiar with this process. In order to speed up the process, they quickly asked everyone to line up and wait for the president to take a photo.

Everyone looked happy but not too happy. There was still one more series after the Western Conference Champions, so the veterans were still very calm.

David Stern came over to present the small trophy symbolizing the Western Conference Champions, and Duncan took the trophy:


David Stern didn't say much, and took a group photo with the Spurs players after hugging them. After the group photo, he gave a speech by the leader, saying that the game was very exciting and so on.

When Jiang Hao was about to leave, he was suddenly cueed.

It was like being called by a teacher:

"Then, let JIANG speak as a representative of the Spurs team to express his feelings about the victory!"

David Stern looked at the talented young man with a kind face and extended the microphone to Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao, who was unprepared, could only take the microphone, thinking that he had never seen a leader let a physical education teacher speak in his previous life.

But his teammates pushed him forward, and the Spurs fans who stood in the front row also shouted Jiang Hao, MVP and other names.

The camera was also aimed at him. Millions of fans were waiting for Jiang Hao's thoughts on the Western Conference Finals.

There were elders, peers, people in the circle, die-hard fans, and elementary school students.

Too many people liked this super player who shone in the Western Conference Finals. They finally had the opportunity to speak live, and they all wanted to see his personal style outside the court.

"David Stern actually let Jiang Hao give a speech!"

"Duncan: It was a wrong choice after all."

"Believe it or not, if Duncan spoke, he would just say one word: Thank you everyone, and that would be it, haha."

"Yeah, it's fun to let Jiang Hao speak."

"Jiang Hao's speech will make his enemies sweat. Yes, I'm talking about you, the Heat or the Pacers!"

"Hahaha! I'm looking forward to it too! Jiang Hao's speech is absolutely awesome!"

"David Stern has grasped the traffic code."

"David Stern is still awesome!! The ratings in China have risen instantly."

The ratings of CCTV-5 originally dropped sharply at the end of the game, but with the arrival of the awards, the ratings actually increased, and these viewers seemed to just want to see Jiang Hao's close-up shots?

And now Jiang Hao is going to speak, and the ratings have skyrocketed when the director directly hits his face! !

Jiang Hao glanced at Duncan, who smiled cunningly and motioned for him to come, and Manu pushed Jiang Hao's shoulder directly from behind, and he stood alone next to David Stern.

"JIANG, please speak properly!"

Mills and the others were watching the show, while Danny Green was a little scared.

Don't shout out the name of the emperor's father in front of the public.

No way!

Then maybe his Chinese fans will think that his emperor father has recognized a father.

Under the attention of thousands of people, Jiang Hao cleared his throat, patted the microphone and smiled:

"First of all, thank you to the Spurs fans who came to the scene. You and we witnessed the Spurs return to the finals."

"Then thank you to the league, thank you to the opponent Thunder, thank you to the Mavericks and Grizzlies, it is you who have trained us."

"Thank you to the fans who support me, thank you, thank you everyone!" Both Chinese and English came.

The first few sentences were very polite and professional, and the fans at the scene applauded. This has the qualities of a leader!

But the Hupu hotline all typed "boring"


"boring, let's do something exciting."

"I can say this too, I didn't ask you to take the microphone to say these things."

"Play something real!"

The keyboard warriors were naturally dissatisfied. There is a high probability that they will play against the Heat in the finals. Why don't you say something harsh? ? ?

When netizens were flooding the screen with comments, Jiang Hao suddenly changed the subject and continued after thanking them:

"The Western Conference Championship is not the end, our goal is naturally the championship."

"I heard that the Pacers and the Heat in the East are in full swing, so I want to say."

Jiang Hao paused, and everyone at the scene and in front of the screen took a deep breath.

What do you want to say? ?

Say it!

This kid knows how to express emotions

Seeing that Jiang Hao used all his speech skills, David Stern next to him adjusted his glasses and became more determined to help him become the league's representative star.

Jiang Hao's talent was forced out. There was no way. In his previous life, he saw the principal and the director speak so much. It was necessary to pause before talking about the key points, otherwise the students below would fall asleep.


The most important thing about live speeches is rhythm, and the speaker can also have room for thinking.

"Is this guy going to mention Mousse?"

"Haha, you must mention James, the Heat have even shown up!"

"Come on!! Blacken James!"

"The first person to blacken James offline, remember your identity, don't forget your original intention!"

When everyone thought Jiang Hao was going to mention LeBron, Jiang Hao said instead:

"I would rather meet the Pacers, go ahead Pacers! Waiting for you in the finals!!!"

"Bojan is my first player friend and brother since I came to the NBA, come on!!!"

"We will do our best in the finals, thank you!"

Tsk tsk tsk tsk!!

Although Jiang Hao did not blacken LeBron, he also confirmed his identity as a blacken James, and even a blacken Heat, and he did not mention his old club at all.

But it's normal. After thinking about it carefully, the fans found that there was nothing wrong. It's normal to support Bojan. Bojan was kicked out by the Heat like him, and he must have gone through hardships together in the Heat. It's awesome to be in the finals together!

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