People are ruthless and don’t talk much.

Because Jiang Hao knows very well that any more he says after losing is just “quibbling”, and he can’t wait for G2 to start.

Hupu Jrs saw Jiang Hao being confronted by reporters at the press conference, and directly posted a post with connotation:

“Jordan’s advantages: strong willpower, superb skills, disdain to deal with the media, good at using strength to slap people who don’t think highly of him, always keeps his word, good body coordination, and handsome appearance among black people.

Antonyms: weak willpower, rough skills, good at dealing with the media, good at using strength to slap people who think highly of him, untrustworthy, poor body coordination, and ugly appearance among black people.

Who is this? I dare not say!”

In fact, Jiang Hao really doesn’t need to work hard after tonight.

LeBron and Spo next door are pretending to be cool.

Spoelstra was very happy to win the first game, and felt that his tactics had completely defeated Messina:

"Win normally, we are younger and more aggressive, and our tactics are more modern."

James was asked by the media about Jiang Hao's "insult" to him and her just now:

"Sparring partner??? What do you think?? He didn't thank me for asking him to be a sparring partner and even said that I was his sparring partner?"

LeBron, who was furious, directly took out a sentence he had been thinking about for a long time.

When no one asked him about the joke about the emperor's father, he took the initiative to say:

"If he claims to be my father? Then I am the godfather! The uneducated rookie will eventually be disciplined by me!"


What's going on? ? ?

Li Shishi quickly signaled the photographer to take a picture of this scene, and the screenwriter of "China-Jiang" standing at the back was also confused:

They recorded the press conference next door throughout the whole process, and did not hear Jiang Hao say that he was James' father.

It was a long time ago that the gossip came out.

Is LeBron hallucinating or are the media hallucinating? ? ?

It seems that LeBron is hallucinating, because other media people have the same expression. How can they talk trash for their opponents? Is LeBron insane?

However, the reporters also saw through it but didn't say it. It was obvious that LeBron wanted to fight Jiang Hao, and he even dragged himself into the water. The awesome

Spo's expression was also: "You won, everything you say makes sense."

I know you like "The Godfather", but don't mention it like that, isn't it the wrong place.

But the awesome Chinese netizens have found the material. They will not let LeBron, who is shouting about things, go straight to the material after LeBron said such words at the press conference.

Youku's excellent short video team - the crew of "Never Expected" directly set the script and started shooting in the afternoon of the capital time, and released a trailer on Youku International:

"We will remake the Godfather!"

Then the team quickly shot a demo:

"The Godfather BGM" - Liubulang - Zhanpaos!

Reporter played by Wang Dachui: What is your favorite line about the movie "The Godfather"? You said you watched it 6 times!

Zhan Paosi played by Ben Yu: waitwait, what six steps? I never do six steps to layup!

Reporter: Uh, I didn’t say six steps!

Zhan Paosi: Then you must be talking about six second places? If six second places are not considered an honor?

Reporter: I mean, Godfather!

Zhan Paosi: Call father? Whom to call father? I don’t even know who my biological father is, how can I call him?

Reporter: Okay, let me repeat my question again, about the movie you watched six times - "The Godfather", what is your favorite line?

Zhan Paosi: Oh, Godfather! I watched it many times! You know, not once, not twice, not three times, four times, not five times, six times, not seven times...

Reporter: So what is your favorite line?

Zhan Paosi: er, er, er, those who are not satisfied with our family have unhappy lives!

Reporter: Is there this line in the movie?

Zhan Paosi: Yes, at least in the version I watched!

Reporter: Which version?

James: My team confiscated some videotapes before, and this one was one of them! [doge]

I never expected it!!!

So you are such a "Godfather"!!

It can be said that it is full of irony. The top short drama production team in China seems to be Jiang Hao's die-hard fans, and they also know LeBron so well that they have become famous abroad.

James fans abroad are ecstatic. After the translation, they are crazy about @LeBron @Rich Paul. They also edited together videos of LeBron saying that he likes the "Godfather" movie and holding a new book, and it immediately became a hot search.

Rich Paul can't delete it even if he wants to. The traffic is too large and it is spread on major social media.

"The Heat won, but also seemed to lose."

"It's mainly because they pretended in the wrong way. It's okay for Wade to pretend, but you, a player who only scored a dozen points in 46 minutes, pretended against a player who scored 39 points??"

"Yes, LeBron has to prove himself in Game 2 by at least getting a 20+10 double-double."

"I agree, otherwise it's boring, don't you think @LeBron."

"Bosh, who played the best of the Big Three, only said that he would prepare well for the next game, and only LeBron was jumping!"

"There's no way, LeBron knows he can't win next time."

"Get ready to face the wrath of the Spurs!!!"

There was no wrath in the Spurs locker room.

There was only a deadly silent locker room.

After waiting for Jiang Hao and Messina to come back for review, everyone went back to the hotel to rest. Tonight's review was the only game that didn't reveal anything:

Poor refereeing?

The opponent's key ball is Tianlong Babu?

Or is it because I am not in good condition and feel bad? ?

To put it simply, the Spurs did not make any big mistakes in this game, and their tactics were OK. Even if Messina changed his defensive tactics, the offense and defense were balanced after Leonard came on the court, and they were not suddenly overwhelmed or anything.

Therefore, everyone was unwilling to give in, so Messina just said a few words and asked everyone to go back to rest and stay in good condition.

"We will have targeted training tomorrow, and we will make a comeback the day after tomorrow to defeat them."



At 1 o'clock in the night at the visiting team's hotel, Jiang Hao was surrounded by Li Shishi and Ma Fanshu. Liu Yuxi couldn't make it because she had to film live news and remotely record "NBA Observer" in the station.

They didn't dare to make love anymore. One on each side, they gently squeezed Jiang Hao's arms and legs, and lubed his mouth partially.

Anyway, let Jiang Hao relax as much as he can, and he put into use all the oral teachings Jiang Hao learned online.

They didn't want him to be angry or have his mentality affected by the loss in this game, and Jiang Hao was the only one they could comfort in Miami.

Jiang Hao didn't even have to take a shower himself, the whole process was automated.

Jiang Hao also fell into a deep sleep after a while of their operations.

With their little tender hands, they feel comfortable no matter what they do.

The next day.

The Spurs held a closed practice at the Florida International University Basketball Arena for a full day, and no one was allowed to enter.

Even the caddy that Florida International University kindly arranged was rejected.

This is because Messina needs to test the rationality of his lineup arrangement in the shortest possible time.

Is it advisable to follow the Heat's lineup and choose one inside and four outside?

The method is also very simple.

Jiang Hao simulated LeBron, Manu simulated Wade, Gary Neal simulated Mario, Split simulated Haslem, and Bonner simulated Bosh, who is good at long shots!

This team simulates the Heat's starting lineup, and the other team of Parker, Danny Green, Jackson, Leonard, and Duncan simulates the three-forward lineup that Messina wants to use.

Among them, Jiang Hao and Manu can be interchanged with Green and Jackson from the other team.

Because it's not about how to beat the Heat, but about defense.

Messina has continued the old Spurs' defensive winning formula, and the training games are all about defensive solutions.

"It's okay if the offense can't score, but if the defense can't guard it, if one person can't guard it, the whole team will turn back and run 5 laps!"

After a whole day of training, Messina had to admit that his choice was a failure.

Whether it's Leonard or Jackson, even Bonner's shooting is difficult to guard against.

You must know that Bonner's movement is far inferior to that of the doctor.

It's no wonder that the doctor scored 27 points in the last game. This was the result of his insufficient possession of the ball. The Spurs' Manu and Jiang Hao fed Bonner the ball to keep him full, and the forwards couldn't handle it.

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