And just like Spoelstra said:

"No matter how many points they win, our score is still 2-2, and we still have the home advantage. We are already looking at the next game."

Those who mocked and asked if they had any shame did not answer at all.

Bosh, who was pushed by James to attend the press conference, also said that the opponent's tactical changes were okay, and they took the initiative to play a small lineup and caught them off guard. Anyway, they didn't mention the score.

And Bosh seems to be an honest person, but he is actually good at making excuses.

After there was really no way to get rid of the score difference, he directly said that our team started to experiment with tactics after the big score, and experimenting with tactics would definitely require necessary sacrifices.

The implication is that practicing tactics led to the increasing score.

This sentence, accompanied by Spoelstra nodding repeatedly, was also used by Heat fans to defend against this defeat:

"Don't worry, we will use the strongest tactics to deal with you in the next game!"

"Yeah, this is just a tactical exercise!"

"It's obvious, the main players are still on the court when they are 40 points behind, what else is this than practicing tactics!"

"That's fine. Paul was off the court at that time, and there are emoticons."

"Don't worry, your five yellows have them too."

Then there was a photo of James being dumbfounded when he saw the 58-point difference.

LeBron James finally didn't escape the interview.

How could you, the main player who scored 13 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists, escape? ?

Even Wade took the initiative to accept an interview outside the bus, because he knew that the reporter would definitely write about his post-match feelings when he returned:

"Fight back in the next game."

Two hours later, LeBron was caught by a reporter from the Cleveland Plain Dealer in the airport waiting room and asked several questions:

"Do you think you can fight back and win the crucial decisive battle after returning to your home court in Game 5?"

"Of course you can."

"You haven't played a key role in the past few games. Can you still make the fans look forward to it?"

LeBron James' face turned black, although no one could see that he was black:

"I am this year's MVP. Do you think I should believe in me?"

The reporter shut up directly by using the highest honor of the regular season.

Indeed, the regular season MVP cannot be criticized.

No, some can be criticized!

Jiang Hao, who had just finished the game with the CCTV trio in the villa and recovered from exercise, sneered after seeing this interview posted on YouTube.

Reply directly below:

"Am I the only one who thinks that the MVP this year and in 2009 should go to Wade?

Wu Huang has already stolen Wade's championship, FMVP, and team leader with his damn 8 points, and he is going to steal his MVP again. To be honest, my dad hasn't been so good to me.

Of course, I'm not saying that Wade is James' father, but I want to tell him that no matter what Wade sacrifices, James has only one father, and that's me."


Extremely violent!

"Isn't this brother afraid of being deleted for his comments? It's more violent than Jiang Hao."

"It's more violent than LeBron's intra-team bullying, it's scary."

"Fuck, is Ning Jiang Hao himself? Isn't he afraid of being blasted!"

"The host is done, you are so violent, James fans are going to flood your private messages."

"You can close the private messages now, I'm afraid you can't bear the abuse."

And because he didn't use his real name, all the fans from all the major factions below who didn't like LeBron stood on this side:

Nuggets fans: whoisyourdaddy?

Magic home court: Winarealring!

Rockets: Stopcrying, bitch

Celtics: Kneel!

Kings: Noking, but bastard!

Hupu: So much malice?

Rich Paul wanted to delete it but found that deleting the original comment was useless. This sentence was like a virus that was spread all over LeBron's comment area by Yang Tianzhen. It was impossible to delete it. The IDs came from all over the world.

Am I the only one who thinks that Wade should be the MVP this year and in 2009? Even Obama's Twitter comment area has this sentence. This is a place that Rich Paul can hardly delete.

At this rate of spread, in less than a week, kids who have just come into contact with basketball think that LeBron is just a name and likes to suck blood from teammates.

Rich Paul was tired to begin with, and he had to stay up all night to deal with these trivial but influential things in Miami. He was furious:

"Who the hell did this!!!!"

Two days later

Jiang Hao, who came to Miami again, did not miss the city at all this time, but trained intensively throughout the whole process.

However, there is bad news that Manu had a slight sprain in training, but it did not affect much. Old people have some minor injuries and illnesses from time to time, and Duncan did not participate in the full-court training.

In the playoffs, Tim Duncan's knee water has reached the limit. If every game was not very critical, Messina would have rested long ago.

And this G5 battle is even more indispensable to Duncan, so he was forced by the trainer to do physical therapy on the sidelines and listen to the tactics in the training game, and he did not need to play to wear out his knees.

This is the Tianwang Mountain, whoever can win it will be half a step to the championship!

A game with full gold content!

The term "Tianwang Mountain Battle" comes from the Battle of Yamazaki, which mainly refers to the key battle.

There are many big names coming to Miami to watch the game, and this time it is not only entertainment stars and industry big names, but also many basketball big names! ! !

Howard, Pierce, Ray Allen, Carter, Nowitzki, Gay, McGrady, Iverson, Iguodala, and the cute Curry, Irving, Wall, and Bill.

They all want to see what the top playoffs are like this year, and how the strongest teams of the season play! ! ! ! !

The big battle begins!

The following are the most exciting chapters in history! ! !

The era you want will come for you!

Thank you all for subscribing and reading!

Chapter 212: The decisive battle at the Tianwang Mountain, James vs. Duncan

Chapter 212 211: The decisive battle at the Tianwang Mountain, James vs. Duncan

"Come on, let's bring the championship to our home court!"

"Win this game and win the championship at home!"

The Spurs players came out of the locker room shouting, each of them full of energy, with a firm desire in their eyes.

In the eyes of Jiang Hao and all the Spurs players, winning by 58 points is an absolute advantage.

Whether it is physical, technical, tactical, or psychological, they are all at a level that can directly crush the opponent!!!

Therefore, not only the decisive game, but also no matter how many games they play next, they will win!!!

On the scene.

After introducing the players of both sides, Jiang Hao also took a ball; he practiced three-pointers. Curry, who was sitting on the sidelines without a beard and had a childish face, stood up and high-fived Jiang Hao:

"Hey, buddy, can you win this game?"

Jiang Hao high-fived him:

"It will take a few minutes."

Irving with earrings:

"JIANG, I'm counting on you! Show off!"

"No one can show off like you."

Jiang Hao easily warmed up with a three-pointer and smiled at Irving.

After the camera was focused on the front row, the fans started to stir up trouble:

"Where's Paul?"

"Where's Anthony?"

"Howard and Pierce are here to watch, don't the Banana Boat Brothers support us?"

The audience in front of the TV also noticed something different about the Heat, that is, Riley sat directly behind the bench, which shows that he was actually very nervous. Otherwise, every time the camera was focused on him this season, he was chatting and laughing with people in the stands. Now he is sitting directly behind the bench, which obviously means he will interfere with the coaching of the coaching staff. Is Spoelstra's mentor going to come out again to ensure victory? ? ?

RC Buford didn't even have the chance to sit behind the Spurs bench, and the Heat didn't leave any room for him and Holt and other Spurs management, which also means they are directly at odds.

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