Are you commanding me?

"You!! Dwyane, you're going to do this, right?"

James, who was scolded so directly by Big Brother, was furious and stopped playing well on the court. He angrily passed the ball to Bosh and started arguing with Wade.

This made the Spurs fans laugh.

Horry and Bowen discuss:

"Sure enough, my mentality is broken."

"Yes, if Tianwang Mountain is so decisively defeated, G6 will definitely not be able to defeat it, and their minds are not focused on the same point."

David Robinson laughed: "The main thing is that we are still away from home."

Elliott: "But these two people have probably been feuding for a long time. Fans on both sides of the forum have been quarreling with each other since last year."


If Wade hadn't been tolerating his brother LeBron, without other fans taking action, Wade fans would have criticized James as nothing.

Wade and Bosh fans have long been unhappy with James.

Because in fact, it was Bosh and Wade who joined forces two years ago, and no one thought about bringing LeBron over. It was James who gave up on the Cavaliers decisively because he saw that the Heat were so strong.

Then there was the first trial of conflict, pretending to be the team boss again and again. In last year's finals, Wade failed to show off, and he scored 8 points, which made him laugh.

Now you still want to blame Wade first? ? ? ?

The forum went crazy, and the server of the Heat zone was almost bursting. There were all kinds of abusive and mutually offensive posts, which forced the Heat zone to be temporarily closed.

"LeBron Sima!!! Whoever you're going to attack can't attack Wade first."

"Wade taught him how to be a good person. It's better than trash talk. Wade is much better than LeBron."

"James is like a child. I wonder who has been protecting him in the Heat, right??? If Wade hadn't said many times that in order to win the championship, the team has no leader or something, James would have stepped down and replaced him with a star. He would have started long ago. If you spray, you will be forced to fight back now."

"2 This is an orangutan. Orangutans have developed limbs and simple minds!"

"Wade has worked hard, raising an orangutan for 2 years."

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it”

I can’t even stand some of the commentary by Jimmy from the United States, and I’m a little disappointed:

"In this game, James did not go all out to defeat the Spurs and push the game to a tiebreaker. Instead, he clashed with his teammates. Wade is the soul of the Heat. This is a very irrational decision."

"Yes, a score difference of more than ten points can still be chased, but if the team is not coordinated and focused, it will be difficult to win."

"James may have never played such a difficult game in the Cavaliers. If it had been before, how could there be a striker that he couldn't let go?"

"Yeah, his confidence suffered a devastating blow."

"There's no way, the opponent is the No. 1 draft pick in history, he's too strong."

"Yeah, we haven't won the championship yet. Who is afraid of whom? Jiang Hao is obviously more worried!"

"The real emperor is Jiang Hao!"

Miami Daily reporter: "I suggest James calm down, think about the connection between James and Way, and think about the wonderful moments between the two. Wade is not wrong, everyone is right, the mistake is that the Spurs are too strong!"

The two had a quarrel on the court that forced Spoelstra to quickly call a timeout to quell the internal strife.

The way to quell the internal strife is actually not good for Wade, that is, let Wade defend Jiang Hao alone.

Dwyane Wade, who has not guarded Jiang Hao in the entire series, will finally face Jiang Hao.

And James is the one who assists in defense.

Didn't you say that Wade's timing of assisting and making up defense is not good? ?

look at yours!

The result is that James doesn't help with defense at all.

The timid look of wanting to do it but not wanting to do it made the fans on the sidelines laugh like crazy.

"No, are you kidding???"

What is the orangutan doing?

Acting as a clown orangutan? ? ? ?

If he is really timid when double-teaming the ball carrier on the court, it would be Manu or Leonard who dare not let go of his own defense. However, when he hesitates to double-team Jiang Hao, he does not dare. He hesitated and lost, but instead of forming a double-team, he watched Jiang Hao knock Wade away and succeeded in a one-step chop! ! !

Riley was watching with his hands on his forehead and not looking.

Why were you talking about Wade just now? ?

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. The Heat coaching staff are disappointed with James' defense. After being unable to rely on his offense, his defense is so poor and his level is too low! !

No tactical literacy at all! ! ! !

Of course Riley knows why James' direct double-teaming is so rubbish, because he has never encountered such difficulties in his career. James has had to double-team other stars since he entered the league in 2003? ?


At most, he can only defend the opponent's super giant alone, just like he defended Kobe Bryant alone at critical moments.

How could a superstar like him help another star guard an opponent's backcourt player? ?

Unheard of.

It can also be said that it is impossible for his elementary school coach to the current coach to let him practice this double-team defensive tactic.

Because it's completely unnecessary.

That's why James' ugly defensive moves appeared on the court. He seemed to want to defend but also didn't want to defend. It was really awkward.

But Riley couldn't say anything. James asked for it. Spoelstra knew about it, so he asked the more experienced Wade to double team. It worked.

But if James wants to have something to say to him, there is nothing he can do. He can only let you experience Wade's pain instead.

Wade has never done such a thankless thing.

Because if you are responsible for double-teaming, you will definitely let go of your defender. Then how to return to position and how to rotate defense depends on his on-the-spot reaction. If there is a slight mistake, the opponent will get a big open space.

So we want James to experience the feeling of Wade, Mario, Battier and others. Don't just talk. It's easy to say, but do it yourself. Is it difficult? ? ? ?

After Wade was dunked by Jiang Hao, the corners of his mouth moved, and it can be seen that he cursed very dirty.

Then he turned around and argued with James who had just confronted him on the offensive end:

"You fucking double-teamed?"

"Spo asked us to double-team Jiang Hao for no reason and let him pass the ball, right?"

James couldn't say a word and just stopped talking.

"Haha, whatever you want."

Wade originally wanted to boost morale after James admitted his mistake, but seeing that he was a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water and refused to admit his mistake, he stopped talking on the court and made a three-pointer.

Manu deliberately took a half step back and missed the shot!


"Did Wade start to play like this? Are the Heat's unlimited pick-and-rolls gone?"

The two giants of the Heat did not communicate on the court and were so dull, which also led to the entire Heat team being lifeless on the court. Bosh was stunned when he saw Wade shoot before he was in position.

Do you really think that he can shoot three points accurately after the nearly buzzer-beating three-pointer in the last game? ? ?

This kind of ball should be shot by Bosh.

"It's a mess, it's all messed up."

Spoelstra's mind is a mess now. No matter how much he prepared from last year to now, it can't beat the players' own lack of spirit.

He actually shouted to Bosh on the sidelines just now. As the third giant, Bosh often stands up when the two backcourt giants are sluggish.

But the ball handler Wade didn't listen, or maybe he really didn't hear that there was any way.

Looking at the way he shot, it was a complete mental explosion.

And because of Wade's shot, Rich Paul in Miami also had material to blacken Wade. He wrote a short essay directly, saying that Wade was angry on the court in the finals of Game 6, which affected the team's morale.

At the end of the first half, the Spurs led by 21 points 60:39.

The Spurs will not pity you. In the eyes of the Spurs veterans, you are not worthy of sympathy since the Heat's Big Three huddled together for warmth.

Not to mention that Jiang Hao, the favorite of the Spurs team, was abandoned after being bullied by the Heat.

All this is the backlash of the Heat!

The boomerang will eventually hurt itself!

So in the second half of the second quarter, even if Jiang Hao rested for 2 minutes, the Spurs substitutes would take advantage of your illness to kill you. If you, James, want to break through, I will create a barbed wire in the interior. If you, Wade, want to fast break, I will replace the faster guard to follow.

It's just not letting you play comfortably at all!

I heard that no one in the Heat's locker room spoke during the halftime break. It was dead silent!

It was only after Riley, the true soul of the Heat, came over and scolded everyone from the head coach to the Big Three to the substitutes who threw in the towel that the Heat locker room began to discuss tactics.

Riley even gave a direct death order:

"Even if we lose, we have to lose standing!"

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