"It's a small matter. It's best to develop together."

Jiang Hao also smiled and shook hands with the strong Julian. At this moment, he remembered the fierce separation incident in Texas before the time travel. It's not a bad thing for him to be on good terms with the city of Texas now.

Maybe he can even help his motherland!

After leaving the Spurs meeting room, Julian called RC Buford, who had just finished speaking, and frowned, saying seriously and urgently:

"What have you been doing these days? It's time to renew the contract with the players, don't delay! I heard that the managers of Houston and Dallas have also come to the Holy City."

Chapter 224: Heat resignation wave, former NCAA players reveal

Chapter 224 223: Heat resignation wave, former NCAA players reveal

People of this level will not speak directly to the point, but give you a general direction to guess.

Old Tai Chi: The most important thing about this matter is that it is very important!

But there is no need to guess in the Spurs.

The only person who is most eager and most likely to re-sign a contract this year is Jiang Hao!

The old fox in front of him meant to renew Jiang Hao's contract quickly and give him a big contract of ten or eight years or something.

If the municipal government really builds Chinatown, it will definitely build a Jiang Hao celebrity peripheral mall. If Jiang Hao goes to another team, it will be completely meaningless. Now it is not easy to accumulate some Asians to come to Texas and the Holy City to start businesses and settle down, and there are countless tourists.

He doesn't want the sponsors to hesitate because of the procrastination of the Spurs management, especially the sponsors from China. If Jiang Hao is not sure that he is in the Spurs, they will not pay.

The local builders in the Holy City will not build Chinese-style buildings.

"Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

RC Buford thought to himself, why are you in such a hurry? Thinking about negotiating contracts before the championship celebration has even started, can you let the players celebrate without distractions.

However, he still made an appointment with Jiang Hao after the rehearsal. This was something he would have done even if the head of Shi hadn't reminded him:

"JIANG, don't go back to China right after the celebration tomorrow. Let's talk about the contract, okay?"


Jiang Hao tacitly made an OK gesture to RC Buford. Obviously, he didn't have time to discuss such sensitive issues at the moment. He just wanted to have fun in the championship parade first!

The NBA championship parade is equivalent to a classmate reunion after the college entrance examination and before the college entrance examination scores are released. During this period, no one should talk about the questions, scores, or what the future will be like, whether it is moving bricks to work, starting college life, or inheriting the family business.

At this time, it is time to have fun. Those who need to confess confess, those who need to dance dance, and those who need to spend the night stay overnight. Everyone celebrates the end of their high school career equally.

Filling out the application form after the scores are released is equivalent to the top priority of the team and players in the off-season: renew or not renew or buy out or long-term contract or change jobs for high salary

For example, the direct dismantling of the Mavericks after winning the championship last year was not carried out until one month after the championship. At least everyone was happy during the championship celebration. At that time, the players did not think about whether their future would still be in the Mavericks. They only knew that they were still in the Mavericks and could enjoy the joy of winning the championship together.

So although Jiang Hao knew very well that his 1+1 contract that he could opt out of was very sensitive, he still wanted to celebrate well this week and didn't let Jaylen Williams disturb him because of these things. Even the head of the persimmon knew that the managers of the Texas team had come to the Holy City. How could Jiang Hao's agents not know? ?

Just blocked them all and didn't tell Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao vaguely remembered that after the Raptors won the championship in 2019, the pure water dispenser player Jeremy Lin had a lot of fun in the championship float, and he also interacted happily with the Raptors' main players.

But after the championship atmosphere was over, the Raptors president fired Jeremy Lin without blinking an eye, and he officially started his CBA career.

However, when thinking of the Raptors winning the championship, Jiang Hao remembered one thing.

Therefore, he felt that he really needed to rehearse to confirm the safety issues.

Safety is indeed important. Jiang Hao remembered that the Raptors' championship celebration at that time seemed to have more than 2 million people, and there was a shooting incident, and the whole of Toronto was paralyzed.

Although the Holy City cannot have more than 2 million people, with a large population like him, maybe there will be many more fans coming tomorrow than expected!

It is indeed difficult to estimate the number of fans this time.

After the morning rehearsal and various matters were discussed, the Spurs official website also publicly released the time and location of the championship parade and precautions.

It also pointed the way for local people and fans who rushed over.

Then all the Spurs members retweeted this message, and Jiang Hao also retweeted it himself on his mobile phone:

"Fans, come and join the celebration, learn about the five-star Spurs!"


"There will be wine and meat!"


"JIANG will give a speech, hahahahaha!"


"Come on, Australian Spurs fans!"


"I'll give everyone candy!"

Jiang Hao's agent Jaylen Williams also posted a photo of a gong and drum: "Want to see Jiang Hao playing the gong and drum?"

Unexpectedly, Jeremy Lin directly retweeted and replied: "I want to see it!! I'm so jealous!!!"

Kobe Bryant also retweeted the details of the Spurs' championship parade tomorrow:

"Congratulations to the Spurs for their fifth championship in team history, and congratulations to Duncan for his fifth championship in his career. I will watch the live broadcast to motivate me. You wait for next season!"

Paul Gasol:

" @Parker @Manu, don't be too happy, we may beat your asses in the Olympics! Enjoy this moment first, after all, you haven't won the championship for a long time."

In fact, the players were quiet for a few days after winning the championship, because they were celebrating offline.

This time, all of them were suddenly active on the Internet, which immediately triggered congratulations from the whole nation.


"Old trees bloom new flowers, and the old guys are grinning again. Oh, I'm so envious!"

Iverson: "Congratulations!"


"JIANG is a very good kid, you deserve the championship, and GDP has successors."

Yao Ming is still an honest man:

"Everyone, please pay attention to the time and place, pay attention to safety, don't walk too much at night, if there are too many people in the Holy City, you can also come to Houston next door to play."

Michael Jordan forwarded the news of Duncan's five championships:

"Congratulations, finally not winning the championship in an odd year, a new era is coming."

Pippen: "I admire Leonard more. The Spurs are really talented."

Nowitzki: "Congratulations to my Texas brothers. The Bulls vs. Horses battle will continue next year!"

David Stern:

"The NBA will broadcast the Spurs championship parade live tomorrow. More than 40 TV stations around the world have also bought the broadcast rights. Everyone remember to watch it regularly."

Even the International Basketball Federation sent a message to congratulate the NBA champions and specifically mentioned several non-US local players, which can be regarded as a warm-up for the upcoming Olympics and the Men's Basketball World Championships:

"Parker, Manu, JIANG, Dio, Mills When all the players perform well, more and more talents emerge internationally, let's have a lively summer! ! "

The support of so many industry leaders makes non-Spurs fans feel the charm of the small city of Spurs:

"Fuck, the people are in favor of it! ! "

"I didn't know how many fans the Spurs have until they won the championship. It seems that these basketball superstars like the Spurs very much!"

"Of course, except for Bowen's dirty performance in the past few years, the GDP of the Spurs is still very impressive, and they defeated the Big Three of the Heat, and they defeated them head-on."

"Yes, the Spurs are really tough!"

"Popularity That's great. "

"The Spurs have attracted a lot of fans, and Jiang Hao is also invincible. My sister Liu Yifei has posted several Weibos about the Spurs winning the championship."

"What's the big deal? Hollywood superstar Leo has tweeted to celebrate, and Master, Junzi and other cross-industry bigwigs have congratulated him. Isn't that awesome?"

"To be honest, these cross-industry bigwigs are likely to want Jiang Hao to be their spokesperson. Imagine if Jiang Hao endorsed Xiaomi, I guess he could kill a large number of Apple and Samsung users in China, right? Xiaomi's car-making power will soon surpass Master's!"

"China has a bright future!!! Huawei can do it too! @Huawei Electronics @Ren Zong"

"By the way, are there any brothers and sisters from the Holy City? Live broadcast for us tomorrow!"

"Where are the big guys from the Hupu Spurs section? Please send us high-definition pictures!"

"Hehe, how did you know that I went to the United States to see Jiang Hao overnight!"

"Me too, I started from Italy. It happened to be a holiday, so I didn't see the finals. Let's go to see Brother Jiang Hao during the championship parade!"

"Brother, drink one more glass for me!!! Show off your to-sign!"

"I started from Los Angeles!"

Before leaving for China to record "The Voice of China", Yang Hesu also made a detour to the Holy City:

"Brothers, wait for my news from the front line. I will definitely have a drink with Teacher Jiang!! Congratulations on their victory in this city!! "

"Tomorrow! I can't buy a plane ticket. It's too late. Everyone, give me some strength and give face to our Chinese fans!"

"Of course, the national flag is ready. We are Jiang Hao's strongest backing!"

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