G2 directly used Bonner + Dio's offensive combination inside.

Not to mention that Kobe didn't explode in any of the 4 games, Howard only scored 22 points at most in a single game.

How can we play like this? ? ?


Another shutout!!

American commentator Smith even shed tears:

"This may be Kobe's last playoff trip in his career. The dynasty has faded, and now it belongs to the era of young people. He was completely crushed by Jiang Hao in this series, so everyone should stop talking about what it would be like if the Lakers met the Spurs last year."

Kobe publicly announced at the post-match press conference that next season is his retirement season and he will retire on tour.

He couldn't stand it:

"I can't stand being trampled on like this!!"

This is several years earlier than in his previous life, but touring is also his character.

Jiang Hao next door:

"Blessings, good tour, I'm waiting to exchange jerseys with him next year."

Kobe is definitely not willing to retire in such a dull manner. He will definitely play hard in the regular season next year, and retire after playing vigorously and welcoming the cheers of every game.

He will not be like Duncan and Manu Parker in the future, who will retire directly without any rumors.

And Kobe will definitely score 60 points in the last game to make his fans miss him at his peak forever.

It doesn't matter.

Kobe's era has passed.

And his era is now!

Chapter 272: Waiting is long, hugging is forever

"I guess Kobe was beaten into retirement by the Spurs!"

"You must have been convinced by Jiang Hao and his team. The outside line didn't take advantage in the two rounds!"

"Yeah, the outside line defense is too strong without Neil and Mills."

"I suggest that the first-round player Nowitzki should retire as well. Now is the world of young people. I think there will be a rookie Doncic in the future. Otherwise, the Mavericks should play badly for Doncic."

"Yeah, Nowitzki should stop playing. What's the point of playing like this? The defense is a kaleidoscope, and the offense is not so explosive."

"It's mainly because there is no stimulation from the Big Three. Without the Big Three buff, Nowitzki is now a pure pitcher."

"Retire and tour next year. This is popular now."

So the funniest person in this playoffs is Nowitzki. He didn't want to retire, but was forced to retire by fans and audiences.

Because not only haters want Nowitzki to retire, but also fans want Nowitzki to have a good rest. Nowitzki has arrived in Germany and a bunch of media have followed him to ask if he will retire next season.

He originally had no intention of retiring and could only say that next season is likely to be his retirement season.

Then when asked who will win the championship this year:

"Of course it is the team that beat us."

As long as they are eliminated by Jiang Hao, they all hope that Jiang Hao will win the championship, otherwise it will be too ugly. Other teams may sweep the championship in a gentlemanly way, that is, 4-1, but it is difficult for the Spurs to sweep the championship in a gentlemanly way, and the substitutes are also very strong.

Draymond Green arrogantly said in a boring interview:

"I pour them tea, and they can win the championship even if they lie down!"

Big Mouth Green's role this year is to be the Internet mouth substitute for Spurs fans. What Big Mouth says is what Spurs fans like to hear and say, and they like him to say these words to break the defense of the defeated team and players.

Lakers fans even said, "The Spurs don't need to go to the barber shop to shave their hair, because they have Simmons, so they save time."

However, the Spurs did not rush back to the Holy City, but rested for a few more days in Los Angeles.

Because the semifinals of other teams were not so easy. The Thunder won 4-2 in the first round and met the Grizzlies in the second round.

You know, the Grizzlies beat the Clippers in the first round, so the second round was as difficult as hell, and now it was only 2-2.

Then the Spurs did not need to rush back to the Holy City, and rested for a few days.

Then all the Lakers players including Kobe were annoyed these days, because they did not have the heart to go on vacation. Who would have the heart to be swept?

But when I wanted to vent, I found that Hollywood stars such as Jessica Alba, Daddario, and Scarlett Johansson were all hooked up by Jiang Hao. Warcraft and Metta World Peace were really uncomfortable!!!

It was more uncomfortable than dunking them!

It was obvious that they were the first to enjoy the moon, but it was Jiang Hao who enjoyed it!

And Jiang Hao was already aboveboard, okay? During these days in Los Angeles, he also visited the Hollywood crew and was invited to a dinner by Liu Yifei.

Then they stayed in the most luxurious hotel in Hollywood.

Wouldn't Hollywood actresses flock to them?

Liu Yifei wore the bracelet Jiang Hao gave her the whole time.


Jiang Hao said in surprise.

"Yes, the original flavor, I keep it until now."

"What a pervert."

"You too."

The wait is long, the hug is forever, and the two hugged each other for the third time.

After returning to San Antonio, the Spurs team just watched the game.

The Thunder had a hard time, and they went straight to the seventh game.

Jiang Hao knew that although the process was different from the previous life, the Thunder would definitely win.

Because the Grizzlies actually never matched Durant's point, and it was said that Durant knew that Scarlett went crazy when she was having fun with Jiang Hao, so he wanted to meet the Spurs earlier and beat the Spurs!

In the seventh game, Jiang Hao saw a familiar face on the TV screen.

That was Jokic, who he met at the World Youth Championship, who also went to watch the game.

Teacher Yue sat in the fifth row and watched the game with his two strong brothers. He actually supported the Grizzlies to win and also wanted to see how an NBA center plays.

The Grizzlies have the most inside players in the league and are also a team that focuses on inside players, so he came here to learn.

This surprised his two Black Society brothers. How did their younger brother suddenly become open-minded and pay attention to the NBA? ? ?

You should know that Mr. Jokic didn't want to go to the NBA at first. It was his two brothers who persuaded him to go to the NBA. In addition, his girlfriend (who later got married) was going to the United States to attend college, so he had no choice but to play in the NBA.

But now that Jiang Hao is recruiting, everything is fine.

Therefore, he took the initiative to learn about everything about the NBA.

It's just that the scouts sitting next to him after this game told his brother that they said: "Your brother can't enter the NBA unless his body fat is reduced to less than 20. He can't even beat the Grizzlies' substitute Wang Zhelin."

Just like Gasol, they didn't think he would be good, and the second-round pick gave your brother face.

It's also a good thing that Jokic didn't hear it.

Otherwise, if he really gave up this body of fat to lose weight and build muscle, it would not be what Jiang Hao wanted to see.

Since then, the Western Conference Finals have been decided, Spurs vs. Thunder, a repeat of last year.

The same is true for the Eastern Conference, Pacers vs. Heat.

However, the highlight of the Spurs this year is Harden, the third young master avenges the eldest brother, the second brother and the fourth brother!!!

He really played well.

In the first game, Harden shook Ibaka and completed a dunk, and in the second game, he made three consecutive step-back three-pointers to make Westbrook, who was defending him, curse.

In the third game at the home court in Oklahoma City, Durant and Westbrook did not show their strength, and Ibaka only had 4 blocks.

But Martin showed his strength, this crooked shooter shot down the Spurs with 8 three-pointers!

The Spurs often lost this type of regular season this season, and were driven crazy by unexpected players.

But it doesn't matter. In Game 5, Jiang Hao personally sent Durant bye, and Harden's final salt-sprinkling celebration gesture was fined 20,000 by the league.

Because the league thought he meant to rub salt into the Thunder's wounds.

Although he said that he sprinkled salt on the barbecue, they could eat barbecue in the evening.

But they didn't eat barbecue on the night of the game, which was rejected by David Stern, and the fine was paid.

But in the few days waiting for the winner of the Heat and Pacers game, Jiang Hao invited Harden and others to watch a movie and eat barbecue.

Because the documentary "JIANG2012" shot by him and the host Li Shishi was broadcast, the global box office was 3 billion, becoming the first person in the box office of personal documentaries! ! ! ! !

The main reason is that they entered the finals again this year, and more fans ran to the cinema to see how the Spurs won the championship step by step last year and how Jiang Hao evolved step by step.

From this documentary, everyone also saw Jiang Hao privately in the locker room, in the villa, in the player tunnel, and in the conference room. It turned out that he was the one who shouted slogans every time.

This is very cool. It turns out that he had the temperament of a leader last year!

A week later, the seventh game between the Heat and the Pacers also came to an end.

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