"No way, this guy probably doesn't have a team, and doesn't post on Weibo, so I'll do his makeup for free!"

"It's not easy to think about it. He's unfamiliar with the place, and he has to cosplay every player on Halloween. It's hard for him."

"He's still handsome. I hope he cosplays Ning Caichen this time next year!"

"How about Yan Chixia!!!"

"Then I'll be Xiaoqian!"

"Do you think Jiang Hao will really grow to the level of a fairy sister paying him back next year?"

Hu Weidong sent a message to Jiang Hao: "Play well! What's wrong with zombies!"

"Thank you for accepting the interview. On behalf of all Chinese fans, I congratulate you on your debut!!"



Jiang Hao was the most talkative player in the locker room interview. Bojan and others answered a few questions and left, but Jiang Hao answered every question, leaving a good impression in the minds of reporters.

"Hey JIANG, first regular season game, do you want to celebrate? I just feel a little irritable, let's go and indulge?"

Chapter 56: Spoelstra fired? Conflict with Wade on the spot

Chapter 56 56: Spoelstra fired? Conflict with Wade on the spot

After returning to the apartment, Jiang Hao received a message from Bojan and replied directly:

"Celebrate, I don't want to go to the nightclub with you and ruin my chances in garbage time."

Bojan invited Jiang Hao to eat prawns during his debut half a month ago, but Jiang Hao plans to treat him to this meal later. Bojan's condition has been a little wrong recently, and he can't make any more mistakes.

"I scored 8 points in my debut, and you scored 6 points in your debut. This is worth celebrating."

At this time, Bojan was cleaning the locker room with a mop in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

Jiang Hao guessed right. Bojan's drinking was discovered by the Heat early on. The punishment was not only that he couldn't play in garbage time, but also that he was left in the locker room by Juwan Howard to clean.

Although Juwan Howard didn't say why, Bojan knew it in his heart. It was not enough for the veteran players to bully him, and the coaching staff came? ? ?

It stands to reason that he should care about his mental state! He was still punishing!

So he wanted to indulge himself at night.

Jiang Hao also carried forward the spirit of a teacher. He knew that he had been inviting children for a long time, which meant that the boy must be in a bad mood and wanted to vent. In case he was irrational, Jiang Hao replied:

"Let's do this. We haven't had dessert for a long time. I'll go buy a cake and meet at the training hall."

"You are going to practice extra on the game day, meet at the training hall."

Jiang Hao and the other two also violated the rules a little tonight. They drank Longjing tea cooked by Jiang Hao and ate 8-inch cakes. Happiness is so simple.

After the regular season started, the team nutritionist prohibited the players from eating any desserts. This occasional indulgence made Jiang Hao happy physically and mentally. It was true.

Regardless of whether there were regrets in these two minutes, whether the game was perfect or not.

His dream finally came true!

The middle-aged uncle who complained in the previous life, in this life, became the first small forward in China to stand on the NBA regular season court! A name to be recorded in history!

Standing on the court where thousands of people are paying attention, I am still a little excited.

That's right.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao asked the system in his mind:

"Speaking of the system, I played for the first time in the regular season and scored. Don't you want to give me a reward?"

Although Jiang Hao's opponent today is not a famous person, it is always a good thing to have a reward.

[Sorry, host, the first game of the summer league is already the first game representing the NBA. ]

"Damn, it seems that achievements are getting harder and harder to get now."

Two days later.

The Heat played against the Thunder, the first in the Western Conference, away and ushered in the first match of the season.

The two sides took turns leading throughout the game, and played a tense and tense score in the battle broadcast live across the United States.

At the last moment, the Heat fell behind by 1 point. James broke through the basket against Durant and passed the ball to Wade. Wade faked James Harden and dribbled a step to complete a near-game winning shot.

The final 120:119 victory over the Thunder ended this offensive feast.

Jiang Hao, who played in the previous game, became a nobody again in this game.

However, he also saw the most exciting game of the season so far in the VIP viewing area, the game between the coaches of both sides, the timeouts were used up, the super giants competed, the high-intensity fairy ball battle in the last 2 minutes, and the devil home court of the Oklahoma City fans at the playoff level.

It must be said that he was completely infected by the atmosphere on the court. In the end, he stood nervously and watched the whole game. This kind of game played the most essential passion of basketball, and the kind of blood boiling that can be recalled for several days after the game.

"I really want to go on the court and feel it."

"Me too, would my hands still be so hard at the last moment?"

"When Westbrook and James confronted each other, I felt that the floor was shaking!"

"This is the intensity of the playoffs, watch more and learn more."

Juwan Howard looked at these rookies in the locker room and exclaimed excitedly.

However, the Heat were not so lucky in the second game of the journey to the west.

Challenge the Mavericks, the opponent in the finals! !

The Big Three are waiting for this game!

Jiang Hao is also waiting for this game, but unfortunately he probably won't have the chance to prove himself in front of Carlisle and Cuban, so he can only hug them before the game.

NBA players feel the best when they kill their old team.

Although Jiang Hao's Mavericks are not his old team, they are his first place for a tryout, and he definitely wants to make them regret it.

Before the game, Juwan Howard kept telling him that this was a rare on-site teaching opportunity, and he had watched so many videotapes. Now Kidd, Barea, and Nowitzki would defend in front of Jiang Hao, so he could observe their defense carefully and see what changes there were compared to last season.

And their coaching staff also had new tasks. The Mavericks had Carter, and the lineup had changed a lot, so they also had to study carefully.

But the game scene was not optimistic. Maybe the Big Three wanted to prove themselves too much. After falling behind in the first quarter, they indulged in individual singles many times in the second and third quarters, and were also made to commit three offensive fouls by the weak defensive King D.

The Heat fell behind by 14 points in the third quarter.

You have to know that the Mavericks, who dismantled the championship lineup this year, ranked only 6th in the West. Is the Heat a bit suppressed?

It rained heavily on the roof.

Before the start of the third quarter, under the live broadcast of the whole country, the young Spoelstra coach and the Heat leader Dwyane Wade had a quarrel. The two sides suddenly cursed and clashed, and Jiang Hao and others were scared to go up and pull them apart.

"Fuck, the head coach's authority is being questioned."

Jiang Hao was stunned. Is this possible?

But this is what the fans expected. The Heat have the Big Three, but what is Spo? His resume is not good enough in front of the Big Three.

Yes, Spo, who Jiang Hao thinks is awesome, is like "You were still filming me when I led the Heat to win the championship!"

Now Spo has only Riley to support him, and only Jiang Hao believes in his ability.

But in fact, he has no honor at all at present, and the team's record is attributed to the strength of the Big Three by the Heat fans. O'Neal's classic "my grandma can lead the Heat to the first place in the league" has been used many times by fans. As long as they lose, Spo must take the blame.

The reason for the conflict is actually very simple, that is, Spo yelled at Wade not to be obsessed with shooting, and to break through more to cause damage.

Maybe because of the accurate buzzer-beater in the last game, Wade chose to shoot many times in this game, but the hit rate was only 18.6%, which was inefficient, and the confrontation breakthrough that he was best at was not used much.

Wade felt that he was yelled at and lost face, so he turned his face and refused to listen to the tactics, and Spoelstra threw the tactics board to him, and the two sides pushed each other.

It has to be said that Spoelstra, as a young coach who has only been in office for a few years, is really brave to do this, yelling at the Heat's meritorious core in front of the national live broadcast!

After this conflict, the Heat also lost their morale in the fourth quarter. Wade, who played blindly without following the tactics, was benched after playing for 5 minutes in the fourth quarter. Spoelstra seemed to be unaffected by the conflict. He was strict when he should be strict, and didn't care about the team's superstar like Wade.

Jiang Hao also found on the sidelines that James seemed to be slacking off and not fighting hard after Wade left the court. He felt that if Wade didn't play, he wouldn't play either.

This also led to a 18-point deficit in the last 2 and a half minutes, and Spoelstra waved his hand and directly trained the troops.

Jiang Hao, Xiao Hei and European Dabai appeared in the game against the Mavericks "miraculously". The three teams performed well and the score difference was narrowed to 13 points, which made the score look less ugly.

Jiang Hao scored 3 points, 2 assists and 1 steal, which was quite satisfactory.

Because this time it was not the Heat who led by 20+ but the Mavericks, the Mavericks' substitutes were all veterans, and they just wasted time and slowed down the pace, causing the Heat's rookies to not run much.

Jiang Hao also wanted to work hard, but Barea held the ball in his arms for 20 seconds.

At the last moment, the away Heat fans shouted in unison that Spoelstra should be fired. The scene of infighting was really ugly.

The most exciting part of this game was the post-match session.

Spoelstra and Wade had a conflict on the bench, and everyone wanted to know why!

All the media were waiting for interviews with Spoelstra, Riley and Wade, and the Mavericks' win was not much attention.

This must be the biggest storm in Spoelstra's coaching career. If it is not handled properly, it means abandoning the coach to save the team. Everyone knows who is the boss in the Heat, and the team owner can't afford to offend the crazy LeBron fans.

The pressure is on Pat Riley who also attended the press conference.

Bojan and the others watched the live broadcast nervously. Will the head coach be fired?

These rookies still respect this young coach very much. No one wants to see someone leaving due to internal strife.

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